Real estate record and builders' guide (v.80no.2051(July 6 1907)-no.2076(Dec. 28 1907))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 80, no. 2066: Page 613  

October 19, 1907


is a subject of much solicitude on the part of architects, engineers and owners. Many give up
the idea of building until spring on account of the extra cost of winter work by most of the

buildingmethods nowpursued.

Reinforced concrete con-
structions have been erroneT
ously pronounced "outof the
question," and passed by for
the winter job in spite of their
recognized economy.

But here comes a system to
the front, which, although an
economical reinforced c o n -
crete construction, is
entirely available for winter

In System M of the Standard
Concrete Steel Company the
backbone and entire skeleton
of the building is an independ-
ent steel frame fully capable of
sustaining all the structural loads
and carrying them in spite of
the omission of or freezing and

SystemlMîíPatentslPendiiigj.XShowing theLSkeleton'.Frame Ready for tlie Roof Tier.     .                   thaWin£  of  thc    COnCretC    WOrk

UnHke all other concrete constructions, the work can be carried up several stories ahead of the
íĩoor slabs, and when necessary the roof put on the building before the fĩoors are installed, thus
insuring protection from storms that w6uld stop the work in other methods of procedure.

The accompanying photograph shows a building which was buiU under these conditions, and
with several others was successfully íinished in the most severe winter weather known in New York,

Send for System M booklet.—A.Iot of interesting data.


413=17   EAST   3ist   STREET                                                             NEW   YORK


PROSPECT AV.—Harry T, Howell, 3d av and 149th st, has on
the boards pians for three 4^sty apartments for The Gaines, Rob-
erts Co., of Prospect av and 163d st, to be located on the west
siúe of Prospect av, 71,3 n of 163th st, two farailies on a floor,
8 rooms and bath each, with wash basins for bedrooms, steam
heat and all improvcments, ío cost $90,000.


H. P. Upjohn, 96 5th av, Manhattan, has awarded contracts
for the erection of a church for the eongregation of the Church
of the Holy Pamiiy, at West Orange, N. J. Rev. O. P. Hura-
phrey is pastor.

Elliott Lynch, 347 5th av, Manhattan, has eompleted plans
for a 1-sty basement brick cliurch, 62.4x123,4 ft., for St. Rose
of Lîma, Brooklyn, to be situated on Washington av, north
side, 200 ft. west of Ist av, Brookiyn, to cost $33,400.

St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Chureh, Detroit, Mich., of
which the Rev. Saraue! S. Marquis is rector, has commissioned
Messrs. Cram, Goodhue & Perguson, 170 5th av, Manhattan, and
Boston, Mass., to prepare plans for a cathedral to be erected
at Detroit.


3D AV.—The Thomas Conviile Brewing Company, 336 East
46th st, will make improvemenls to the southwest corner of 3d
av and 44th st.

MADISON. AV.—S. B. Ogden & Co, 954 Lexington av, are
niaking plans for aiterations to No. 17S7 Madison av, for Mii-
ton C. Heniey, 2 EasL 12Sth st.

ĩ/ULBERRT ST.—John White, 232 5th st, will raake extensive
aiterations to No. 197 Mulberry st, for which Bernstein & Bern-
stein, 44 Bast 23d st, are arehitects.

STH AV.—Bernstein & Bernstein, 44 East 23d st, are plan-
ning for $10,000 worth of changes to the southwest corner of
Sth av and 45th st, for Jacob Harris. 077 Sth av.

2ND AV.—Isaac Sprung, 126 West llSth st, will make $6,000
worth of alteratlons to the uorLtieast corner of 2d av and 89th
st, for which Fred'l: Ebeling, 420 East 9th st, is pianning,

IISTH ST.—M. Ziplíes is pianning to aiter the 5-sty tenement
at 104 East llSth st, with new partitions, flreproof shafts, new
piumbing, gas flxtures, marble and tile work to cost ,f5,000.
Zipser Bros. are the owners.

108TH ST.—Maximilian Zipkes, 147 4th av, has plans for ex-
tensive alterations to No. 206 Bast lOSth st, including carpenter,
masou and plumbing work, aiso new flre-escapes, slag roof and
paipting for S,  líewls,  owner,, 5 Front st.


Messrs, Mills & Greenleaf, 345 5th av, Manhattan, have cora-'
pleted plans for St, Margaret's Girls' Home to be ereeted at
Ralston,  N. J., at a cost of about $50,000.

Davis, McGrath & Shepard, 1 Madison av, ManliatLan, have
compieted plans for a $15,000 residence to be erected at Gien
Ridge, N. J., for Thomas J. Terry, of that piace.

Messrs. Palmer & Hornbostel, 63 William st, Manhattan, and
Pittsburgh, Pa., will soon receive new bids for Ihc three ad-
ditional buiidings to be erected at Schenley Park, Pittsburgh,
for the Carnegie Technical Schools, to eost approximateiy

l^stimatcs Keceivable.

SPUTTEN DUTVIL.—Plans have been completed by Messrs.
Schicke! & Ditmars, 5th av and ISth st, for the garbage de-
struction plant to be erected at Spuyten Duyvil for the Naza-
reth Home of the Sisters of Charity.

Contracts Awarded.

The contract to erect Schoo! No. 9 at Bayonne, N. J,, has just
been awarded to W. H. & P. W. Crane, of Manhattan, at

MADISON AV,—Prederick G. C. Smith, 20 East 42d st, has
awarded to Messrs. Bock & Schmitt, 3600 Park av, the con-
tract for alterations to Nos. 505-511 Madison av, for Wiliiam H.

23D ST,—M. J. Zimmermann, 232 East 42d st, has the contract
for improvements to the 4-sty store and olBce building No. 165
West 23ã st, for S. M. Kohen, 1S55 7th av, from plans by Chas.
H. Richter. 6S Eroad st.    E. Sterck, 165 West 23d st, is lessee.

2D ST.—William M. Moore, 517 West 125th st, has obtained
the carpenter and mason woi-lĩ, and Pred S. Shumann, 454
East 84th st, the piumbing contract for the 6-sty flat building,
24.9x92.6, to be erected at No. 171 2d st, to cost $31,000. Mar-
garet W. Folsom, Waverly, Mass., is owner, and Messrs. Miiis
& Greenleaf, 345 5tli av, tiie arcliitects.

The Guarantee Eiectric Co., 1630 Park av, Iias recéived the
contract for electrie work on the following buiidings: From Tlie
Coiumbus Circle Arcade Co., the reconstruction of the Areade
Building, situated in 57th to 5Stli st, Broadway and Sth av. For
The Eroadway & Seveiity-Second St, Realty Co., the reconstruc-
Lion of the office building situated on tiie souLheast cor 72d st
and Broadway, and for Messrs. Sclineider & Herter, two eleva-
tor apartments, situaLed cin llie ■southeast cor Washington and
Gates avs, Brooklyn,
  v. 80, no. 2066: Page 613