Real estate record and builders' guide (v.80no.2051(July 6 1907)-no.2076(Dec. 28 1907))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 80, no. 2066: Page 615  

October 19, 1907




75th st, No 1 E, wire cover ways to be set on walla to —sty resi-

dence;   cost,   $500;   Stuart  Duncan,   on   premises;   ar't,   Robert T

McMurray, 365 Harman st, Brooklyn—2724.
SOth  st,  No  102  West,   alter  pent  honse,   to 8-sty  brk  and stone

hotel;   cost. $1,000;  Anna R Mead,  120 W SOth st;   ar't   Benj  V

White, 110 E 23d st,—2737.
SOth  st,   n  s,  100  w 3d av,  wîiidows,  aitcr  roof,   partitions.  dumb

waiters, to 4-sty brlc and stone residence;  cost, $3,500;  Mrs J  C

Bowron, Brookside Drive and Putnam av, Greenwich, Conn; ar'ts,

Boaworth & Holder, 1170 Broadway.—2734,
S4th st, No 426 East, partitions, toilets, stairs, erect l-room exten-

sion  to 2-sty brk and stone dwelling;   cost,  $1,000;   Blizabeth E

Kottmann,   426   E   84th  st;   ar't,   Chas   E   Reid,   105   B   14th   st.

106th   st,   Nos  302-304   East,   toilets,   windows,   partitions,   to   two

3-sty brk and stone stores and tenementa;   cost, $2,300;  August

G Helmes, 318 B 31st st;   ar't,   Jas F Delany,  127  E 119th  at,

nSth st, Nos 320-322 E, partitions, alter beams to two 5-sty brick

and stone  tenements  and  stores;   cost,   $6,000;   Antonĩo  Spineiii,

321 B   llSth at;   ar't,  Nathan Langer,  Sl E   125th st.~2721.
122d at, No 147 W, add 1-sty to rear extension, windows, doors, to

3-sty brick and stone dweiiing;  cost, $1-,000;  Estate of Ernest H

Haaren, 147 W r22d st; ar'ts, Moore & Landsiedel, 148th st and

3d av.—2722.
122d Et, No 215 West, 1-sty brk and stone rear extension, 22x20;

cost,  $800;   B  Ratltowsky,  58 Bast Broadway;   ar't,  Max Mulier.

115 Nassau st.—2742.
12ũth st, No 2G0 W,  partitions, new front to 3-sty brk and stone

stores and office;  cost, $900;  Frazin & Oppenheim, 260 W 125th

st;  ar't, Harry Rocker, 366 74th st,  Brooklyn.—2706.
Av A, Nos 103 and 105, partitions, windows, piers, doors  to 7-sty

brk and stouÊ  stores and  loft;   cost,  $1,200;   Wolf   &   Abraham,

1U3 and 105 Av A;  ar't,  Chas M Straub, 122 Bowery.—2608.
Av  C,   No  S5,   toilets,  windows,   skylights,   to  4-sty  tariĩ  and  stoue

tenement; cost, .$5,000; Geo B Polsom, 13 Astor pi; ar't, Alexander

Brociner,  20 E 42d  st.—2717.
Lexington av,  w s,   to  Depew pi,  and 44th  to 45th sts,  1-sty  brk

and  stone   rear  extension,   220x58  to  8-sty  brk  and  stooe  post-

office   and office  building;   cost,  $30.000;   N  T C  &  H  R R  Co,

Grand   Central   Station;   ar't,   A   B   Cortheil,   314   Madiaon   av.—

Madison av, s w cor lllth st, partitions, to two 4-sty brk and stone

loft buildings; cost, $300; CyriIIe Carreau, 769 6th av; ar't, Louis

Koenig, G08 E 150th st.—2711.
MadiEon   av,   Nos" 505-511.   stairs.   doors,   to   S-sty   brk   and   stone

stores and apartments;  cost, $1.500; Wm H Burgess, on premiaes;

ar't, Frederick G C Smith, 20 E 42d st.—2712.
Park  av,  No   7'99,   partiLions,   store   fronts  to  o-sty  brk  and stone

stores and   tenement;   cost.  $150;   Mrs  C K  Baum, 911 Park av;

ar't, Ed  A  Meyers,  1 Union sq.—2703.
Vanderbilt av, n  e cor 42d st, Grand Central Station.  stairway to

subway  widened,   alLer   roof,   to   5-sLy   brick   and   stone   sLation;

cost, $4,000;   N T C & H R R Co, Grand Central Statioa;  ar't,

Chas  A  Reed, 314  Madison  av.—2729.
Weat Broadway, No 362, new boiier, fireproof ceilings to 5-8ty brk

and stone loft;   cost, $250;   Wm J Mahoney, 280 Broadway;  ar't,

John  E Kirby,  481 5th  av.—270O.
Ist   av,   No   53,   partitiona,   windows,   chimneya,   íĩre-escape,   stairs.

toileta,  to 5-aty brk and atone tcnement;  cosL, $3,500;   Samuei J

Siiberman,  S3  Canal  st;   art,  Max  Muller,   115  Nassau  st.—2702.
Ist av, No 197, toilets, partitions, skylights, to 4-aty brk and stone

tenement;   cost,  $.5,000;   Geo E  Folaom,   13 Astor pl;   ar't,  Aiex-

ander Brocĩner, 20 E 42d st,—2716.
Oth av,  No 444, partitions,  new piumbing,  to .3-sty brk and stone

atore   and  otfice   building;   cost,   $1,0(10;   Walter J   Soloman,   500

5th av;   ar't. John H Knubel, 318 W 42d st.—2730.
8th av, No 90S, partitions, stairways, windows, to 1 and 4-aty brk

and   atone   store   and   tenement;   cosL.   $5.000;   HenrietLa   Karsch,

268 W 54th st; ar't, Jas W Coie, 403 W 51st st,—2710.
9th av, n e cor 40th st, store fronts, partltion, toilets. to 1 and C-

sty brick and stone store and tenement;   cost. $500;   Geo Bhret,

1197 Park av;   ar't, John  H O'Rourke.   137 E 47th st,—2723.
ĨOth   av,   Nos   214  and  216,   add  4-stys   to   2-sty   brk   stores    and

dwelling;   cost, $1,3dO;   Jacob Appeiĩ, 271 W 23d st;   art,  Henry

Davidson,  255  W 69th  st,—2705.
llth av, No  768,  aiter doorways,   ceillngs,   to 4-sty brk and sLone

tenement;  cost,  $500;   Henry KesLing,  on premises;   ar't, John H

Knubel, 318 W 42d st.—2708.


Bronx st,  s  e cor ISOth st,  1-sty frame extension,  11x20, to 2í^-

Ety  fi'ame  factory;   cost,   $500;   Charlie   H Weigle,  201st  st  and

Marion av;  ar't,Nei!s  Toelberg, Boston Road and Tremont av.—-

Kelly st, w s, 115 n 167th st, new beams, etc, to 2-sty brick fac-

tory;   cost,  $400;   Bernardt   PeLzoidt, GS5' Eĩton nv;   ar'ts,  Moore

& Landsicdel,  148tb  sL and 3d av.—531.
132d st, s s, from Brook to St Anns av, new roof of wood, covered

with   Genasco   roofiug,   to   1-sty  brick   roundhouse;   cost,   $3,500;

N T, N H & H R R Go, New Rochelle;  ar't, A L Fowĩer, New

152d st, n s, 280.8 w 3d av, new water closet to 3-sty frame tene-

ment; cost. $100; Anna M Romer, Ridgewood, N J; ar't, Harry T

Howell, 3d av and 149th st.—540.
177th st, s s, from Bronx River to Wcst Farms Road, add 1 story

of brick   buiit   upon 2-aty  brick  factory;   cost,  $500;   Bronx  Co,

on premises; ar't, James & Leo, 124 W 45th st.—534.
214th st, n w cor Maple av, new windows, new partitions, etc, to

3-sty frame store and dweiiĩng;   cost. $2,000;   Antonio Lamberti,

on premises; ar't, Frank Hausle, 81 B 125th st.—533.
Bronx Boulevard, e s, 245 s 2l6th st. 1-sty frame extension, 3.6x

5.6. new toilet. to 2-sty frame dwciiing; cost, $200; Julius Bross,

192d st and White Plains Road;  ar't, J Meĩvilie Lawrence, 239th

Et and White Piaina Road.—537.
Carpenter av, e s, 272 n 239th st,  1-sly frame extenslon, 6,10x12,

to 2-sty frame dweliiug;   cost, $200;   Prank Armitage, on prem-

iaea;  ar't, J Melville Lawrence, 239th st and White Piains road,

Hoe av. w s, 158 n Preeman st, 1-sty frame extension, 29x11, to 1-

sty  írame  stable;   cost,  -lílOO;   Chas  G  Jorgensen,   1283  Hoe av,

ow'r and ar't.—539,
Nelson av, e s, 75 n 167th st, 1-sty frame extension, 12.4x15,6, to

2ĩ^-sty   frame   dweiling;   cost,   ^OO;   Wm  Doonan,   on  premises;

ar't, J J MoMillan, 205 B 205th st.—538.
Richardsoa   av,   e   s,   200 n  239th  st,   add  1   sty   to  present   1-sty

trame  extension  of 2-sty frame  store aod dwelting;   cost,   $200;

B G Hil!,  on premises;   ar't, J Meivilĩe Lawrence, 239th st and

White Plains  road.—541.-
3d av, s e cor 149th st, new brick flue, to 2-sty brick stores and

offices; coEt, $500; Astor Estate, 23 W 26th at; Ohas Kling, 2838

8d av, lessee; ar't, Harry T Howell, 3d av and 149th fit.~530.

Increased Building in 34th Street Section.

THAT the Pennsylvania-McAdoo stations are exerting a
marked influence on buildlng in the Greeley square and 34th
st sections is more in evidence each day as the work of con-
structing the terminals advanees. At this moment it is safe to
venfure the statement that in no other neighborhood of Man-
hattan does buiidlng as a speculation or investment offer greaLer
altractions. Investors ahd operaLors have gradually been ac-
quiring piots in that iocality with the view of improving them
wiLh modern loft and office structures. A number of the sites
have already been builL upon, and the known results from in-
come alone, even at this early date, have been sufficiently at-
tracLive to warrant the undertaking of iarger operations. Not
oniy are the terminal improvements largely responsible for this
quickening, but the northward incursion of business coneerns
from the lower part of Manhattan is exerting an important
part aa well in the rehabilitation of the 34th st section.

Until within a few years it was with difficulty that realty
interests couid be induced to identify themselves in the construc-
tion of oflice buildings in the locality mentioned, but the urgent
need of such sLructures, brought about by the rapid change in
conditions, has reversed the o\ã order of things; for not only
may many new buiidings of that character be seen in 34th st
and on Fifth av, but structures of a siraiiar type and of no
mean proportiong are also being ereeted in some of the lesa
prominent streets nearby to satisfy the increasing demand in
this direction. Nor is the easterly limit of tlie present activity
to end at the dividing inain thoroughfai-e, as aiready severai
operations are under way between Fifth and Madison avs,
which marks the inevitable invasion of that quarter by Offlce
and  mercantile   structures,

Beginning with the completed improvements nearest the en-
trance to the mammoth terminais, one of the mbst prominent is
the 16-sty Marbridge building at the northeast cor of 6th av and
34Lh st, owned by W. R. H, Martin. It occupies the former site
of the Broadway Tabernacle. Further toward the east and on
the northerly side of 34Lh st, among otliers, is the Monolith,
which is also used for office purposes, and may be said to be
one of the first conerete structures of that class in Manhattan.

Eased upon the supposition that the opening of the Pennsyl-
vania and McAdoo stations is likeiy to result in an extended
increase in the movement of transient traffic íhrough 32d and
33d sts, a number of plots in these thoroughfares have
been improved with both loft and ofBce buildings, ecLualiy as
large and in sonie instances more iraposing than those in 34th
st. Typical of the high ciass of improvement now being carried
out in that neighborhood is the new 11-sty Jaeckel'building be-
ing erected at 16 to 20 West 32d st by the Thirty-second Street
Euilding Company, in which M. & L. Hess are chiefly interested.
The operation mentîoned will involve a sum elosely approaching
$700,000, about equally divided between ground and building.
One of the features in this structure will be the large cold stor-
age rooms whieh wil! occupy more than half of the baseraent.
Among tlie new operations projeeted in that zone meQtion
should be made as wei! of the 20-sty Hudson and Manhattan
building which wil! shortly be erected on the McAdoo terminal
site, 6th av, 32d to 33d sts; the proposed improvement of the
southeast cor of Eroadway and 33d st with a 20-sty hotel by
Geo. B. Wilson of Phiiadelphia, the estimated cost of which is
$2,000,000; the 16-sty addition to the Hote! Martinque at 1266-
12G8 Eroadway, and 54-56 West 33d st, the probable cost of
which wiil equal $800,000, and a score of smaller loft and busi-
ness buildings, work upon whieh is soon to be commeneed. Al-
though the demand for new mercantiie istructures in that quar-
ter west of Broadway has 'as yet failed to seriously occupy the
attention of builders, it is beiieved that as the work on the
terminals assumes more deflnîte form, aetivity in new under-
takings will be influenced in proportion. In the mea,ntime, realty
interests are content to  await deveiopments.

S New Hope for an East Side Subway.

MUCH has been said o£ late about future subway construc-
tion witb some adverse criticism to the new Pourth av sub-
way in Brooklyn, The fauit that has been fouad with this projeet
is not so much that Fourth av should have a subway, but that
other sections of Greater New Tork are more in need of additional
transit faciiities. When the Pourth av resolution was adopted last
week, Commisaioner Eustis voted in favor of it, but it is now un-
officially reported that lie did so with the understanding that the
commission would, as soou as practical, take up the matter of
the route which goes through the Bast Side of Manhattan, to the
north iimit of the Bronx. Mr. Bustis had the situation well in
hand, as his was the deciding vote. Had he voted agaiuat it, the
Pourth av subway would have been kilied for the present. It
is also said in this connection that there are fluancia! means which
make Ihe building o£ a new subway possible.

—A test cast in Lhe matter of licensing engineers for apartment
houses is going to be instítuted by the House and Eeal Estate
Owners' Association. An owner was recently arrested for not
employing a licensed engineer, and the attorney of the Associa-
tion appeared on hls behalf and had him released.
  v. 80, no. 2066: Page 615