Real estate record and builders' guide (v.57no.1451(Jan. 4 1896)-no.1476(June 27 1896))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 57, no. 1468: Page 764  


Record   and   Guide.

May 2, 1896


659-7th av, e s, from 117th to 118th st,
Bve 5-sty brk stores and flats. 41 and 40x90,
■cost two $70,00(1 each, three .V4y,()00 each,
John Casev, 116 W 91st st; ar'ts. Neville &
Bagge, 217 W  125th st.

eS4—120tb st, s s, '260 e Lenox av, four 3-
■stv and basement brk dwell'gs, two 18.9xo4,
tWo 19X.54; cost. $16,000 each; Mattie A Cock-
burn, 208 W 123d st: ar'ts, NevUIe & Bagge,
217 W 125th St.                    ~ ^        „       -   ,

685-120th st, n s, 225 w . th av, four o-sl y
brk flats, 25x77; cost, $18,000 each; Wm H
Hall, Jr, '265 W 73d st; ar'ts, Neville & Bagge.
217 W i25th St.

NORTH O" l2f>iH -JlKiVI
(.65—3d av, Ho 2332, 3-sty brk store and
dwell'g 24x90 and 53. tile, gravel, brk or as¬
phalt roof; cost, $20,000; Chas F Rime on
premises; ar'ts, Bart and John P ^^ alther,
205 E 12-'th St.                     ^ ^ ,           .    .1   .

66(5--145lh Et, s s, 30 e 10th av, six o-sty
and basement brk dwell'gs, three 1..4xu3,
three 16x.53. one 16 extension and five 1_ ex¬
tension; cost. $15,000 each; Paul B Pugh
908 St Nicholas av, ar't, G A Schellenger, 1-8
Broadwav.                                                   iooj

(iG7-Amsterdam av, bet 191st st and 19_d
st   1-sty frame annex to hotel, 24.ox32; cost
$1 .500-   George   Reubert.   on   premises;   ar t,
Fre.l  Ebeling, 2184  Amsterdam av.
•2:-fD  ADD    4TB WARD-

052—Morris av, w s, 150 n 183d st, 2-sty
frame store and dwell'g, 22x35; cost $1,--
oOO- Louis Weisse. Creston av, near lS2d st,
ar't.' E Burger. 2706 Marion av.

653-16th av, s s, 105.6 e 5th st Wake¬
fleld 1-sty frame dwellg. 20x40; cost $1,-
700;' Joseph Klauck, 672 8th av; ar't, James
Stroud, 1267 Broadway-                 „ ,v ^   „„

60O-Fulton av, w s, 3o0 s Pelham av,
three 3-sty frame tenem'ts, oOx4i; cost
.$3 000 each; Andrew Osterberg, Fulton and
Pelham avs; ar't, Wm Emrich, Fordham

663—Southern Westchester turnpike, n s,
101 e Lafavette av, ,3-sty frame dwell'g, 20x
,50' cost, $4,000; Henry Nerenberg, Van Nest;
ar't, F J Miller, 3190 3d av.

6fj.l_2d St. s e cor Sth av, 1-sty frame stable
and lott, 16x14, slate roof; cost, $260; Ed¬
ward H Ro.gers, Oth st and 4th av, Williams¬
bridge; ar't, Wm H Ha'lock, Jr, Webster and
Scott avs.

668—Tremout av. n s. 34 e Arthur _av,
three 2-sty frame store and dwell'gs, 25.3x
33, 25.3x32 and 22.5x31; cost S4.000 each;
Bridget Murphy. Tremont and Arthur avs;
ar't, Wm H Hopkins. .i7 W 124th st.

(5(-,i|—Morris av. s w cor 148th st, five 5-
sty brk stores and tenem'ts. 25x<56-3, 2.5x
61.3 25x(!4.5, 25x86.3 and 25x(53.2; cost,
corner $17 000. four $14,000 each; Josephine
Hunter, 354 Mott av; ar't, Andrew Spence, 7
E l'25th St.

(i7-2—1.52d s(. n w cor Union av, five ..-sty
frame, one store and dweU'g. four tenem'ts.
■2(lx.38.9 and 45; cost, one .$5,500 and four
.$7..5(l(l each; John Cotter. 418 Mott av; ar't.
John C Burne, 101 W 42d st.

67,3-Commonwealth av. e s, 110 and 1(50 s
West Farms road, two 2-sty frame dwell'gs,18
x29, extension 12x8; cost. $3,000 each; Paul¬
ine Daiber. White Plains road, bet 15th and
16th sts; art. Louis Falk. 1013 Boston av.

67(5_Pilgrim av, w s, 183.88-100 n I,iberty
st 2-sty frame dwell'g, 18x'28. shingle roof;
cost, $2,000; Felix Frost, 422 E 77th st; ar't,
Wm Henderson, Jr, 751 Tremont av,

677—Marion av, e s, 31! I s 1,87th st, four 2-
sty frame dwell'gs, 16.8x48. slate and tin
roofs; cost, $3,.500 each; crw'r and ar't, Al¬
bert B Marshall, 2381 Marion av.

679—Jennings st, s s, 153 e Union av, 2-sty
frame stable. 31x54; cost, $500; ow'rs,
V/rlght & Pragnell, Jennings st, near Union
av; ar't. Robt E Rogers, 25 E 127th st.

681—Trinity av. e s. 89 n Kilst st, 4-sty
brk flat, 25x72; cost, $15,000; Edward Rob¬
itzek, 944 E 165th st; ar't, M J Garvin, 3311
3d av.

68'2—Main st, e s, 25 n Beach st. City Island,
lV)-sty frame stable and sheds, "24x35; cost,
stable $700. two sheds $300; Arthur .A. Swany.
Ill 5th av; ar't. John Smith. Ill Sth av-

(5S3—164th st, w s, (50 n Sheridan av, flve
2-sty frame dwell'gs, 25x35, extension 13x
14,6; cost, $2,,500 each; Augustus Frey, 270
W 127th st; ar't, W H C Hornum, 147 E
125th St.

686—Southern Boulevard, s e cor 167th st.
4-stv brk store and flats, 25x85; cost, $22,-
000; Charles Brogan, '2329 Southern Boule¬
vard; ar't, John De Hart, 1637 Fox st.

689—Bailroad av, e s, 27 n 153d st, 2-sty
frame factory.27.10.x50; cost. $3,000; Franz
Brauw, 477 B 1.5.3d st; ar't, Geo Hoftman, .529

690—Brook av. n w cor 147th st, 5-sty hrk
store and llat. 2.5x85; cost, $35,000; John Cot¬
ter, 418 Mott av; ar't, John C Bume. 101 -w
42d St.

691—Rockfleld   st,   n   s.  '225   e  Marion   av.

Bedford   Park.   3-sty   frame   tenem't.   21x43;

cost, $3,500; William Chambers, Dover, N J;

ar't, M V B Ferdon, 1'293 Broadway.

694—166th st, n s, 200 w 3d av, 5-sty Irk

flat   26.6x101;  cost,  $25,000;   Ellen  Curtin,
117 E 166th st;  ar't, John H Knubel, 29 W

42d St.

(;i).5_Webster av, s e cor li4th st, 2-sty
frame store and dwell'g, 22.6x44; cost. .'fS.-
1100; Elizabeth Schmid, Webster av and liod
st; ar't, William Schraidt.

697—Morris av. No 2274, 1-sty frame sta¬
ble, 17x13, gravel roof; cost, $100; Michael
Timlin, on premises; art, N Brugman, Frank¬
Un av and Oakland pl-

699—Hoe St. w s, 250 s Jennings st. two _-
sty frame dweU'gs. 21x48; cost. .$4,000 each;
Johu Hanson. 849 B Kilst st; ar't. Niels Toel¬
berg. Home st and Souihern Boulevard.

700—Hoe st, w s, 250 n Jennings st, 2-sty
frarae dwell'g, 21x47, cost, .$4,000; ilenry J
Karbacb, 615 B 142d st; ar't. Niels Toelberg,
Home st and Southern Boulovard.


Plan 736—Union av. No 1306, building ex¬
tension; cost, $200; Catharine O'Hearn, 1306
Union av; ar't, Harry B Van Benchoten, 102
W 3Sth St.

737—55th St. No .326 E, putting in store
front; cost, $500; Arthur Gorsch, 1444 3d av;
ar't, W O Tait, 1236 Madison av.

738—West st. No 344, raising buUding;
cost, $100; Geo K Kukham, 344 West st; ar't,
H A Valerius, 26th st and llth av.

739—44th st, n s, 150 w 1st av, general al¬
teration; cost, $1,500; David Jones Co, 348
E 50th st; ar'ts, S B Ogden & Co, 1031 Mad¬
ison  av.

740_8th av. No 898, buUdlng extension;
cost, $1,000; Henry Hesse, Allen and Grand
stS' ar't, M V B Ferdon, 1293 Broadway-

741_16th st, No 232 W. putting in water
closet vent shaft; cost, $700; John Eggers,
232 W 16th st; ar'ts, John B Snook & Son,
12 Chambers st.

74'2—3d av. No 963 and 965. buildiug exten¬
sion; cost, $1,000; Herman Joveshof, .3,53 W
SOth st; lessee, Jacob Lederer, 963 3d av;
ar't, Oscar Lowinson, 39 Cortlandt St.

743—39th st, Nos 327 and 329 B. building
shed in yard, putting In plumbing; cost,
.'Sl,200; Francis T Morgan. 219 Madison av;
ar'ts, Constable Bros. 212 E 16th st.

744—East Broadway, No 81, building (xtcn-
sion; cost, $8,000; Joseph H Cohen, 108
East Broadway; ar't, Samuel Sass, 21 Chat¬
ham sq.

745—117tb st, Nos 3(50, 362, 364 and 366
W. removing partitions; cost, $500; Bern-
hard Rosenstock. 137 Broadway; ar't, Wm C
Frohne. Bible House.

74(5—50th st, n s, 65 e Oth av, new show
window; cost, $200; Johu Wolf, 454 W 49th
st; ar't, James W Cole, 403 W 51st st.

747—Lewis st. No 19'^, putting in new
floor beams first sty; cost, $200; Geo F Trick,
1003 6th av; lessee, Theo Barth, 49 Broome
st; ar't, Chas Rentz, 158 4th av.

748_Forsyth st. No 117, putting In drive¬
way flrst sty; cost, $500; Jaraes Lenahan.
58 E 10th st; arts, Horenburger & Straub,
1'2'2 Bowery.

749—6th av, Nos 467 and 469, interior al¬
terations; cost, $500; Paisley estate. 397 (ith
av: ar't, Ernest W Cries, 3C Union so

750—Southern  Boulevard,  s e cor Webster

av, building extension; cost. .$-----; M A Baker,

Bedford  Park.  New   York  City;  ar't.  George
.•\rrastrong. Fordham, New Y'ork City.

751—SOth st, n w cor Av A. building exteu¬
sion; cost, .$3,000; St Josephs .Asylum; ar't.
.Martin Jansen. 184 E 3d st.

7.52—71st St. No 115 W. to take down old
lank and replace by one of larger capacity;
cost. $100; Donald Mitchell. 1.55 E 44th st;
plumber. Frank Richter, 70th st and Colum¬
bus av.

7.53—1'28th St. No 133 W, changing cellar to
janitor's apartments; cost, $500; Geo W God^
ward, '239 Broadway: ar't. Andrew Spence, 7
E   12'5th   St.

754—Union av. No 10.32. moving building;
cost, $300, Maron M Landenburger. 1032
Union av; ar't. Fred Daram, 379 Willis av.

7.5,'j—3d av. No 883, building partitions to
separate sleeping rooms; cost, $400; Wm
L.'vers. 99 Lexington av; lessee and ar't.
Peter Sbedwortb. on premises.

7.^)15—2d av. No lO'.I, ne-.v store fiont and in¬
terior alterations: cost, $1,000; Matilda C
Kampmann. 1911 Madison av; ar'ts. Kurtzer
.<:- Rohl, 3d av and 7th st.       ^_,

7,57—Madison av. s i\' cor 135th st, building
extension- cost, $1,5(I0: Mrs lulia Ryerson.
Montclair, N J; lessee, Wra C Egan, -!9 E
134tb st; ar't, Edw Wenz, 1491 8d av.

758—8th av, e s, bet 41st st and 42d sts.
erecting tier of boxes on roof garden; cost.
.$l,'2f)0; ow'rs, Elliot Zborowski and Thomas
H 'French. 644 8th av; ar't. Charles Cromwell,
344 W 32d St.

759—28th st E, foot ot, interior alterations:
cost, $3 000; Mayor, Aldermen .ind Common¬
alty; ar't, John W Marshall, 105 and 106 Bi¬
ble House.

760—60th st, n w cor Western Boulevard,
putting in skylights, door openings. &c: cost,
$800; Peter Vogler, .341 E 10th st; lessee.
Chas J Smith, 298 E 10th st; ar't. B W Ber¬
ger. 105 Bible House

761_'White Plains road, w s. 100 n Oth jiv.
WUliamsbridge, buildiug extension; cost.
$700; Magdalena O'Dell, White Plains av and

IOth st; ar'ts, La'wrence & Ringrose, 52 W 1st
Bt;   Mt Vernon.

702-42d st, Nos 104, 106 and 108 W, put¬
ting in partitions and removing door steps;
cost, $500; Estate of B J Hart, 118 W 55th st;
arts, Brunner & Tryon. .'.(5 Union sq.

763-Franklin av, w s, 52 n 168th st, buUd¬
ing extension; cost, $1,.500; Estate Richard C
Coombs, 161st st and Amsterdam av; ar't,
Wm Stauffer, 628 E 162d st.

704—Houston st. No 183 W, buildmg ex¬
tension and general alterations; cost, $4,000;
John M WUUams, 561 Hudson st; ar't, John-
B Darragh, 217 W 125th st.

7115-3rth St. No 237 E, building exteusion;
cost, $4,(100; Mayor. Aldermen and Common-
ally: ar't, C B J Snyder, 146 G'.'.and st,

7i;(;—i;-!()th st. No 19 W. raising buUdlng;
cost, $6,000; Ellen Meakim, on pramlses; ar't,
Jobn P 1.00. 2 E  125th st,

7(;7—i;;d nnd 44th sts, bet Lexington and
Depew avs. putting in boiler :'oii:iUation; cost,
$3.50; Robert md Ogden Goelet, 9 West llth
st; lessee. Lebonon R Mestane:, 438 Lexing¬
ton av; ar't. W H C Hornum. ) 10 E 125th St.
7(j.S—Columbus av. No 7. ouildiug exten¬
sion; cost. $2(10; Mary J Odell. iS W 33d st;
ar't. Jas W Cole, 363 W 51st .it.

769—2d st. No (57. changing door opening
to window and putting .ip partitions; cost,
Sl.OOO: Henry and .\Ibert Latham, on piem¬
ises; ar't. l.ouis F Heiuiecke, 62 Bowery.

770—Grand st. .No 272. putting up parti¬
tions in second and third stories; cost, $2.50;
Joseph Lewkowit^, 290 Grand st; ar'ts, Horen¬
burger & Straub. 122 Bowery.

771—23d st. No 400 W. building extension;     '
cost.   .$4,000;   Jacob   Appell.   •.!71   W   23d   st;
ar'ts. Werner & Windolph, 92 Liberty St.

772—7th av. No .582. putting in partitions
at second, third aud fourth floors; cost. $125;
iVlary A Early, .54 W 46th st; art, J Ptund,
232 VV 3('.th "st.                                            ,   ,

773—51st st. No 810 W, putting up hrk
partitions in basement and stud partitions on
flrst and second floors; cost. Sl,500; John H
Rohrs. 30.8 W 47th st; ar't, Geo H Van Auken,
:;(! E  14th St.

774—Jerome av, e s, 229 u 177th st, build¬
ing extension; cost, •'>5U0: Jaraes E Hildebert,
Jerome av and 177th sl: ar't, J J Vreeland,
7(1'.) Treraont av.

77.5—East Broadway. No 177, new store
fipnt; cost, $300; Louisana Brown, 620
Flatbush av. Brooklyn; ar't, Michael Bern¬
stein. 241  East Broadway.

776—5th av, No 314, interior alieratious;
cost. .$4.(KID; lessee. C E Harrell, 151 Sth av;
ar'ts. Constable Bros. 22 E IOth St.

777—120th St. n s. (Kl from bulkhead East
Kiver. building extension; cost. S'.I85; Mayor,
.Mdermen. &c; ar't. Johu W Marshall, 105
and  106 Bible House.

77.8—;53d st. No 459 W, .general alterations;
cost, $1,200; Geo Chapman. 474 W 34th st;
ar't.  John  Kelly.  41!)   Kith   av.

779—52d St. Nos (i04-610 W. putting
up brk wall, enclosing yard to store carts;
cost. $75; G W Rader and Michael Smith. 609
W Slst st; lessee. Dep't of Street Cleaning.
Chambers st; ar't, A F Hunt, 143 E 18ih tt.

r.VrO—71st st. No 41f) B, putting up new iiar-
titions and putting in new window; cost,
.$400; Joseph Feldman. on pr-.-Uiities; ar'ts.
Kurtzer & Rohl, 7tli st aud 34 av.

781—181st St. n w cor Amsterdara av, in¬
terior alterations for hotel; cost, '•lOl); Wm
Porter, ISSth st and \msterdain tiv; ar't,
Fred Ebeling. 21.S4 Amster.'.an, av.

782—3d av, n w cor Ti.-raont av, r.'ii_"-:ng
building to be as hotel; cost, $.500;
(^harles Barsou. 17(5th st. near 3d av; lessee,
'rhn J Cox. -1215 3d av; arts, ICerby & Co,
T22 Tremont av.

783—SuffclV. zt, fj w <or Rivington !;t new
stairs in first sty and plumbing put in tor sta¬
ble; cost, $3,000; Simon Epstein, 22 W 114th
sl. art. Samuei Siss. "-1   C' a-i.

784—ISOth st, s s, 35 w Valentine av, build¬
ing extension; cost, $985; ow'r. Mayor. Al¬
deimen ard Commonalty; ar't, John W Mar¬
shall, 105 Bible House.

785—Blackwells Island, e s, southerly end
Almshouse Division, buildiiig extension; cost,
$990; Mayor, .\lderraen and Commonalty;
ar't,  John  W   M.irsb.all,   105   Bible   House.

786—Oth av. No .582, building extension;
cost. .$1,000; Cornelius W Luyster. 258 Co¬
lurabus av; ar't, Jobn H Duncan, 21 W 24th



Schedule of aasignments for the week ending
May 1, 1896:

Bevau, J M & Co.....

Durlaud,   William. ., ,
Jacobs,   Joseph   M. . -
Ricksecker,   Theodore
Suydam.   Samuel   A..
Wheeler,  W   B  &  Co.

. ,.    ,'$8,503
., .    58,202
.    19.293

















,     ASHMNMK.KT..     .It-;MJ:F1T   .^RKIiiTOk-


'27 Marfarlane, Jane and Wm W, nf flrm Will¬
iam Macfarlane & Co (81 Grand st, manu¬
facturers of thrown silk), to Briton Rlch-
iirdeon; preferences, $32,200.
  v. 57, no. 1468: Page 764