Real estate record and builders' guide (v.81no.2077(Jan. 4 1908)-no.2102(June 27 1908))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 81, no. 2084: Page 323  

'February 22, 1908



Building Operations.

James Pilkington to Build Riverside Drive Warehouse.

RIVERSIDE DRIVE,—General contract has been awarded
to James Pilkington, Boulevard Lafayette and Depot lane, to
erect a new concrete warehouse, 62x123 ft., on Riverside Drive,
.west side, 100.83 ft. north of 161st st, for the Heights Garage
and Storage Company, 34 New Chambers st, from plans by
John C. Watson, 217 West 125th st. The offlcers are: Peter H.
Fowder, Pearl and Rose sts, president; Arthur L. Smith, 1991
Anthony av, Bronx, treasurer; Wm. J. Weller, 524 Waverly av,
Brooklyn, vice-president.

Amusement Building for Prospect Ave. Bronx.

PROSPECT AV.—Harry T, Howell, architect, 3d av and
149th st, has on the boards plans for a 1-sty building for
amusement hall and store purposes, to be erected on the west
side of Prospect av, 249.10 ft, north of Jennings st, 98,5 ft.
.front, 45.1114 ft, rear, 151,10'J4xlO7,5i4 ft. and 75.8% ft, deep,
to cost $15,000.     George Keller,  970 Prospect av,  is the owner.

Sixty-flrst Street Residence to be Improved.

61ST ST.—Louis C. Maurer, 22 East 21st st, will have plans
ready for bids about Feb. 28 for rebuilding the 4-sty residence
owned by Mrs. Teresa Conley, No. 46 East Olst st. The build¬
ing will be enlarged with a rear extension 45 ft. in depth and
four stories in height, new plumbing will be installed and the
entire interior will be remodeled.

Apaitnient House for 168th Street, Bronx.

168TH ST.—Max Cohen, No. 200 Broadway, has purchased a
plot 02.6x90 ft, on the south side of 168th st, about 90 ft. west
of the Boston road, Bronx, on whicli he will erect a 5-sty
apartment house with all up-to-date improvements. So far
as could be learned on Thursday, no architect has yet been se¬
lected or plans drawn.

Apartments, Flats and Teuements.

VYSE AV.—Walter G. Marlin, 815 East 180th st, has com¬
pleted plans for the 4-sty fiat building, to be erected on the
west side of Vyse av, near Jennings st, for McCreery & Martin,
to cost about $18,000,

WAVERLY PL.—Joseph Buttenweiser, 203 Broadway, will
soon erect at 227-229 Waverly pl, a 6-sty flat building.
49,1x64.6 feet, to cost about $40,OUO, L. A. Goldstone, 110 West
34lh st,   is  preparing  the plans.

211TH ST.—Edwin Wilbur, 22 William sL, has completed plans
for a 4-sty tenement building, to be situated at the southwest
corner 211th st and Barnes av, for Domiuico Romans, 341 Bast
113th St.    Estimated cost, $45,000,

156TH ST.—Daub & Kreymborg. 830 Westchester av, have
completed plans for two 5-sty tenements to be erected at the
northeast corner ISGth and Beck sts for Jas, F. Meehan Co,,
1020 Longwood av.    Estimated cost, $05,000.

158th ST.—Sommerfeld & Steckler, 19 Union sq. are pre¬
paring plans for a 6-sty flat building, 50x86.11 feet, for John
Katzman, 622 West 137th st, to be situated on the south side of
ISSth st, 100 feet east of Amsterdam av, to cost $50,000.

NEW CHAMBERS ST.—The Union Construction and Realty
Co., 129 Park Row, will build at No. 81 New Chambers st, a
6-sty tenement building, 33.7x65.1 feet, to cost $35,000. Messrs.
Bernstein  &  Bernstein, 24 East 23d  st,  are  making plans.

PARK AV.—Harry T. Howell. 3d av and 149th st, has on the
boards plans for three 4^sty brick and stone fiats to be erected
on the east side of Park av, 2G ft. south of 179th st, for
Noble & Gauss Construction Co,, 375 East 161st st. Total cost,


The Mount Sinai congregation, Jersey City, will spend $33,000
on its new synagogue, and estimates are now being received
from plans by Architect Eugene Cicarelli, 2d National Bank
Building, Hoboken. The new edifice will be of brick construc¬
tion, two stories high, and will measure 37x83.


MOTT ST.—Max Muller, 115 Nassau st, is planning for
$15,000 worth of alterations to No. 185 Mott st, for Henry
Remsen,  258 West ■121st  st.

PITT ST,—Meyer Greenberg, 104 West 105th st, will improve
the 4-sty building. Nos. 48-50 Pitt st, at a cost of $8,000, H. J.
Peiser,  150 Nassau  st, is planning.

37TH ST.—Wm. G. Clark, 438 West 40th st, is planning for
$4,500 worth of alterations to No. 350 West 37th st, owned
by B.  Cohen, 331 West SSth st,

CROSBY ST,—Richard Rohl, 128 Bible House, is making plans
for $6,500 worth of changes to the 7-sty building. No. 33
Crosby st,   for the  estate  of S.   M.   S.   Strakosch.   10 Wall   st.

82D ST.—Plans are ready for $10,000 worth of alterations to
the 4-sty residence of Blanche Heller, No. 4 East 82d st. The
interior wil] be changed and a 5-sty rear extension erected.
L.   C.   Holden,   1^33   Broadway,   architect,

SOTH ST,—No contracts have yet been awarded for $10,000
worth   of  improvements   to   the  5-3ty  hotel  and  store,   No.   202

West SOth st, owned by the Livingstone estate, 53 West 33d st.
S. E.  Etsendrath and B.  Horwitz, 437 Sth av, architects.

BRO.ADWAT. BROOKLTN,—Benjamin Sackheim, .^54 Grand
st, Manhattan, has plans ready for changes to Nos. 65S-6()0
Broadway, Brooklyn, for moving pictures t<j cost about $3,000.
The. Clinton Amusement Co. will make the improvements. Iron
and fancy, metal, fireproof ceilings, etc.

Mis cellaneonB.

H. Van Buren Magonigle, 7 West 3Sth st, Manhattan, is pre-
paiung, plans for additions to the high and grammar schooj
Auburn, N. Y., to cost about $1.50,000.

Congressinan Hamil, of Hoboken, N. J., is ready to introduce
a bill providing for a $700,000 appropriation for a new Federajl
building to be erected in  Hudson st, Hoboken.

Plans have been completed by A. F. Norris, ISO Nassau st,
Manhattan, for a new residence to be erected for F. M. Soule, at
Montclair,   N.  J.,  at an  estimated cost of $15,000.

Architect W. H. Orchard. 114 East 2Sth st, Manhattan, has
completed plans for a $10,000 residence for John T, Brook Co.,
122 West 42d st, to be erected at Pelham Heights, New York.

Estimates Receivable.

Bids wdll ,be received until Feb, 27 by Heins & La Farge,
architects, .'^O East 2lBt st, Manhattan, for erecting St. Michael's
rectory at Geneseo, N. T,

80TPI ST.—Taylor & Levi, 24 East 23d st, will receive bids
about March 1 for the 5-sty residence to be erected on 86th st,
near Central Park West, for Dr. Herbert L. Ziegel. Estimated
cost, $30,000.

235TH ST,—L. A. Hornum & Co., 145 East 42d st, will receive
bids about March 1 for two 2-sty dwellings. 21xS7 feet, to be
erected on 23.5th st, near Kepler av, for George J. Lander, 333
East  Oth  St.

.52D ST,—Messrs. Warren & Wetmore, 3 East 33d st, will
soon take bids for the new 7-sty residence which W. K. Vander¬
bllt, 660 Sth av, is about to erect at Nos. 47-40 West 52d st,
at a cost of about $150,000,

SOTH ST.—J. H. Knubel, 318 West 42d st. is preparing plans
and will receive bids about April 1 for a 10-sty bachelor hotel,
to be erected at No. 137 East SOth st for E. B. Goldman, 106
Lexington av.    Estimated cost is about $75,000-

LEXINGTON AV.—Bids will be received about March 15 for
the 10-sty hotel building which the Brunswick Realty Co., 114
East 28th st, will erect at Nos. 90-92 Lexington av, at a cost
Of $100,000.    Fred'k C,  Zobel,  114 East 28th  st, is architect.

Palmer & Hornbostei, 63 William st. have completed plans
for the 4r-sfcy New York State Education Building, at Albany,
for the board of trustees of public buildings. The cost is
placed at $3,500,000. Bids will be received by the trustees
about March 1.

Contracts Awarded.

Harlan & Hollingsworth, Wilmington, Del, have placed a
large order with the Electric Cable Co., 17 Battery pi, Man¬
hattan,  for their anti-corrosive compound, Voltax.

02D ST,—Collins Marsh, 27 West 34th st. has obtained the
general contract for extensive improvements to the 4-sty resi¬
dence No, 6 East 62d st for Roy A. Rainey, on premises.

M, Gould's Son & Co,, manufacturers of brass and bronze,
No. 83 Reade st, Manhattan, have received the contract from
Joseph Wagner, of Brooklyn, for the brass railings for the
Fulton Theatre, Brooklyn.

The contract for installing a vacuum cleaning system for the
Providence (R, I.) public building has been awarded to the
Sanitary Devices Mfg. Co., 11 East 24th st, New York, at
$3,010    Time,  Oct.  1,  1908,

Bronze screens will be furnished by John Williams, Inc., 556
West 27th st, Manhattan, for the cashier's room of the New
York Custom House, for the sum of $5,430. The work is to
be  completed  by  May  IG,   1908.

The steel and iron work for the new hotel to be erected at
Nyack, N. Y,, Mr. H, J. Lippe. owner, has been awarded to the
Phoenix Iron Company, No. 49 William st, Manhattan. Louis
C. Maurer, 22 East 21st st, is the architect.

Plans Wanted.

The Elks lodge, Vicksburg, Miss., is advertising for com¬
petitive plans for a new building to be erected in place of the
one recently destroyed by fire.

Competitive plans will be received by the school board, Union-
town, Pa., until Feb. 24 for an 8-room ward school building.
Information furnished on application to William McClelland,

W^m. H. Dietzman, secretary Special Investigation Com,,
Clinton, Mass., has asked 14 architectural firms to submit com¬
petitive plans for a town hall. Two sets of plans are to be sub¬
mitted, one utilizing the old walls, and the other for an enlire
new building.

The North Hudson Hospital Association. Weehawken, N, J,,
will receive plans in competition for the construction of a
modern fireproof hospital building at Weehawken. Address
Herman Walker, chairman of building committee, North Hud¬
son Hospital Association, for further particulars.
  v. 81, no. 2084: Page 323