Real estate record and builders' guide (v.71no.1816(Jan. 3 1903)-no.1841(June 27 1903))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 71, no. 1827: Page 579  

March 21, 1903.


[IVEanh attan]


The Private Branch Exchange Systenr^ of supplying telephone

SERVICE is particularly adapted to the requirements of LARGE HOTELS

By means of a Private Branch Exchange the general telephone service,
local, suburban and long distance, is available in every room and apart¬
ment. A complete iiterior ssrvice is also supplied, adding largely to the
efficiency, and decreasing the cost of the hotel service proper. No
modern   Hotel  or   Apartment   House   shouSd   lack   a

Full information on request at any of the Contract Offices;

15 Dey Street.

Ill West   38th  Street.

220 West  124th Street.

Plate, P. leo West..Consumers B Co, (R) 2,.)00
Pearl, R F, 167 1st av..FlanaEan & W. l.MO
Polle, H,    2922 Slh av.,H Zelinei',          (R) l,70i)

Ryan. J,    14Uih st and Robbms av, .Salvator B

Co,                                                                   (R)  l.'li

Schunemann,   M,     642  6th   av, .Eastern   B   Co.

Schmidt,  A,     16  W  27th, .Central  B  Co,      4.00J
Steinbeck,  E,    LG   Manhattan and 134 Amster¬
dam av.,J C G Hupfel,                                   3,000
Stollmeyer Sc Kadlec,    418 E 23d..J C G Hup-

fel                                                                            l''^*"

Schlosser,  P.     1599 Main. , J Elchler.       (R)  1,2U0
Smith,  C  C,    lS7tb st and Jerome av. .A Hup¬
fel                                                                    (R)  3,000
Robmeling,   F,     75   3d   av..W  Peter,            2,000
Rinaldl   &   Cecci.     319   B   lloth,.Frank   B

(R) cOl)
Shea E, G Front, .Bachmann B Co, (R) 2,o00
Schmalz,   E.    oSG lltb av.,Bachmann   B   Co.

(B) 1,000
Schwarz Sc Pollak.    132S Isl av, .Consumers P

B  Co                                                                       l.OtR)

Vathauer Wm, 322 4th av..Hy Vathauer, 2,riOLi
Wal^h P. 135 Lawrence. .India Wharf, (Rl 6i3
Winljen, B & A.    3 Gl Jones. .Consumers B Co,

Wissig P. 270 Grand..J Elchler. (R) 2,370
Willman,   K.     7  W  14tb, .E   R  Biehler.     Res-

tauraat.                                                                 ^ ;109

Wolz, W.    423 B 10th,.C Euricli,               „ ^■'*--*

Wallace, J H.    184 3d av..P  Baliantine Sons,

(R)   ,Z,Oo<i

Weiss   Sc  Bernstein.     USC   Madison   av. .Bach-
maun  B  Co,                                                  (R) f2?>n
Wanderman, S & C,    9 2d av. .D Stevenson. 1,206
Woblstalter, S.    266 Stanton, .Frank B.     (R)   no


Adam,  E.    19S 7tli av..9 Baumann.                 2511

\rcher G B. 663 E 147th,.Spear Se Co, 12i
Abrams E 947 E 15Sth,.J R Keane & Co, liO
.\lbrecht,   F.     aw   Boston   road. .Cowperthwaii

A^imcad! B W. 333 W 23ii, .L Baumann. aorf
Alexander B. 110 W HGtb,.L Baumann, 164
Aaron. A.    251 E 112th, .Cowpertliwait & Sons,

Ascher,  L.    207 E Soth. .S Baumann,                138

Aker'^   EC.     17  E llSth..M  Landman,            100

Baimore, J. 171 E 115th. .Cowperthwait & Sons.


Beaman, E T & K M. 34S W 33.1, .E Darlin
Brown, H W, OS W 107th. ,A E Edwards.
Bliss,  A.     112 E llth..S  Baumanu.


Beisner, L. 1516 Websier av. .b Eaumann. Ziyi
Brown A, 103 Christopher. ,S Baiimaiiii. 305
Bucbwald, W, 241 E 7'Jtb,.J R Keane Sc Co, 150
Baruth, L. 1067 Lexington av, .J R Keane & _
Co                                                                               ^'^*'

Bebreudt, M H, 256 W 97lb. .B O Smith. 1,C.0D
Ball M 1433 Madison av. .Cowpertbwait. 1ST
Bloomfleld, J M. Storage..E Pidgeon. (R) 376
Burke,   M   C,     605   Walton   av. .N   &  L   Bero-

sleiu,                                                                          ^02

Bassford    C,     .565  Oth   av. .L  Baumann,           34S

Bird T, 210 B 06th, .Cowpertliwait Se Sons. l.W
Britton    E  A.    550 Broome, .Spear & Co.          170

Bass,   O.    6,SS   E  13Sth..Spear  Se   Co,              20;>

Borowitz    M,    230  E tlOtb. ,1  Shaltman.           100

Eengston. I,    2:^2 E 33d..L Baumann,             202.

Bishop    M.     31S  W  47th..L  Baumann,           107

Brandl    O   T   D.     134   Carlton   av.   Brooklyn,.

B Kalmus,                                                                l'-'3

Blum    A.     203  E  35tii..F  Donnatin.                 S25

Croker,   E, .S  M  McCabe.                                       115

Conover, A. S07 Lexington av..L Baumann. 195
Cochran,   C  F.     23S   E  121st, .Cowperthwait  &

Sons,                                                                          I'Jj

Croghan     P.     437   W    47th. .Cowperthwait   &

Sons.                                                                          107

Campbell,  J  C,    71 W  102d-,E Barling.           Ill

Camp, W C £ F P 0,    19 E 33d. ,St Bartholo¬
mew  L A,                                                                203
Curran   M W & C A,    104 B 72d. .St Bartholo-

nienv  L A.                                                                200

Cook   N.    265 W 30lb, .F Donnatin,                   2S9

Colenian. A S. 243 W 46tb.,M Mullery, 130
Clark.   H.,S   Strauss.                                              140

Cheshire. A.     265 W 114tb. ,M  Klinke.             100

Cobn.  M.     11  E llSth,.J R  Keane Sc Co,        '232
Casey, M,    210 and 21S E llSth. .Cowperthwait
a Sons,                                                                     185







Cornell. M F. 160 W SOth. .Cowperthwait. 365
Cornell, F J. 355 W 24th, .Cowperthwait. 152
Churchill, S J. 208 W o6th. .Cowperthwait. 178
Cane,   H,     IS  W   113th, .L  Baumaun,              120

Conrad,  D C,    459 Otb av.,S Baumann,           219

Clarke,  H F,    510 W 157th,.Spear  Sc Co,        r-OU
Champion & Tribelborn,     Hotel  Chastargneray,
Madisou   av   and   92d   st, .J   Wanamalier.

(Rl 6,500
Dewey, S, 230 W 22d. .St Bartholomew L A, 150
Delauey,  J,    ol6 E Slst..S  Baumann,            12S

Davis,   A  B,     B67    10th    av. .Cowperthwait    Sc

Sons,                                                                          104

Donaldson, G.    60 Morningside av, .G B Leoo-

ard,                                                                             600

Doyle,   J   J.     37   W  99th. .Cowperthwait.         13S

Dolaro,  B  B.    318 W olst..L Baumann.          237

Dutt,   J   W.    39th  st and   Broad way.. L Bau¬
mann.                                                                        402
Dittmao,   C.     147S   or   S7   Brook   av, .Cowper¬
thwait Se Sods,                                                        143
Drake, B.    14S W 30th. 231 W 49th. .E Darling.

Dollaghau, B.    250 W 37th. .M J  Burchiil.
Eck.  W,    151 E  Slst. .Cowpertbwait,
Edge.   F   G. .Commercial   C   Co,
Entwistle,    D,     526   W   53d. .Cowperthwait

Erkins, H. .Nassau S Co.
Freed,   E,     227  St  Ann's   av, .Cowperthwait  &

Sons.                                                                          1S6

Francis,   J   M,     155   W  G6th. .Cowperthwait  &

Sous.                                                                          123

Fuller.   S.     137  and  139  W  64th, .E   S   Wash¬
burn,                                                                       1.200
Poerster.   0.    40  E  133d, .S  Baumann.              642
Fiuk, L & B,    2262 3d av.,J Bergmann.  (Rl 511
Feiuglass, B,    156 Av C. .Cowperthwait & Sons,

French, M A. 37 W 92d..A Quackenbush. 750
Ferry,  L,    17 W 135th, .Cowperthwait  Se  Sons,

Frankford. Lucy, 156 W 05th.,Jonas Frank-
lord,                                                                           500
Fish, F B. 2,33 E 20th. ,L Baumann.              Ui7
Flynn, M. 242 W 10th, ,L Baumaun, 122
Friedman, H, 2266 3d av. ,A Finkenberg, 113
Flynn, W P. , Commercial C Co, 225
Farley, P. 416 W 47th.,9 Baumann, 132
Gurney, N R, 24 B 99tb, .L Baumann, 401
Granger, F B & M E..St Bartholomew L A. 150
Goebel, M, 134 E 70th.,J R Keane Sc Co, 139
Green, J. 243 E 110tb..P Sugerman,                 ?l.i
Greer, A. 03 W OOtli. ,T Kelly,                        13o
Gandriac, L. 115 W 26tb. .L Baumann,          115
Henning, C. 210 E 25th. .Frank Cordts F Co, 231
Hoehmann.   C,    769 E 150th. .Cowperthwait Se

Sons.                                                                          21T

Hildebrandt,   A   E, .Acme   S   Co.                          lOt)

Howe,   E F..I  L Alexander,                                IOj

Hertzberg,   E,     17   Morton. .Cowperthwalt,       13J
Henriques,   H   P,     375   Manhattan   av, ,L  Bau¬
manu.                                                                        4.51
Hintze, O W,    454 W 35th. .F Donnatin,           169
Huntle,  F L.    422 W  29th..Weber Piano  Co,

Piano.                                                                        850

Huebner, A., .Riverside 3 Co,                                250

Horney.  S.     107  E 99tb,.S   Eaumann,               127

Hamilton,  P.    119 E 47tb,.C M  Fishel.           309

Ironside,  W & N L.    239 W 20tli.,Sl Bartholo¬
mew L A.                                                                 123
Iriph,   C   H.     llSth   st   and   St  Nicholas  av, .L

Baumanii.                                                                 225

Jaslowsky,  H..Nassau  S  Co,                                 109

Jacobsen,  C E.    40G W 25tb.,M Klinke.           lOiJ

Jerome,   M,     640  Sth  av, .L  Baumanu,             26o

Jeunings, P L. Bridgeport, Ct, ,L Bauniana. l.'iH
Johnson,  H  A,     333  W 20tb, .T  Kelly,              139

Judge,   A,     104   Bedford. .Cowperthwait,           139

Johnslon. B. .30 W 19th. .J R Keane & Co. 1S6
Kelly, C II. Princess Bay, S I. .L Baumann. 135
Kendall, M P. 30.) W 150lh,,L Baumann. 144
Kyster O H, 2661 Marion av, .L Baumann, 127
Keenan,   M.     442 W 125th..L Baumann.          17:1

Kemble,  L,    135 W 22d.,M  E Hewitt.               450

Kelly     M   K.     33S    E    18th. ,Cowperthwait   Se

Sons,                                                                          :'20

Keating.  L,    308 W 49tTi.,S  Baumann.             153

Kampman. M C—B Marcus.                                  208

Kroncke, N A. 2197 Sth av.,Spear fe Co, 186
Lemmon, J.   61 and 63 W lOJtb, ,J A Lawrence.

Lutz   S A,   214 E 95th. .Cowperthwait & Sons,


Larkin. A,    1475 2d av.-Cowperthwait & Sons.

Lasar, T,    70 W 95th,.S Baumann,                  19i

Laarman, W. 299 10th av, ,L Baumann. 120
Lewis,  L,     33  W 112th. .L  Bauraann.               191

Lsdwith. R.    73S 2d av, ,T Kelly,                     105

Leighton, E, 170th st aud Shakespeare av, .N Se

L  Bernstein.                                                            275

Lynoll, E, 174 W 133th, .Cowperthwait Sc Sons,

Kelly,  D,.Acme S  Co.                                             150

•Levy. J. 27 W lllth.,F Grasmann, (R) 100
Same.    29 W lllth.,sarae,                             (R) 27S

Lewis, D R,    41 W 52d.. Cowperthwalt: & Sons,

Lemmon, M S J,    61 W 104th, .St Bartholomew

L.  A,                                                                           200

Landgrebe, K, 759 Melrose av.,S Baumann, 18^
Lyding,  E,     122 W 12th, .S  Baumann,              373

Mears, J. 424 Central Park W. ,P Sugerman, 215
McMillen,   B.    137  E   40th..St Bartholomew   L

A.                                                                                200

Mann,  G,    209 W 115th. .Cowperthwait & Sons.

McCormack, R. .F Alexander.                                100

McGuire, C L,    237 W 49th, .Spear & Co.         153

Morrison,  M J,    209 Madlsoa av,  li^luihing. L I

. ,L Baumann,                                                         120

McGrath,   B.    59  E  S4th. ,L Baumann.             181

McLeod,   M,     111  W   62d, .L   Baumaan.           206

Masterson, S J, 28 Mauhattan av. ,T Kelly. 10.*
MacDonald,   J  W   &   M  J.    505   W  147th.,St

Bartholomew L A,                                                 123

Manley, G B, 204 W 35th.,Spear Se Go, 443
Macauley, F W. 85 W 104th, .Cowpertbwait. 189
McCauiey, J,    969 Columbus av, .Cowperthwait!,

McCoubrey, A. 232 E 63d, .Cowperthwait. 147
Mendel, R. 31 W 112th. .J R Keane & Co. 135
Moody. C M. 19S0 Belmont av..L Baumann, 110
McDowell. E F. 163 W ISOtb,,L Bauraann. 127
McKav, Wm.   311 W 23d, .W K Driver,            272

Mortimer,   E,     414   W   43d..E   Darling.            165

MoGuiro, Mary. 313 W i;Hb.,M McCabe. 700
McCaul, A,    231 E 54th, .S Baumann.              130

Morns,  A,    215  E SOth, . S Bauraann,                 22(i

Markus, L & D, 208 W 37tb,.R Geller, 100
Maynard, W H. 207 W 55th.,Pitt Sc Scotf. 750
Miller, A S, 2023 Webster av.,S Greenberg. 206
Majoii  &  Rapone.    24  Spring..E   Sautaniello.

(R) 940
Nicholson,  H  L.    54  E  63d. .Cowperthwait  Se

Sons,                                                                          137

Perkins, A J.    2O04 Bathgate av. .L Baumann,

Peper, J, 203 E 112th. .Cowperthwait & Sons. IChi
Paul, E, 221 E 23d. .Cowpertbwait Sc Sons. 108
Purceii,   L,     204   E  141st, .L  Eaumann,            161

Prevel.  J.    2137 Washingotn av. .Cowperthwait  '

Sc Sons,                                                                     113

Rickard, E H. 20S W 141st. ,L Baumann, 122
Randolph,   C.     31  B  29th, .St   BarlTioloraew   L

A,                                                                               200

Rawson, L L. 311 W lllth. .S Bauraann. 481
Bice, I H.    3(4 Central Park W. .Cowperthwait

Se Sons.                                                                     133

Rosenfeld,  C S. .Acme S Co,                                 100

Ravault,   M.     32 E  20th,.L  Bauraann.             139

Ras,   M,     393  9th   av,.L   Bauraann.                  122

Reemer. J.    177 E 93d.,L Baumann.               167

Roraboiuel,   H   .A.     101  W  "Jth, ,Cowperthwalt

Sc Sons,                                                                     197

Ritt,  A,    250 W 38tb,.S  Eaumann,                    111

Rooney,  W  H. .1  L  Alexander,                            l2o

Shields,  F,     799 Park  av, .L Bauraann.            741

Schneider, F. 165 W 64th..L Baumann. 616
Stelljes. L, 77 Bedford. .F Cordts F Co. 242
Smith,   B_C..L  Silverman,                        (R)  1.506

Same,    li   Bouievard  Lafayette, .same.            1.5(X)

Schaefer, A.    220 B 45th. .Cowperthwalt Se Sons,

Smith,  M..A E  Levy.                                             100

Stark, E & H. Storage. .S & S D Hirschman, 905
Sivaiiton, N.    546 Grant, .Cowperthwait' Sc Sous,

Stripp. J, 231 E 5Sth,.J R Keane & Go, 246
Smith, M B. 3C0 W 140th. .Cowperthwait, 105
St Catherine Academy. .S Straus. Piano, 600
Sklarevsky,   S,     304  W  53d.,F  Heins.             4S0

Sachs, J, 205 E Broadway, .L Baumann. 149
Sautter, F.    1760 3d av, .F Donnatin.              132

Sberick, "y. .Nassau S Co.                                     100

Schoen,  H, .Nassau  S  Co.                                      150
  v. 71, no. 1827: Page 579