Real estate record and builders' guide (v.49no.1242(Jan. 2 1892)-no.1267(June 25 1892))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 49, no. 1243: Page 39  

January 9,1893

Record   and   Guide.


, 20 s Lerov st, 20x60,
David, William B.
Euphemia   Voorbis,

tenem't on rear. Willinm Slote to Jennie
Walder. Mt. $'J 1,000. Oct. 31. cousid. omitted
Attorney st, Nos. ILO aud 10'3. Agreemeut as
to use of beams. Luis or Louis Uuger and
Regina his wife to Stepben P. and Tbomas 8.
Shorlland.   Dec   21.                                       nom

Barrow st, No. H'i. u s, 90.5 e Bedford st, 25 .5x
98.2x'35xH8.4, three-.'îtory brk dwell'g with
three-story l>rk dwell'g ou rear. Albert E.
Wesslau to Julius Wesslau. Mf. $18,000.
Dec. 31.                                                              uom

Bedford st, No. S, e s, 136.(5 s Downing st, '24 4n
76..5xr2..5x67 6. .■intbony J. Woodiuff exr.
Francis O. Woodruff to Albert Etzel and
Emanuel Kronacher.   Jan. .5.                       8,000

Same property.    John   M.   Oakford   to sanie.

Q. C.    Jan. 5.
Bedford  st,   No. 42, e s
two-story  brk   dwell'g.
,    and  Eva  Huylei   and

Hackensack, N. J., and fiĩary Stevens aud
Catherine Huyler, Patersoii, N. J.; heirs
William Huyler to Johu T. Clarke.    Dec. 31.

Bedford st, No. 53, ws, 75 n Leroy st, luns west
100 X ncrth 15 x east 25 x norlb 10 x east 75
to Beriford st, x south 25, fivc-story brk flat.
Joseph L. Buttenweiser to Laemiiileiu But-
tenwieser. B. & S. Mt. 5ilO,.5('0. Jau. 4. noiu
Boulevard or Broadway, s w cor  lltjth st,

46 10x100.
Boulevard or Broadway, u w cor lOflth st, 85


109th st, n s, 100 w Boulevard, 25x95.11.

One and twostory frame stores and dwell-

ÍDgs.                                                                     J

Charles  Blauvelt  to   Henry P.   Bootb.   J^

part.   Total morts. $49,000, taxes, &c.    Dec.

22.                                                                        nom

Boulevard or Publio Drive, Nos.  501-507, s w

corSSth et, 102.5i9::!.7xlO'2.3xlO(i.lO, four fĩve-

story brk flat'i, store  in No   .507.    Albert C.

Hender-on to Johu B. Mauning,  Buffalo, N.

Y.    Aíí. §141,(71.    Jan. 4.        exch. and'20.000

Same property.   Homer J. Beaudet to John B.

MauDÍDg, Buffalo     Q. C.    Jan. 4.                iiora

Broome st, No. 219, s s, 7.5 e Essex st, 25x100,
five-story brk teuen^'t with stores. Olara
wife of aul Henry Mass to Benedict A. Klein.
Mt. $21,0C/i.    Dec. 31.                                      o'í^OOO

Broome st, No. 33, u e cor Goerck st, 25x75,
three-story frame (brk froni) store and tene-
ment witb one-story frame building on rear.
LewisBrandt to AugU'ít .Millcr. Dec. 31. 15,.500
Brootre st, No. 173, s s, 140 w Attorney st, 2()X
75, three-story frame (brk frout) store aud
tenem't. Partition. William T. Gray to
Berlha Maas and Eva Frankel. Jan. 1. 12,050
Broome st, No. 296, n s, abt 50 w Eldridge st,
25x100,   Bve-story  brk tenem't.     Sarah R.

Spiro to Louis Spiro.    Mt. ^-----.    Oct. I.   iiom

Broome st, No 328, n e s, abt 47 n w Chrystie
st, 22.9x93.4x33x93 4, foui'-story brkstore aud
tenem't. Thomes Patteu devisee Maria L.
Patten to Heyman Harris, J-á part. Dec.
31.                                                                     13,i500

Barae property. William C. Renwick et al.
exrs. William R. Renwick to same. ^ part.
Dec. 11.                                                            13,.50O

Broome s*, Nos. 2-14, n w cor Tompkins st, 125
x75, five five-story brk ^stone frout) teue-
ments ívith stores in No. 2. Foreclos. Johu
Pennel to Edward J. McDouald. Mt. $44,-
500.    Dec. 31                                                   42,000

Catharine st, No. 58, w s, 13'3.9 s Madison st,
22.5x05x22.1x65, five-story brk store and ten-
eraent. Moses Schlansky to Benned Fneud.
Dec. 31.                 "                                            nom

Same property.   Nathau     Armuscheffsky    to

same.    Q. C. and C. a. CJ.    Dec. 31.              nom

Same property. Fauned Friend to Marx Solo
mon.    Mt. $18,000.    Jan. 5.    See Forsyth st.

Cathariue slip, No. 27, n e cor South st, 20.4x
41.4x20x39.4, four storv brk store anii tene-
ment. Acton T. Civill, of Bovina Centre,
Delaware County, N. Y., to Caroline B. Ci-
vill, of Cceymans, N. Y. B. & S. and C. a.
G.    AIl titie.    March 16.                                nom

Rame property. Caroline B. widowand Emma
B. and Sarah A. B. CiviU heirs Tbeophilus
Civill to Peter Schutt. B. & S. aud C. a. G.
Dec. 4.                                                                nom

Same property. Caroline B. CiviU extrx. The-
ophilus Civill and'Hannah V.;C. Bassett et
al. exrs. Acton CiviII to same. Mt. $15,000.
Dec. 4.                                                             27,.î00

Same property.     Release dower.    Hannah H.

Civill widow to same.    Dec. 4, 1891.            nom

Cherry st, No 228            ) begins  Cherry st, n

Pelham st, Nos 7 and 8 i w cor Pelham st,
runs north 135 x west 39,3 x south 38.6 x east
10 X poutb 100 to Cherry st, x enst 39, six-
story brk building on Cterry st and six-story
brk liuilding on Pelham st. Max Inkeles to
Moses E. Wallach. Mf. $.55,000. Dec. 22 nom
Cherry st, No. 264; n s, 130.8 e Rutgers st, runs
nortb 114.11 x west 25.8 x south 20.8 x east
0.7 X south 94.8 to st, x east 25, five-story brk
tenem't with stores. Benedict A Kleiu to
Jonas Weil and Bernhard Mayer, Mt. $'25,-
OOO.    Dec. 31.                                                 34,500

Same property. Jonas Weil and Bernhard
Mayer to Benedict A. Klein. Mf. $'20,(100.
Dec. 31.                                                            34,.50O

Delancey st, Nos. 251 and 2.53, s s, 44 e Pheriff
st, 44x87.6, six stopy brk tenem't with stores.
Henry Herter to Ernest E. W. Schneider. J^
part.    Mt. $45,00(1.    Dec. 14.                         nom

Delancey st, No. 137, s s, 50 e Norfolk st, 25x75,
five-story brk store and tenem't. Peter A.
Fernandez to Edward R. Stehl, Mt. $16,000.
Dec. 31.                                                            28,250

Delanoey st, No. 394, n s, 76 e Cannon st, 25z

100, five-story stone front tenem't with
stores. Abram Cohen to Thomas H. Wilcox.
Mt. $25,000.    Dec. 30.                                   28,025

Division st, No. 59, s s, 18.9 w Market st, 20x
67. Ilx'30x68, four-story brk store aud tene-
ment. Wiliiam Faust to Dauiel Levinsky
and Jaeob Samuelson.   Jan. 4.        ^         19,500

Division st, No.'235, s s           I begins 'Diviãiou

East Broadway, No. 216, n s ) st, s s, abt 135
w Montgomery st, 23x100 to East Broadway,
five-.story brk tenem't with stores on Division
st and tbree story brk tenem't on Eaot Broad-
way. Beruard and Louis ĸlumberg to Har-
ris Levy.    Mt. $'26,000.    Oct. 1.                  38,000

Doiuiniek st, No. 28, s s, abt 290 e Hudson st,
20XX4.3, tbree-story brk tenem't. Frederick
Meyer to Henry Mehrtens. Mf. $4,000.
Jan. 4.                                                             15 000

East st, No 17, w s, .50 s Delancey st, 2.5x75,
two-story brk store. Florence W. ami Frank
W. Walton 10 Dennis Mahoney. May 9. nom
Eldridge st, No. 167. w s, 1'25 n ÍJelancev st, 25
xlOd, four-story ork tenem't with four-story
brk tenem't ou rear. Sophia Ringshauser to
Peter WoUe.    Mt. $8.000.    Jan. 4.            24 750

Essex st, No 63, e s, 100 n Graud st, 2.5x1(0,
six-story brk tenem't with stores. Michaei
Fay and WiIIiam Stacom to Maria Hilleu-
brand widow. Mf. $3l»,000. Dec. 31. 5-',000
P st, w s, 287 from Inwood st, runs uortli 25x100.
Sumuel Hassell to John K. Wright.    Dec. 31.

Porsyth st, No. 54, e s, 70 s Hesler st, 23 9x75.4x
22.9x75.2, flve-story brk  teuem't with stores.
Isaac   Hoffman   to   Gustav   K.   Ha-Jg.    Mt.
$26,500.    Dec. 31.                                           32,.500

Forsyth si, No 49, w s, abt 125 or r20.10 s Hes-
ter st, 2.5x100, five story brk store and tcue-
ment. Bertha wile of atĸĩ Marx Solomon to
Banned Friend. Mt. $24,000. Jan. 5. See
Catharine .st.                                                     nom

Grand st, No. 28, n s, 60.2 w Thompson st, 20x
/61, twoslory frame (brk íroul) tenem't.
I Martin  L. Rickersou to Pietro A.  Jerardi.

Mf. $7.000.    Dec. 30.                                       9,800

Grand st, No 41.5, ss, 75 e CMntou st, 2''ixl00,
four-story frame (brk fronl) store and tene-
ment with two-story brk buildiug ou rear.
Martin Herman and Wiliiam aud Jacoh
Scbolle to Isidor Nacht.    Dec. 31.              30,000

Graud st, No. 34        / being Grand st, n w cor
Thompson st, No. 21 (    Thompson st, 20!i6().10,
1   tbreestory frarae (hrk front) store and tene-
ment on Graud st and three-story brk tenem't
with stores on Thompson st.    Ernst fVauUlin
to Jobn Speckman.    Mf. $13,000. Jan. 5. 20,000
Greeuwich st, No. 7.53, e s, 19,7 n West llth st,
ruus east 43.4 x north 0.6 x east 23.5 x south 5
to  llth st, X west 70.7 to Greenwich st, x
, noi'th 19.7, tbree-storv brk store and lenem't.
/ E:bertP. Pritz to Elizabetb  Martliog, An-
'" drew   aud   tĩbarlcs   Van   Autwerp,   Louisa
Walíh and Isabella H.   Hubert heirs Pcter
Vau  Autwerp.    Q.  C.  and release sheriffi's
sale, &c.    Dec 29.                                           nom

Greeuwich st, No.  707,  e s, 40 s  Bank st, 21x
08.1x21x67.9, three-story brk tenem't.   David
I Quackinliusb, Tallapoosa,  Ga.,  to Jereraiah
"^ Pangburn, New York, and Jeremiah Paug-
burn,   Jr.,  Hackensack, N.  J.    Mt.  $5,(;00.
Dec. 11                                                               nom

Heurv st, No. 39, n s, '299.10 e Catbarine st,
20 8x100, five-story brk tenem't. Henry
Waters and Samueî Levin to Louis W. Pra-
ger and Sarah Dobroczynski. Mt. 27,000.
Jan. 4.                                                             44,000

Henrv st, No. 260, s s, 140 e Montgomerv st, 25
xllO, two-story brk dwell'g. Maudê E. T.
R. Ivingsley, New Haveu, Conn , to P. Wal-
toii Aims, iSrooklyn. 1-6 part. Dec. '~S 2.167
Henry st, No. 28, s s, abt 150 e Catharine st, 25
xluO, 'hree-story brk tenem't. Josepb L.
Buttenwieser to John V. Campbell. B. & S.
Dec. 4                                                                 nom

Henry st, No. 111, n s, abt 75 e Pike st, 25x100,
threc story brk tenem't. Harris Mau-
delbaum to Michael Fay and William Sta-
com.    Mf. $15,000.    Dec. 1.5.                        21,750

Heury .st, No. 41, n s, 336.6 e Catharine st, '26,9
xIOiix2(5.8xlOO, five-story brk tenem't. Heory
Watersto Sa'uuol Levin. J^ part. il/í.'.lOf
$•37,000.    Jan. 7.                                            22,000

Hesterst, No. 51, n s, abt 23 w Essex st, 21.10
x-16.6x21.10xt6,8, flvestory brk store aud
tenem't. Moses S. Hurwitz and Meyer
Cohen to Heyman Coheu. Mt. $31,464. Dec.
31.                                                                    2B,500

Houston st, No. 342, n s, 190 w Av C, 25x69 8x
25x68.4, flve-story brlc tenem't with stores.
Pbillip Harris and Esther Goldsteiu to Max
Cohen. Mt. $3+.00ii. Dec. 28. See I3th st. 32,000
Houston st, No. 493, s s, 40 e Goerck st, 20x75,
four-story frame (brk front) store and tens-
ment. Meyer Eisenberg to Simon Harri.=.
Mt. $7,300.    Jan. 5.                                         9,600

Houston st, No. 123, s s, .54 e Chrystie st, 27x
74.3, six-story brk tenera't wilh stores. WiU-
iam Liebcuow, of Hawley. Pa., to Jo-
seph C. Rubiuo.    Jan. 6.                              36.3ri0

James st, No. 67, w s, abt 55 n Oak st. 25.1x100
x'23.1xlOO, flve-story brk tenem't witb stores.
Jonas Weil and B^rnhard Mayer to Henry
Mass and Clara his wife. Mt. $30,000. Dec.
31.                                                                     34,000

Leroy st, No. 54, s s, 125 w Bedford st, 25x85,
flve story brk flat with stores. Wilhelm
Schuster, Greenville, N. J., to WiUiam J.
Rauch.    Jlft. $8,500.    Jan. 2.                       28,000

Leroy st, No. 25, n s, abt 65 e Bedford st, five-
story stone front flat. Contract. John Ran-
kin to Johu Reedy.   Jan. 4.                        37,000

Lewis st, No. 91, w s, 98 2 s Stanton st, 24.1x
100, five-atoiy brk tenem't.    Aaron and Bar-

nett Levy and Sophia Gruenstein to Phillip
Rude.    Mf. $26,00».   Jan 4.                       34,.50O

Madi-on st, No. 134, s s, abt 158 e Market st, '25
xKO, five story brk tenem't. Jonas Weil
and Berohard Mnyer to Henry Mass and
Clara his wife.    Mf. $1S,500.    D^c. 31.      46,000

Nnrlh Moore st, No. 18, s s. '25 w Varick st. 2.5x

f75, four-storv brk builJing. Matilda Klop-
penburg to Richard W., Joun P. andEdward
Block     Dec. 31.                                               nom

Pitt st, No. 51, w s, 100 n Delaneey st, 28x74 9,
three-story brk tenora't. Fi«chel Weintraub
to .Nopthoba Greenfeld. Mt. $15,150. Jan.
^-                                                                      30,.5G0

PiUc st, No. 28, w s, 25 s Heury st, 25x85, three-
story brk tenem't. Gazina Uckele surviving
joint tenant and widow of Paul Uckele to
David Cohen and Isaac Blumberg.   Jan. 4.


Renwick .st, No. 45, w s, 75 s Spring st, 20x75,
tbree story frame (brk frnul) teuera't. Kar-
oline Hife of Phillip Etzel to Frederick
Frebm, Woodbridge, N. J. Mt. $5,000. Jau.
^.                                                                       9,200

Ridge st, No. 01, w s, 75 s Delancey st, 25x.50,
nve-story bik tenem't with stores. Hirsch
WiIUeDfeld and Moses Kinzler to Annie
Zivcrdling.    M. $15,350,    Dec. 31.            18,3.50

Ridge st, No. 89. w s, 127.11 s Rivington st, 25x
75, three-story brk tenem't with fourstory brk
shop on rear, Rachael Samielson to Nechama
Honíg,    Mt. $16,000.    Dec. 31.                    20,300

Sheriff st, No. 86, e s, 175 4 n Rivington st, 25x
]0ii, flve story lirk tenem't with stores. Pin-
cus Lowenfeld and Samuel Goldsteiu to Abra-
ham Schlpsinger.    Mf. $'20,500.   Jan. '3.   28,500

Sberiff st, No. 113, w s. 175 1 n Stanton st, 24 11
xioii, three-story brk factory with flve-story
brk factorv on rear, Marks Levin to Joseph
Probst.    3/í. $10,.500.   Jan. 4.                     18,000

State st, No. '.:6, e s, abt 47 n Bridge st, 2Sxl'29
to Bridge st alley, x 9x125, five story brk
store. Álfred M. Livingstou beir Alfred S.
Livingston to Lutheran Emigraut House
Assoc.   Q. C.    Dec 26.                                    900

•Stantou st, No. 3'S, n s, .59 8 e Goerck st, 19.11
x7il, three-.story brk store an'l teuem'l. Mas
Gottlieb to SamuelFrank. Q. C. Correction
deed.    Dec. 2S.                                                   100

Same propcrty. Samuel Frank to Meta Sal-
lierg.    .Ifr. $7,.50O.    Dec. 23.                        10,000

Saiue propcrty. Meta Sĩ.lberg to Solomou
lieck.    Mt. $7,500.    Deo. 22.                          9,775

Staiitou st, No. 31S, n .s, 25 w Goerck st, 24.5
x75 five-story brk teuem't with stores. Israel
M. Coheu to Ida Solingpr.    Dec. 31.           23,000

Siiffolk st, No. 43, ws, abt75 n Grandst, 25x
.50, five-story brk store and tenpm't Philip
Lipkes to Joseph Goldfarb and Harris Biank-
ensteiu.    Mt. $18,000.    Dec. 3!.                  24,.500

Thoinpson st,  No. '■i'', e s, 86 n Grand st, 19.2x

\   04, two-story frame store witb two-story Ijrk

\ biiildiug ou reir. Mary BuIIowa to Sara D.
M, Fogg.   Dec 31.                                       10,500

Vesey st, No, 54, n s,  abt 275 w Church st, 25x

I   100, five story  brk store.    Hilah E, R, Rob-

\ bins, Margaret Fost and Susan Humbert to
Charles E. Larned.    Deo. 29.                      43,500

Walker st, No. 85, s s, 96 e Courtlîndt alley, 34
1   xlOO,  five-story stone  frout store.   Charles
\ Ziun to Charles G. Thurnauer.    C. a. G.   >í
part.   April 3, 1875.                                        nom

Willett st, No. 59, w s, abt 175 n Delancey st,
25x100, four-story bi'ktenem't with four-story
brk teuera't ou rear. Jacob Dauinan to Pin-
kas Gauz aud Wolf Lewis. Mt. $17,200. Dee.
31.   See OSth st.                                             2O,.50O

9th st, No, 73^5, s s, 19.3 w Av D, 2.5x93.11, five-
story brk tenem't with stores Bosa Nei-
meiêr widow to Alexander Harscher. Mt.
$13,000.    Jan. 4.                                             18,650

lOth st, Nos. 66 and 68. s s, 78.1 e 6th av, 49 9x
93.3, tivo tbree-story brk dwell'gs, store
iu No. 06, and one aud two-story frame au(i
bi'k building on rear of botb. James Me-
Cleuaban to William J. Moore. il/í. $18,000.
Dec. 3'l.   See51stst.                                       nom

lOth bt. No. 423, s s, 346.4 w Av D. 24.6x93,3,
fi'.-e-story stone front tenem't with stores.
li'riedricb Gommel to Samuel Newraan. Jan.
1.                                                                      25,250

12th st, No. .510, s s, 170.6 e A/ A, 25x103.3,
four-story brk tanein't with stores. Freder-
ick Kaube to Martin Heldt. >á part. Jan.
6.                                                                        7,000

13tb st, No. 334, s s, 363.6 e 2d av, 13.6x103,3,
four-story brk dwell'g. Giistav Jacobs and
Max Cobeu to Philiip Harris and Esther
GoMstein. Jlíi. $7,000. Deo. 30. See Hous-
tou st.                                                              12,250

lûth st, No. 39, n s, 550 w 5th av, 25x103.3.       1

13th st, No. 41, n s, 335 e 6th av, 30x103.3. [•
Five-story brk storo.                                        |

Jacob ÍRothschild to Bernhard J., Isidor and
Morris J. Ludwig.    Dec. 31.                      137,.500

13th st, n s, 5.50 w 5th av, '25x103.3.                   Í

I3th st, n s, 3-25 e 6th av, '30x103.3.                     I

14th st, s s, 550 w 5th av, '25x103.3.                   f

14tb st, s s, .575 w 5tb av, '35x103.3.                   J

Covenant to pay rent and perform covenauts
by assiguee and his mortgagee. Bernhard
J., Isiilor and Morris J. Ludwig and Jacob
Rothscbild to Mary S. Vau Beuren. Dec. 31.


13th st, n s, 550 w 5th av, 25x103.3.                   1

131 h st, n s, 335 e 6th av, 20x1033.                    f

Simiiar covenant.     Same to same.    Dec. 31.


16th st, No. 553, 8 8, 2'20.6 w Av B, 2.5x10,3.3,
five-story brk tenem't. Jennie wife of an<l
David Kapian to Emma Dorfler. Mt. $19,-
000.   Jan. 6.                                                   21,150

16th st, No. 433, n s, 144 w Av A, 25x92, flve-
1    story brk tenem't.   Cbarlea Beuder to Hein-
  v. 49, no. 1243: Page 39