Real estate record and builders' guide (v.55no.1399(Jan. 5 1895)-no.1424(June 29 1895))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 55, no. 1416: Page 755  

May 4,1895

Record  and   Guide.


Park Commiasioner Squier lias appointed a committee to appraise
the landa to be takeu for the Shore Road driveway.   They are Judge

J. Lott Nostraud, Martin Goost and Eobert Woodward.

#   »   1   »

Wednesday was the first day for the collection of water rates for
1895. The receipts for the day were $80,000. Tbe arrears of water
rates for 1804 amounted to$171,954.56.


Sealed proposala will be received at the Department of City Works
nntil Wedneaday, May 8th, at 12 M., for constructing sewers in map
S, District No. 39, subdivisions 10, 11,12, 17, 19 and 20; construct¬
ing sewers iu Map L, District No, 24, and Map N, District No. 29,

Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Education uutil
Tuesday, May Ttb, at 4 P. m., for constructiou of additions to the
following school buildings: Public school No. 53, Troutman street.
uear Ceutral avenue; Public School No. 2, 47th street, near 3d
avenue. Proposals will also he received for electric bell systems for
thefollowing uew school buildiugs: Public School No. 106, coruer
of Hamburg aveuue aud Cornelia street; No. 107, comer of Sth
avenue and 13th street; No. 108, comer of Arlingtou avenue and
Linwood street, and No. 109, corner of Dumout and Powell aveuues.

The followiug are the comparative tables for Kiugs Countj   Con¬
veyances, Mortgages and Projected Bnildings for the corresponding
weeks of 1894 and 1895,


1894.                                  1895.

April 27 to May 3, bio. April26 toMay2,m .

Totalnumber............................                499                                   500

Amount involved........................   $2,064,739                       Sl,465,695

Number nomiual........................               234                                   269


1894.                               1895.

BUfla                                                  April26toMay2,lno, April 26 to May 2, inc.

Total number............................               423                                    373

Amount Involved........................   $1,501,551                        $1,323 124

Number over 5 percent.................               220                                   171

Amount involved........................      $570,576                          $563 113

Number at 5 ner cent, or leas...........               203                                    992

, Amount mvolved........................      $930,975                          $760,011


1894.                                 1895.

April 27 to May 3, ino. April 27 to May 3, Inc.

Number of buildinga....................               103                                    127

Eatiipated cost.........................        $691,750                          $475,400

H, Stewart Cloae has sold tbe tbree-story and hasement hrowu¬
stoue dwelling, 17x45x150. No. 175 Garfield place, for Robert B.
Ceutre to Amelia Milliken, for $7,000.

Henry W. SherriJl bas sold the two-story frame cottage and stable,
plot 75x106, No, 128 Hawthorne street, for Mra, Eliza Vandewater
to Charles W. Congdon ; also a plot on Lindeu Boulevard. 29th
Ward, 75x260, for Mrs. William Matthews to E. K. Anstin, ou
private terms.

Corwith Bros, have sold the two-story aud basement frame dwell¬
ing, 25x60x100, No, 104 Milton street, for Edward C. Tinkham to
Mary R. Lawless, for $4,700; also the two-story aud hasement frame
dwelling, 25x32x100, No. 693 Leonard street, for Heury McMullen
to Samuel D. Blauvelt and others for $5,300.

Thomas Rosecrans haa sold the three-slor.v dwelling. No, 330 9th
street, for Mrs, Catheriue McGirr. ou private terms.

•Tones & Co. have sold the four-story fancy brick double business
and apartmeut house, 25x88x97.10iii, ou the uortheast comer of
7th avenue aud 15th street, for James Jack, the builder, to Henry
Assmann for $27,000.

E.   H. Hazelwood has sold the three-story brick dwelling, lot
15.11x95, No. 171 Frauklin street, for Edward F. and Rose Stubbert
toThomas Hogau for $4,200.

Albert Firth has sold the two-story and basemcut frame dwelling.
No. 57 Windsor place, for J. L. Bahr to Mrs. R. Roundtree for

F.   G. Pitcher has sold the three-story English hasement brick
dflcUing, 18.9x45x100, No. 184 West yth street, for A. J. Simmons
to P. J. Cregan, of New York, for $2,900; the three-story and hase¬
ment brownstone dwelling, 18x50x100, No. 207 Preaideut street, for
S, M, Bogert to James A. Patten, for $5,500; the three-story English
basemeut brick dwelling, 16.8x45x100, No, 24 Woodhull etreet, for
John H. D. Miller to Jennie Vou Lyncher, on private terms; the two-
atory and basement brick dwelling, 16.8x40x100, No. I4512 Nelaon
street, for Margaret Callahan to Edward P. Lake, for $3,300; the
plot with a frontage of 22 feat on Luquer street, extending through
to Hamilton avenne, near Hicks street, for Margaret C. McDermott
to F. W, Coon, ou private terms; Ihe threo-story brick dwelliugwith
etore. 20x45x100, No. 47 Hamilton avenue, for Aaron Peck to Alex¬
ander Paul, and the three-story and baaement brick dwelliug, 12 Ox

45x100, No. 60Vaii Bruut street, for Delia Kennedy to George  Lee
for $2,500.

J, Reis & Co. have sold a plot 100x100, on the west side of Flat-
boah avenne, 150 feet south of Caton avenue, for the Flathush Park
Association, for $8,000.

P, Lent »& Co. have aold a plot 57x300, on the Shore road, near
92d street, for the Oliver estate to Frederick Carlin, of New York on
private terms.             ,;

John B. Beitz haa sold  the three-story brick flat kuown  as the

Dorothy." Nos. 32 and 34 Patchen avenue, for $12,875; alao the
two-Btorv flat No. 487 Hart street, for M. C. Schorling for $4 500

F, Champion Sauter has sold the two-atory aud basement hrick
dwelling No. 392 5th street, and the plot, 62x100, on the north side
of 6th avenue, for N. Nilea to Frank 0. Peterson; also exchanged for
Persis A. Rockwood the two-story and basement briek dwelling No.
388 10th street, 19x45x100, with Henry Thompson, for a plot,
80x100, on the south side of 53d street, east of 2l8t avenue, and
other considerations; and exchanged for Persis A. Rockwood the
three-storj' aud basement brownstoue dwelling, 20x45x100, No. 356
Hancock street, with Charlea Hagedorn. tbe builder, for the four-
story double brick flat, 27x70x95, No. 331 3d atreet.

Edward S. McVey has leased the hlock of factory property, with a
frontage of 200 feet on EoehUng street. 98 feet on North Sth street,
aud 50 feet on North 9th street, for Read Holliday & Sons, Limited,
to the Franklin H. Kalbfleiah Co., of New York, for a term of four
years, also the factory property on the northeast corner of Keap and
Ainslie streets, 75x100, for the eatate of Courad Wegman, to Charles
Koepfer, for a term of flve years; the two-story briek factory build¬
iug, 50x100, Nos. 184 aud 186 North 8th street, for Coruelius Mayor
lo Stoue & Duryee, for tive years; aud the veterinary establishment
ou the southwest corner of Havemeyer and North 2d etreets, 50x56,
for the Musioe estate, to Spiro &, Levinson, for two years.


C. D. McGiuuis will erect four fiats on the north side of 4th etreet.
between 6tb and 7th aveuues. They-will be constructed of mottled
brick, three stories high, and contaiu all improvements, dumh-wait-
ers, electric bells, tiled vestibules, etc. No architect has been

Valk & Son are the architects for the new St. Matthews English
Lutheran Church to be erected' on the comer of Oth avenne and 2d
street, mentioned in aprevious number of The Record and Gcide.
The huilding will cost $50,000.

A large frame casino is to be erected on Fisher's Island. It will
have all modern improvements, piue and hardwood floors, electric
bells, etc.

Four two and a half story and basement stoue front dwellings will
he erected on the north aide of Hancock street, east of Throop ave¬
uue. by Wilfred Burr. They -will contain all improvements, hard
wood trim, pine flooring, hath and laundry fittiugs, and hot air heat¬
ing.   Coat $22,000.

George H. Goodheart will erect a two-stcry aud attic frame cottage
on the north side of 86th street, weat of 19th avenne. It will contaiu
allimprovements, partly hardwood trim, pine flooring, open fire¬
plaeea and hot-air heating; cost, $3,500.

Secretary Herbert has awarded the coutract for completiug the dry
dock at the Navy Yard toThomas and Auguatine Walsh, of New York,
at $370,000.

The plans for the estension to the Naval Hoapital at the Navy
Yard have been completed. The specificatious call for all tbe latest
improvemeuts. hardwood, piue and hardwood flooring, elevators,
ventilating apparatus and steam heat. Coat, $69,000. Surgeon-
General J. Rufus Tryou. of the Na-yy. has charge of the work.

John A. Davidson will huild from plana prepared by himself two
two-story aud attic old Colouial ahiugle-finiahed cottages, 36x35
each, oue on the east and oue on the west side of East 13th atreet,
south of Avenue B. They will contaiu all improvementa, partly
hardware trim, opeu fireplaces, cabiuet mantela, electric bells, ex¬
posed aauitary plumbing, tiled work aud hot-water heatiug, and
cost $4,500 each.

Plans have been completed for a two-storj and attic frame cottage
to he erected on the north side of 72d street, ueju- 15th aveuue. Lef¬
ferts Park, for Kate Roseufeld. It will have all improvements, sani¬
tary plumbing, pine flooring and hot-air heating.

Jacob C. Moore will erect a two-story aud attic frame cottage ou
Benson aveuue, near Bay 22d street, Bath Beach. It will contain
all improvements aud hot-air heatiug and cost $2,500.

Jaines McKaue has the contract to erect tho tire headquarters
building at Coney Island,

Plansarebeingpreparedfor a two-story and attic frame cottage
to be erected on the north side of 82d stieet, near 19th avenue, for
Mrs. Florence Teale; also for a two-atory aud atlic frame cottage
to he erected on the nortb side of 82d street, near 18th avenne, for
Sylveater Van Buren. They will coutaiu all improvementa, hard¬
wood trim, opeu flreplacea, tiled-work, sanitary plumbing and eost
$5,000 aud 953,500 respectively,

S. N. Stewart will erect a two-story aud attic frame cottage on the
corner of Surf avenue and 29th street, Couey Islaud. It wiil have
all improvements, sanitary plnmhiug and hot air heating; coat,

The triintees of the Industrial School, South 3d street, near Bed¬
ford aveuue, propose to erect a four-atory brick aud stone memorial
huilding ;it No. 480 Humboldt street. It will coutaiu all the latest
improvements, hardwood Irim, Bro-]-!-,iofiug, etc., aud ateam heat;
co?t. $25,000.

Maciay &. Davies, of New York, have sold for Mrs. Susan E, Blod¬
gett, No. 2048 Pacitic street, two-story basement and cellar two-
family frame house, to Richard Tobin for $5,000; for Aymar Em¬
bury, Nos, 161 and 163 4th aveuue, two fonr-story brick stores
and apartments for $16,000; for Mrs. Heleu E. Wardwell five three-
story and cellar storea and flata, at uortheast corner Eockaway ave¬
nue and Dean street, for $25,000; for Mrs, Heleu E. Wardwell, No.
1758 Atlantic aveuue, two-story basement and cellar frame flat
for $4,000. aud for Aymar Embury, No. 1755 Atiautic avenne, two-
atory hasemeut aud cellar frame flat for $4,000, aud for Aymar
Embury. Nos. 388 and 390 Sackett street, two thiee-story base¬
ment aud cellar stoue front private clwelliugs for $12,000,
  v. 55, no. 1416: Page 755