Real estate record and builders' guide (v.86no.2206(July 2 1910)-no.2233(Dec. 31 1910))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 86, no. 2207: Page 7  

July 2, 1910



High School, addition, Flatbush, near Church av, Brooklyn^
lieating, ventilating and electric work, $73,000. Boys' High
School, addition, Marcy and Putnam avs and Madison st,
Brooklyn—Heating, ventilating and electric work, $100,000.
Girls' High School, addition, Nostrand av, Halsey and Macon
sts, Brooklyn—heating, ventilating and electric work, $27,500.
New High School, Irving and Putnam avs and Madison st,
Brooklyn—heating, ventilating and electric work, $93,900. Site
for new High School. Bay Ridge section, Brooklyn. $70,000. Con¬
struction of new High School on above site. $395,000. New Pub¬
lic School 40, Pacific and Union Hall sts, Jamaica, Queens—con¬
struction, $226,800; healing, ventilating and electric work, $47,-
340- Public School 40, addition. Prospect av and Jennings st,
tlie Bronx—Construction, $78,000; heating, ventilating and elec¬
tric work, $18,600. Construction and fitting up a grand stand
on Brooklyn Athletic Field. $45,000, Wages of draftsmen^
inspectors and contingencies. $150,000. Equipment, including
furniture, etc., for Educational Alliance Building, No. 197 East
Broadway, Manhattan, $4,000.—Total, $2,473,110.

Schedule   A—Release   of   authoriaations   of   Corporate   Stock:

Bridge across Dutch Kills Creek, at line of Hunters Point av,
$12,133. For painting Manhattan Bridge and installing plat¬
forms, $154,000- For repairing damage by fire to Manhattan
Bridge, $32,000. For installing fire system on Manhattatn
Bridge, $40,000. For upper-deck tracks and electrical equip¬
ment, Manhattan Bridge, $30i.OOO. For engineering and con¬
tingent expenses during completion of Manhattan Bridge, $95,-
56S. Queensboro Bridge—painting, $175,000; platforms for
painting, .$20,000; elevators and stairways in anchor piers, $55,-
000; toolhouses, shelters, electrical equipment, etc., $40,000;
engineers' services. $36,000; contingent expenses, $7,665. Bridge
over Eastchesler Bay in Pelham Bay Park, Borough of the
Bronx, construction of. $48,000- Bridge over Harlem River, be¬
tween 1st and Willis avs, reconstruction of timber fender piers
—for completion of the work. $15,000. Bridge over Hutchinson
River, on the line of East 222d st. Borough of the Bronx, test
boring and plans—for lest borings, $2,000. Bridge to replace
Eastchesler Bridge over the Hutchinson River—for construction
of a temporary bridge, ;?20,000- Brooklyn Bridge, reconstructing
westerly or Manhattan terminal—for services of engineers, $6,-
000; construction of a bridge across the Harlem River at Madi¬
son av—removing temporary bridge, $15,000; finishing approach¬
es to new bridge and electrical equipment, including engineering
expenses, $131,257-94- Garage under Brooklyn Bridge—for en¬
larging and equipping garage, $6,000. Municipal Building, con¬
struction of, Manhattan terminal of New York and Brooklyn
Bridge—for partitions and interior flnish in building, $2,379,617.
New East River Bridge Fund—for grading and paving at Will-
ianrsburgh Bridge approach, $G.OO0; for completion of bridge,
$29,000.     Total   amount  released,  $3,639,362.16.

Schedule  B—New  Authorizations   of   Corporate   Stock:

Bridge over Harlem River, between 1st and Willis avs—re¬
construction of timber fender piers—for completing reconstruc¬
tion of timber fender piers, $12,000. Municipal Building—con¬
struction of, Manhattan terminal of New York and Brooklyn
Bridge—for completion of work in the construction of parti¬
tions and interior finish of building, $12,000- Por services of
architects in connection witli construction of new Municipal
Building, $100,000- For the construction and installation of
elevators in the new Municipal Building, $600,000. Municipal
Building—water and gas mains, regradiiig and paving—for lay¬
ing and rearranging water and gas mains and the necessary
regrading and paving on and adjacent to the site of the new
Municipal Building, $00,000. Williamsburgh Bridge—Strength¬
ening Structure—for strengthening structure to permit of the
running of subway trains thereon in connection with rapid tran¬
sit improvements, $700,000- Manhattan Bridge—construction,
$2,385,000.-Official total under Schedule B, $3,997,000.
Schedule   A—Releases   of   Corporate   Stock:

New apparatus. Towns of Flushing and College Point, $10,022.
Purchase of new apparatus, Borough of Manhattan, $2,187.
Sites and buildings, alterations to headquarters building. Bor¬
ough of Manhattan, $5,756. Pire Alarm system, extension of.
Borough of Queens, $9,519. Underground electrical conductors.
Borough of Brooklyn. $150,000-—Total, $178,459.

Schedule   B—New   Authorizations    of    Corporate    Stock:

Construction of building at 111th st and 2d av, $80,000. Con¬
struction of building at ISlst st, between Amsterdam and
Audubon avs, $85,000. iReconstruclion of building, Lexington
av and oOlh st, $78,000- Reconstruction of building. No. 191
Fulton St. Manhattan, $63,000. Construction of building at
Morris av, between lOSth and ICOth sts, $70,000. Construction
of building at Prospect av and 152d st, $.50,000. Construction
of building at Bailey av and Boston road, $80,000. Construc¬
tion of building at Unlonport, $46,000. Construction of build¬
ing at Ogden av. Highbridge, $45,000. Construction of building
al Southern Boulevard and Westchester av, $70,000. Construc¬
tion of building at Wendover and Washington avs, $72,000.
Construction of building at Sarah Ann and Hannah sts, Tomp-
kinsville,  $35,000.     Construction  of building at  Stapleton,   S.   I.,

$35,000. Construction of building at Nob. 489 and 491 St. Johns
place, Brooklyn, .$45,000. Construction of building at 12th av
and 42d st. Brooklyn, $40,000- Construction of building at
Knickerbocker av, Brooklyn, $35,000. Construction of building
at Smith and Lorraine sts, Brooklyn, $09,400. Construction of
building at Metropolitan av, Brooklyn, $45,000- Construction of
building at 7th av and 50th st, Brooklyn, $35,000. Construction
of building at Av C and East 16th st, Brooklyn, $40,000. Con¬
struction of building at Spruce st, near Atlantic av, Richmond
Hill, $40,000. Construction of building al Central and Molt
avs, Far Rockaway, $50,000. Conslruclion of building at Wash¬
ington and 5th avs, Rocltaway Park. $40,000. Construction of
building at Benedict av and 5th st, Woodhaven, $25,000. Con¬
struction of building at Belmont and Hatch avs, Woodhaven,
$25,000. Improving, permanently bettering and equipping build¬
ing at No- 533 Hicks st, Brooklyn, $20,000. Improving, per¬
manently bettering and equipping building al No. 160 Carlton
av, Brooklyn, $20,000. Improving, permanently bettering and
equipping buildings at No. 124 DeKalb av, Brooklyn. $20,000.
Improving, permanently bettering and equipping building at
Nos. 78 and SO Main st. Long Island City, $15,000- Improving,
permanently bettering and equipping Nos. 365 and 367 Jay st,
Brooklyn, $10,000. Improving, permanently bettering and equip¬
ping al St. Edwards and Bolivar st, $15,000- Apparatus, Man¬
hattan, Bronx, Richmond, $100,000. Apparatus, Brooklyn and
Queens, .$00,000. Pire alarm telegraph system, Manhattan,
$200,000. Fire alarm telegraph system, Richmond, $7,000. Pire
alarm telegraph boxes, all boroughs, $43.000.—Ofiicial total


Schedule A—Releases of Authorizations of Corporate Stock.

To provide for improving, permanently bettering and equipping
station houses. $18,537. To provide for the erection of a stable
for Traffic Squad, West 30lh st, Manhattan, $190,000. To pro¬
vide for the erection of a station house for the Eighth Precinct,
Beach and Varick sts, Manhattan, $150,000. To provide for the
erection of a station house for the 150th Precinct. Poplar st,
between Henry and Hicks sts, Brooklyn. $100,000. To pro¬
vide for the erection of a station house for the 283d Precinct,
Richmond Hill, $95,000. To provide for the erection of a stable
at the training farm. Flushing, $15,000. To provide for sites
and buildings, $9,830. To provide for the construction and
equipment of a station house, prison and stable, for the 19lh
Precinct, located at Nos. 134 to 138 30th st, Manhattan, $37,-
265- To provide for erection of new Headquarters Building,
Centre, Broome and Grand sts. $32,0S7. To provide for furnish¬
ing and equipping new Headquarters Building. $71,700.—Total,

Schedule   B—New   Authorization   of   Corporate   Slock-
To provide for the completion and equipment of the new Head¬
quarters Building, $7,500-

Schedule A—Releases of Authorizations of Corporate Stock-
Additional dormitories. City Colony, Richmond. .i;34,100- Addi¬
tions to laundry, City Home, Blackwells Island, $11,200- Heat¬
ing plant, Metropolitan Hospital. Blackwells Island, $13,869.
For construction of Pathological laboratory. City Hospital,
Blackwells Island, $47,002. Finishing the Infirmary, Blackwells
Island, $17,454. For fire-escapes. City Hospital, Randall's
Island, $3,000- For site and conslruclion of hospital building,
New Greenpoint Hospital. Brooklyn, $50,000- For furnishing
and fixtures for new hospital building. Coney Island. $32,843.
Por elevators and machinery, new hospital, Blackwells Island,
$13,700- For completion of infirmaries. Metropolitan Hospital,
Blackwell's Island, $14,853. For equipment of hospital pavilion.
City Home. Blackwells Island, $11,800. For construction and
equipment of operating rooms. City Hospital, Blackwells Island,
$18,315- Completion oi; Nurses' Home. Children's Hospital,
Randalls Island, $55,422. For completion of staff house, Metro¬
politan Hospital, Blackwells Island, $15,092. Erection of new
wing. Kings County Hospital. Brooklyn, $10,677- Construction
Of Administration Building, Sea View Hospital. Stalen Island,
$105,000. Various new buildings at Sea View Hospital, $970,000-
—Official  total,  $1,6-59,450.37.

Schedule B—Authorizations of Corporate Stock.
Por the construction of an industrial building at Children's
Hospitals and Schools, Randalls Island, $60,000. An addition
to Ward P, Randalls Island, $40,000. A dormitory for female
employees, Metropolitan Hospital. Blackwells Island, $100,000.
For extending the refrigerating plant. Kings County Hospital.
$10,000. Por the conslruclion of a cliildren's hospital. Kings
County Hospital, $150,000. Por completing an electric ligliting
system at the Metropolitan Hospital, $45,000. For remodeling
the tower of the main building of the Metropolitan Hospital
into operating rooms. $20,000. For erecting and equipping a new
laundry building at the City Hospital. Blackwells Island. $100,-
000. Por furnishings and fixtures for the new Nurses' Home,
Kings County Hospital, $30,000- Por furnishings and fixtures
for new Morgue and Pathological Building, Kings County Hos¬
pital, $10,000. Por furnishings and fixtures for new employees-
dormitory, New York City Farm Colony, Borough of Rich¬
mond,  $2.500.—Total, $567,700.
  v. 86, no. 2207: Page 7