Real estate record and builders' guide (v.49no.1242(Jan. 2 1892)-no.1267(June 25 1892))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 49, no. 1253: Page 459  

M«rch 19,18«S

Record  and  Guide.


Ist pl, No. 87. n B, 200 w Cou-t st, 26x188 B^, flve-
story brkflai; assessed value, $11,601'......

Flatbush ov. Nos. .309-3,7. s e cor Prospect pl.
luns souihpast along Prosppct pl 113 5Jí x
souih 2 06x sou'h.>est9iix3.i-6 to Flalbusn av,

X north i-.'6 B^to beginning . ...............

bv T. A. Kenrgan at 13 Willouehby st......

Jeffeisoo av. No. 107-2. e s. 441 n Broodway, 18x
1,10, two-st')rv fr^m  dwell'g..................

.Tefferson av, No. 1074. e s. •162 n Broodway, 18x

100, two-story frame dwpll'g...........  . .

by W. H. Durjea, ret., ot County Court House.





West Broadway. Nos. 38 and 40. w e. 75 n Duane
st, B x50. Mary a. Wyattagt Chorles O. Living-
stonetal.; par'tition; ati'ys, Wyatt & Trlmble..    12

2d ov. n w cor 78ih st. lHxS2.2. Mary T. HayesoEt
Catberioe Roche et al : action to ohtalu dower.
&c ; ott'y. VVilliara F. (^lore.....................   12

90th st, s s, -200 w Columhus ov, -200x100.........1

«9th st, n s. -.'0« w Columbiis av. 100x1, 0..........f

John Hurke agt Robert Dick andono.; partilion;
att'ys, Menkirn Bros...........................    15

Bleecker st. n w cor .Sou'h 5th av. 32.8xl"0.
Adolph M. Rendheim agt Joraes B. Morrow; ac-
tlon for speciflc petformance; ati'y, Simson
vVolf........  ...............................    15

llth st. No. 210. s s, 427 w 2d av, 18x96. Jofe L.
Blanco and ano. aet Cbarles A. Dlcrredy and
ar.o ; action in ejectment; olt'y, Christopber
Flne......................................       15

109th st,n s, 180 w2d av, 20x100.10. Anna Weiland
agt John Wilshusen; actirn for a flnol judg-
mpnt, &c.: ott'ys, Ullo& Hiiebsamen..........   15

StaniOD st, n e c r Goerck st. 32.-2x70. Saroh
Ccheo aet Israel M. Coh'n and ano.; actiou for
speciflc performonce: att'y. Adolph i ohen......    16

Jlorris av. n w cor 183d 81. 161x106.9. Caroline
Nogpl Bgt .^raalia w, TrogÍPch and ano.; action
to dpclare conveyances void; att'v. Louís Wen-
del, Jr.....................................   16

ntb st, No 420. 8 3, 294 w Av A, 26x94.10. Hermon
mrsch agt Mnritz J. Fripdman et al.; action to
recover possession of premlses; otl'y, James
Dunne   ....................................   16

Orchord st, No. 127. w s. 19.9x75. Mox Cohen agt
Meyer Bernstein etal.; poflltion; ott'y, A. ^tern   16

3-2d Rt, 8 8, 300 w Bth iv, 25x98.9. Williom W.
'Thorapson exr. and iruste? ogt James Brywr
and ono.; actioi) to declare certain mortgoge os
void; att'vs. Weekps Hros .....................    16

2-2d st, n s, ÍB8 e 3d av, 22x9-.9.................

2'2d si, ns, 188 e 3d av, ruus northeast 98.9 x !
southwest— X southrt P8t — x again southwest [

— to 2.'d st. X easi 0,4................... ... J

iMargaret Kelly wgt John Kelly et al.; parlition;
att'v, í-cott L rd.......................        16

lOth av. w s. ,-5 s 131stst,-26x100. Francis Speir,
Jr., ngr Williani ĸ. Larkin; action for speciflc
performanc; att'ys, Forster & ^iieir...........    17

Boxter st. Nos. 76-82. s w cor Wbite st, 78x45.5x'. iMarv E. F. Everiss and ono. ogt
Francís J. O'Neill et al.; ociion 10 Mdjndge cer-
tain paper writings, &c., void; att'y. Andrew
(1. Cropspy.....................................    17

1.19th st. n 8. 100 w Amsterdoni ov. 2 lots. eoch 2.^x
M.ll. John M, Bnldwiu agt Williom S. Ander-
son; acti.,u for specific perTormonce; 2ac(Ion6;
att'y. K. VVeselman.......................... ..    18

Amsterdam av, s w cor 174th st, 50x100. Stepheu
J. Egan agt ÉHen WiUiams et al.; aciiou setiing
up aii fifíirmativp cause of action in favor of de-
fendant, &c.; att'y, Ernest HaU................    IH



.6-2d st. n s, 150 w -2d av, 15x100.5. Mutual Lifelns.
Co. aet iMichael Brown et al.; oti'ys, Miller &
Wells ........................    ..............     12

Frnnklin st. Nos. 181 ond 183, 8 s, 1-20.2 e Green-
wich Bt. runs eost .30.3 x south 87.6 x west 24 x
norIhl7.6x west 6.1 x uorth 70 to heginning.
Hector M. Hitchings agt Henry Heideetal.;
foreclos. mechanlc's lien; att'y, Hector M.
Hitchiugs...............................     12

l.lSd st. ss, I76w 4th av, -2('x99.11. catharine M.
Battelle exirx. agt Howard Spear et al.;
amended notice; att'ys. • rane & Lockwood.....    13

4-2d st. ns. 325 w lith av, -25.vl"0.5. Jane Morris
agt Mat'lda J. McCormick and ono ; att'ys, R. &
E. J. O'Gorman    .............................    12

Kradhmstov. n e cor 14-2d ."t. 100 6x53.11x99.llx
61.11. Alpxander '''roraheitiondano. ogt Henry
w. Jordan et ul.; foreclos. mechanic's lien;
att'y. A. I..'. Astarita.........................    12

filstst. Bs. :«5 w lOlh av. 86xl00,.6. Henry H.
Stevens agt Adelia F. Philp et al.; ott'ys, Cros-
by & Powel...............................    ..   13

67th st, ns. 15;1.9 w 9th ov, 21.'2xl00.6. wniiom
AUen B'iiler trustee ogt Johanno Anderson et
al.; araended notice; att'ys. Butler. Stillman &
Huhbard...........  ___  ........................    12

l'24th st, s s, 241» e Urh av, lH.9xiro.ll Elizahetu
C. Kenton ogt Thomas H. steers exr. et al;
ati'y. Josepn o. Brown     ............       ......    12

liradhurst av. w s. at centre line het 147th and
14Rth sts, runs west 76 x sourh 1-.'9.11 x east 7B to
av. X north !-29.!l. The .Vlutual Life Ins. Co. agt
Henrv H. Lloyd; att'ys, Davies, short & Towu-
seod............................................    13

West End av. s w cor 103d sl, 6 lots, tOEetlier in
size 100.11x79.3. Warren B. ^miih agt Welcome
R. oteinmetz et al.; 5 actlona; att'ys, T. & s H
Fitch.......................................    15

103d st, s s, 139.3 w Wpst End av, 20.2x100.11. Same
agt same; saraeott'ys.........................   16

Bl-pcker st, s e cor 8th av. runs noitheast 44.11 x
southeasl 4O X eost l?.2xsouth 22.5 x west 76 9
to Hleecker st, X north i7.7iohegioniug. .Vlutual
l.ife Ins. , o. agt hĩmon Arendt et al.; ott'ys. l)a-
vips, .-?h,jrt & Townsend..............."......    15

75th st. n s. 600 w Uolunibus av, 10,ixi02.-2. Heleno
Mahler agt Rohert Wallace et ol.; toreclos. me-
chiLÍc's lípn; att'y. H. T. Vlarstûn...............    16

961 h st. s s, l.,(,.lue9ih av, runs southwest 8.2 x
south 9; 6 X east :0 x n.irth 10U.8 to st, x wpst
19.2 to bpginning. Charles 'I'. Barney agt Alhert
U.   quipretal. ;att'v, t'larenep L. Wirstcott___    10

Pier 3i, North ĸiver, lUuxSO". Thonias doganagt
The vVailiálrjn Works and ano.; foreclos. me-
chanio's Iien; att'y. Dauiel L)aly       ...........    16

Morton st. No. :14. s s, 75 w beufordst, -26x91.  ..   1

Morton st, No. 36, s s, 100 w Bpdford st, 25x91___f

Morris    Mayer agt    Natale   Cavinato  et   al.;
i»mendednoti(:e; att'y, Simson Wolf.............   16

Fleetwood av, e s.tlOO n e líSd st, 50x10«.   Wnilam

H. Salter flgt Maigaret Anger et al.; oit'y. A.

Oldrin SflUer...............................

2d ov. No. '.1, w s, '24 n 4Ih st. 24 1x77.   Ferdinand

R. Minralh ogtRichard M. Johnson et al.; att'ys.

Hoadiy. I auterbuch tí. lohnfon....... .........

Åndrewspl n e s, 1 0 s e GroDd ov. 5(ixino.   John

Bu sing, Jr., agt .Menuel W. Greenbergand ano.;

att'v, Edwnrd E. Kprague.....................

Lexington ov, w s, 40 9 n 39rh st, 20»78. - Waldron

Post Biown ond ono.   trustees  agt   Louise F.

vvickhara; ott'y, Robert L Horrison ......

97thst, ss, -201   e 9(h av, 19xl00.ii.   Francis  M.

Jencts flgt  Nelson   M.   Whipple et  al.; att'y,

('larenceL. Wesicott...........................

18.6th st, n s. 110 w 5th av. 0 lots, together in size

107x99.11.    Warren B. Smithagt vyniiam Verdon

et ol.l 6 actlous; att'ys, T. & B. H. Hitch.....

i36th st, ns, 3-)5 w .6Ih   av.   184x9li.ll.   Some agt

John w, Fisher et al.; someolt'ys............

122d st. No 189, n 6, 4-26 w Lenox ov, 16.8x100.11.

Dovid F. PcrtProgiSarahS. Duryeaet al ; otl'y,

Joseph O. Brown.........................

lOôth st, NoR. 146 acd 148, e e, 3-25 e Amsterdom ov,

5  xlOO,Il.     VViUiam   Lobeiafer  ogt  Soroh   K.
Evatt; foreclos. mechanic's ,lien; olt'ys, Kelly

6  Mocroe...................................



Olivepl, w 8, 98.7 n Atlanlic av. 34.6x95.......   j.

Olive pl. w 8, 1B0.4 n AtloLtieov, 17.;ix06.........1

Jacob G. Dettmer agt James Maben; att'y,
WiUiam B, Hul............................           10

St. Jiorksov, n s, 115 w Grand av, 25xl82.-2x26.6x
173.8. Charles A. .■■chumacher exr. C bristion F.
Ohrock ogt Henrietta McCortney; atty. Mi-
chael C. Gioss...............................   11

Worren st. s s. 479.9 w Nevins st. 20.3x110. George
H. Hoberts agt John M. O'.^eU; att'y, Henry B.
Davenporl......................................   11

Baínbrĸlge st, n s. *5 w Kalph av, ;37.6x100.......i

Baiubridge st. n s. 100 w Kalph av, 18.9x100..  ..   >-

Boinhiidgest, n s, 166.3 w Ralph av. 18.9x1'0___\

Edward C. ReOhe-d ogtbomuel R. (iO(,d; att'y,
W. H. (.ariisoD............       .................   11

President st, n w cor 6th av, 92x100 Faul Rotrano
agt Ldword judso ; foreclos, mechanic's lien;
ott'y, A. W.'Tenney ...........................   11

Albanj av, e 8. 78.1 s Pociflc st, 19.6x8o, Lue S.
Otttmonogt Choiles »i. Connon; oti'y, Kobert
L. HorrlsoD.....................................    11

Grond Bt. u s. 50 w Grabam av, runs norih 100 x
east BU to Giahaiu av, x north *25 x west lOJ x
south 126 to st, X eost 50. Julio E. Lingke agt
Edword C. Owen; pariiiion: ott'v, Mox Brill..    12

7th ov. se cor 3d st, 100x97,10. Michael Kofrano
agt Lizzie L. Fowler; fureclos. mtchuníc's lien;
att'y. Wm. ÍHorris...............................    12

Albany ov. es.'B 1 8 Paciflc st, 19 5x80. Lue o.
Oaiuion agt Charles iM. Cannon; amended uy-
tice; atl'y. Kobprt L. HorrisoD................    H

Vhu turen st, n s, 199 8 e Lewis av, 176.4x100.
Fronk A. Hornohy agt Albert Muir; ott'y,
Brewster Kissam................................   14

4th av, n w cor 21st st, 50x60. Chorles L. Schworz
ogt Pttuline ^chworz; portilion; att'y, Benjamin
VNright...................................    14

41st st, D 8, 360 e Bth av, 61ix10l).2. Mary A.Whelan
agt Henry McCready; action to recover posses-
sion; ttit'ys, Eany & Prendergast...............    14

4th sl, 8 w s, 97.10 s e 6th ov, 4 lUx 10(1. except.....1

4tb st. 8 w s, 171.10 s e 6tli ov, 213x100, also ex

411, st. ss. 383.10 e 6th ov, 114x100..............  ,

francps L. lurnbull ogt Charles K. Williams;
att'y.Isioei Minor. Jr..........  ................    14

Temple comt, centie line, 6-j 8 n Seelev st otd 420
e íliadie bt, 14x100, ílaibush. W illiom J. La
noche agt Thomas H. Kobhins; att'ys, Philhps
&Avery.................    ....................    15

Stuy\e8ani av, n w corDecaiur st, 2l.l(xl06; fore-
elos. njechanic's iien; 'lhesiraonds Mfg. to. agt
Jaines A. Lawrpuce; oit'y. A htrt G. McDonald   15

Temple court. ceniie ime, ,6 8n sepley st and 4-2U
e Midule s', 14x!(;0, Flatbush. w illiam F. sheri-
danogtThomas H. Robbms; ott'y.s, Philhps ,£
Avery  .......................................     15

JeffeiBon ttv, s s, 118 e Throop ov, 18x10(1. Henry
A. Moore ugt (_hoilotteA. Bieids; att'y. John
K. Nelson..;....................................    15

Jefîeison flv, s 8,100 e Throop ov, 18x100. .■■ame
agt samp; some att'y..........................   15

Houcock t-t, n s, 84 w Lewis av, 18x100. Louise
Mander agt John C. bushfleld; ott'ys, Boord-
man & Hoardman................................    15

Van I uren M. s e s. 190 n e Broadwoy, 18x100.
Araelio Molson by Henry M. Hiiííhani guord.
agt George Einsi; partition: ati'vs, brigham iS:
BuylÍB ......................................   15

Monioe st, n s, 133.4 e Patcheu av, 16..8xlC0. Lizzie
Gray agt Juhn Broad; omenutd noiice; tttt'y,
(_harles K.Halsey..............................     15

Deau bt. s s, li'OeHoyi st. 25x100. Moriis Good-
bflrt trustte Siraon Ehrich agt Betsey fehrich;
ait'y, Albert L Phillips.......................   15

Lexington av, n s, -26u e Sluvvesant av, 2, xlOO.
Pfluline Kober extix. Klizabplh Kober ogt
Geoige Walker; atl'y, Thi masNrlsou. Jr.......   15

Navy st, e s, i'l.T u .Myitleav, 6UX1UO. Title Guor-
antee aud'1' Cu. agi Henrietta Hsk^att'y,
Lponaid Paige ..................................    15

Fountoin ov. w s, '^OO n Líherty av, 25x100. Will-
iam H. Rowland agt Lucy A. Quin; foreclos.
raecl'flnii:'s lieu ; ott'^s, Thorutou, Korle &
Kiendls ...................................    )6

Himtiugton st, n e cor Heuiy st, runs north 78.4
X east 31.9 X south 57.5 x east 2p x uoith 0.6 x
east 63 to Hamiltun av, x soulh 158.1 to Hunliug-
ton st, X west 224.8, Haunali L. Ptadwrll agt
John(.uiraD; att y, VVillard s. Pladwe 1........    16

63,1 st, n s, 240 w 14th av, 20x100, ííew Utiecht.
Federal t o-operotive Buildiug ond Loau As&oc.
ugt John Healpy; aii'y. Jamps A. Seaman.....    17

Intenor lot, Í6 n e .-íOuth 3d st ond 10S.6 s e Kent j
av. luns southi ast 16.6 x northeast 49 x nurth-
west 16.6xsoulhwest49...................|

Intenor lot, 119 s e Kent av, and 76 s w South 2d f
st, iuns souiheast 36 x   southwest 20x north-

west 36 X nuiibeast20........................J

Thp 1» irst Nttiional Bank ot Hrookljn agt Cor-
nelio W. Plumrapi- iudĩ id. and extix. George
Stonnorrt: att'> s, ,Iat-k'.ou & Burr...............    17



Per Venr

Bleecker st, No. 245, store and basement. EIizo
Herz to tJarrie M. Wybum; 6J4 years, from
Feb. 1, 1892...........................f ••-•-       $780

Blefckersf, No. 108. s w corGreene st. PbUip
H.Tusko to Mttrtin .Vioas; 10 yeore, from
May 1,1892    ............................     4,500

Bioadway, No 816, s w cor 13th st. Samuel H.
and Hei be, L Va'entine exrs , &c.. ^amuel M.
Vttientine to Thoiuus l.idgerwotd; 3 years,
fiom Moy 1, 18'J2................. ippo'rs and l^^OfO

Broadway, No. 835. secoud Uoor occupied by
lessee. IhomDS Lidpeiwood to Kiederick
1 eavens and James Mclliafh, ot Leavens &
Mcllrath; 3 jears, trom May 1, 189;.........     2,000

Broodwtty, No. 1156, storeanu basement floors.
Edword Jl'rrisou 10 D. ■.frasbnrger & Co ; 5
yeois. trom vlay 1. 1)^92..............                  1800

Canal ít, No. 1,7.     Elizttbelh ( lUleu to Frán'k       '
Koi'p; 5yeors. troni May I. 1^92.............     2.'220

Canulít. No. .626. Williuni Hctjuaiie to Henry
Wierk: 6.icttrs, from .viay 1. '.^9(1............     3,000

Ceutie 61, No. 92, cor Leonard si,Horeand
bttsement. vviliiam H. Rousom to Pieice
bteam Heotiug Co; 1 .vear, from Jan. 1. 1891.
with pri\ilege t'f reniwal for 5 years. frora
Jan.1.1891..................................      2,6fo

Cherry st. Nos. m ond 21. John W. Hpoly to
Guiseppe Gentiletco; 6 jears, trom Aprll:,
18)12.......................................     3,000

Same propeity. Assign. leose. GuiseppeGen-
tiletco Lo Tue Bavarian HiewingCo.......       l.COO

Cherry st, No. 32. Assgn. lease. Same to
same.....................................      1,000

Clerry st. No. 32. As;igu. lease .'Vgoatino
Troiano tobuibeppeOeutilesco............        lOO

Chiifttopher st, s e cor Gay st. storeond cpUar.
Henry llcAltenan t" Henry tíeymour; 4 7-12
vettrs, t, om Oet. 1, 1890......................        600

Sanie proDerty. Assign. leose. Henry Sey-
mour to John Tiei ney........ ..........vol. consid

Chuich st, No. B:!, store od llrst floor and rear
part ot bttsement. Michael W. Divine,
Elizaheth, N. J.. lo Hpnry G. Schloendorff;
Syeors. from Jan. 31, 11-91..................     I.SOO

Ditision sL. s s, 108.10 e limon st. '.:3.lUxl'.7.81
fo East tioudwaj. x-23.1(ixl,i8.............,

Je.-eriîOU si, e s, exteuds trum Livi«Tonst 10
Eaét Brottuwuy, il5 9x,b.-2jll6.í.x-.:6.2.....

Easi, -23;.» o thnion st, 23 7x '

Cathorine st, s e crr Heiiry st. 6u.axll4.9x— ,


Katihratiunuf leaseB. ai t..ur B. Lunger lo
HeibertT. CuDger.   .Vlarch 16...............      nom

Front tt, No. 3ui. VViiliam H. Gleoson 10
'lhomtts J. BrosDOn; 6 years, fiom May 1,
lk92..............................lepairs ond 1,700

Fiout sl, No.-.03. Ueibert H. Tuiuer irustee
peier G. Hflrt tolhomas J. Brosuan; 5vears.
trom Moy 1. 1893.................   repairs »nd 1,700

Fulton st, I\o. v52.    .Mau E. Joc-k.son tu Henry

cchaffuer; 3 jcois. fro.n .May 1. 1891........

..................................repairs flnd 1.600

l ultou st. Nos. 24 flnd-26. Pieice L. Bouc'er
extrx. Elizaheih A. ^lowrait to .-.umuel A.
browD;-!í yeurs. trum 'VlHy 1. 1892............     5.000

Beniy si. No. 1-18. Heniipfto V. Wlieeler
ond Nettltí b. Eellsto Elias Sobel; 5 years,
tioui May 1, 18,12.......................     ],i«o

hestrr Et. No. 71. three-story aud basement
fr jnt aua Lwo-&lory leor. Joseph Kossel to
Kicuoid Wolfsuhu; b yeors, froiu ilay 1, 1892     3,650

Houston Et, No. T4 fc. Beui.irain ĸeiuheiner
to Herman and Louis Heiubrimer, of Rein-
heiuier bios.; 10 yeurs, fium Maioh 1, 1892..
...................................repaii s and 3,000

Hubeif st, Nos. 19-2=', s w cor Gieeuwich st.
Samuel a. and Isaac S. Long to Jauies nut-
Iri; 11, jeais, t, om Mtty 1,1892......repuirs ond 7,0C0

Moit ht, No. 'i'l. Getr^e K. 'fuwnstud fo
Michelle oud Altouso Cortusciello: 3years,
frum May 1, 1892............................      8,400

iMuiroy si, No. 29, flist floorond sub basement.
JLSeph blevin to Lafliu & Ronu Powder Co.;
Syears, fiom Mav 1, 1892    ..................      4,B0O

Nuifoik sf, No. 17 set-ond floor. Abrabom I.
blristift fo Chrbrtt bnai firobnin; 5^ years.
f,omNov. 1, lel,!......................        830

North Vvílliumst. No. 1. sfore, basement ond
erllur. Muiv Ryun to Jucob Kuíchle: 5
yrars. trom .Muy i, 1892............ lepairs and 3,600

Sprmgsl, No. 24. JohuSlaiiano to Jeiiy Al-
tieii; 5 years. Iroiu viaieh 1. Ih92...........      1,260

Slaniun bi, No. ;56 (^all.    Juhu  G.   Weher  to

Sherifl'bt, No. iUl t Sauiuel Winl-ler; 3
yeais. fiom May 1. ItOl ............lepuiisand 1,500

Woshingtonst, No. 31j, cor Hurrison st. E.
M. Huirison. ..lontelair, N..).. to George W.
aud Ambiose Olivit and J. P. rowper. of
0,ivit brus. & L0.;5 jeais. trom .viay 1,
1892.......................................       2,680

Wttshmgton st. No. 3:19. John Holmes ond
Geur^;e H. Coufts to Abruham G. Reed; 5
yeurs, fiom Vluy 1,1895 ....................        6-25

Wflterst, No. 34;>á. Tbomos K. !■ tevenson to
biidget Uifflej ; i jears, fiom Moy 1. 1892..           450

Waier st, No. 628. Ann P. Hilhard, Jersey
c ily, to Lena Albonesi; 10 years, from Aprii
l,18h9.....................................           300

Water st, No. C45. tflme to-William Moron:
5 yeors, frum iMoy 1, 18.^2..................        600

Wofts st, No. í-8. sioie oud cellar Caroline
Rudiniacter fu Dennis J. MoCiuire; 3jears,
t:oui Mny 1, )8'J3.......................5i'0. 600

Same propeify. Assign. lease. Dennis .1. Mc-
Guhe tu H. Koehler & C'o..................     nom

West Broadway. No. 13...................1

Reode st, No. 112    .......................('

Edwm aud Lharlps Fraser to Joacbim Lud-

wig; 3 yeais, from iMay 1,189.'.............      I,8i0

William st. Nos. 13.-134......................c

FultoD st, No. 92 ..........................1

Geurgp H. Jonts fo K.llen L. Smith and Annie
t.ewai-d. ot ^mltb & hewuid: 6 uionths, l'rom
Nov. !, 1891, per month ...................          176

llth st, No. 434 ' E., wr>t sfoie and cellar.
Erauuuel Knelsrl fo Michael Malier: í'jrois.
fiom May 1,1891...................rrpohs flnd .j](j

Sttrae propprt.v, Assign. leose. Slichapl
Maher to heiúard .vicljiiade ...............      noni

Sanie properly.   Hernard   M,'(iuade t>  John
^ulliittu: 4 1-bypttrs, tiom Mimcu 1, 1892
................................... repoirs and 36-)

llth st, No. 5'.'S E., stire oud basemeDt. .lulius
v\ eiDí-rock lo hei'astiau schueidrr; 5 jears,
trom April 1, 1892.........................VOO, 1,0-20

Sanie property. Assign. Itĩasp. Sehasfian
&ehntider to tíavarian brevving Co........      uom

23d st. Nos. 39 ond 41 W. heniy hiUon anil
kdwoid Banker to Henry ũ. Scnrenkei-
eeuand Clark A. brockwuy;5 years, from
J10;rl,18p2..................................    a),pP9
  v. 49, no. 1253: Page 459