Real estate record and builders' guide (v.86no.2206(July 2 1910)-no.2233(Dec. 31 1910))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 86, no. 2207: Page 9  

July 2, 1910




Affecting the Operations of Architects, Owners, Contractors and Others


This department of news, devoted to the decisions of the Bu¬
reau of Buildings, Tenement House Department, Board of Exam¬
iners, Department of Labor, Department of Public Works, etc.,
is published for and under the auspices of the NEW YORK


Regulations for Standpipe (Pii-e Line) Equipment.


Standpipes will be required in all buildings exceeding 85 feet
in height, also in all open or inclosed structures covering large
areas, irrespective of height.

Such buildings as come within above classification, and which
do not exceed 150 feet in height, in which standpipes (fire lines)
now installed are less than 3 inches in diameter, must be pro¬
vided with lines 4 inches in diameter, and in such buildings as
exceed 150 feet in height the fire line must be 6 inches in
diameter, unless the lines already installed are considered
satisfactory and  approved by the  Fire Department-

These standpipes must be of wrought iron or steel of sulfi-
cient strength lo withstand the necessary pressure (in no case
less than 300 pounds to the square inch) to force adequate
streams of water to any of the fioors of the building, or to the
roof, and must extend from cellar to roof and be connected
with outside two-way 3-inch standard Fire Department con¬
nections, with clapper valves and proper caps, placed on street
frbnt of buildings, above curb level, in a position accessible for
use of Fire Department. These standpipes must be provided
with proper valves (gate valves preferred) and 2i^-inch outlets
of the regular Fire Department pattern and thread on each
floor level, with sufficient standard 2y3-inch hose and nozzles
attached thereto to properly cover the entire fioor area, ar¬
ranged on proper and approved racks or reels, with approved
open or controlling nozzles. Proper check valves shall be
placed in top and bottom of such lines as are required to use
tank or pump supply, or both. The hose outlets and hose
must be located within stairway inclosures, except where im¬
practicable to do so for reasons satisfactory to the Depart¬

Where more than one standpipe is installed, cross con¬
nections, preferably in basement, of same size as main risers,
or larger,  must be provided.

In all buildings over 150 feet in height and in such buildings
as come within these regulations as to height or area, such as
hotels, hospitals, asylums, theatres or other large public struc¬
tures, the standpipe line must have approved tank or pump
supply,  or both.       •

TANKS.—Bottoiii of gravity tanks must be elevated at least
20 feet above highest hose outlet, provided with separate feed
supply, and such tanks shall be of not less than 3,500 gallons
capacity. If used for domestic purposes, feed lines must be
properly arranged to insure constant supply.

Pressure tank supply system or direct supply from street
mains will be permitted in some cases, if circumstances war¬
rant and pressures  are adequate.

All wrought iron and steel pipes must be equal in quality to

Cast-iron fittings  must not be used.

All joints must be screwed joints, made up with red lead,
and be thoroughly watertight.

All standpipes must rest on brick pier foundations or on heavy
iron hangers suspended from floor beams, at the discretion of
officer in charge of Bureau.

Horizontal supply lines must be supported by heavy iron
hangers from floor beams at intervals of not more than 10
feet, and vertical main lines, properly stayed, at each floor
level; all to be securely braced to withstand vibration.
. The arrangement of lines must be straight and as direct as
possible. Offsets will be permitted only when unavoidable, and
bends must be of a radius not less than five diameters of pipe-
All pipes and connections must be readily aecespible for in¬
spection and repairing.                                                                        1

Drawings, showing location, sizes and connections, with dupli¬
cate descriptions, must be furnished to the Bureau of Violations
and Auxiliary Fire Appliances for all fire line or standpipe
work- These drawings must be to scale, and shall consist of
such fioor plans and sections as may be necessary to show
clearly all such work to be done, and must show all partitions,
stairway inclosures and elevator shafts- Prints will be ac¬





The said fire line, or standpipe work, shall not be com¬
menced or proceeded with until said drawings and descriptions,
in detail, shall have been filed and approved by the officer in
charge of the Bureau. No modifications of the approved
drawings and descriptions will be permitted unless amended
drawings and duplicate descriptions covering the proposed
change or changes aro filed and approved by the officer In
charge   of   the  Bureau.

"In all buildings in course of erection, and which are con¬
templated in these regulations, the standpipe (fire line) must
be carried up with each fioor, or a height of 85 feet, and an
outside Siamese connection provided in proper and accessible
place, and regulation hose outlets provided on each floor
above the second as the work progresses, the top level of riser
to be securely capped at all times except when work on the
standpipe is in progress at that point."

Written notice must be given the offlcer in charge of said
Bureau by the contractor when any new work is begun, or
when any change or alteration is proposed, and from time to
time when any work is ready for inspection.

When conditions exist making it impracticable to follow these
regulations, the same may be modified to meet such existing
conditions only by tho Fire Commissioner on recommendation
of the officer in charge of the Bureau.

Any doubt as to the meaning of these regulations, or any ob¬
scurity as to the wording of them, will be explained by the
officer in charge of the Bureau, on application in writing, and
all directions and explanations requisite, proper or necessary
to complete or make more definite any of the provisions of said
regulations and give them due effect will be given by the officer
in charge of the Bureau, and his decision, unless modified,
changed or disapproved by the Fire Commissioner, in writing,
will be considered final in any dispute that may arise concern¬
ing   the   meaning   of   any   clause   of   these   regulations,   or   the

detail of any plan.

Fire   Commissioner.


Bulletin No. 34—1910.

In   re   Application   No.   138,   New  Buildings,  .1910;   premises,
southwest corner Third av and 125th st:

In a three-story non-fireproof store and office building, it is
proposed to ventilate the toilets into the adjoining premises
belonging to the same owner.

A modification of Section 120 of the Plumbing and Drainage
Regulations is reqi«sled and hereby granted, to permit the
ventilation into the adjoining premises, as there are ample
facilities on the adjoining premises belonging to the same
owner, and as provision is made in the plans to carry up an
independent shaft for the ventilation of the toilets, in case
the means of ventilating to the adjoining premises is at any
time cut off-
Dated  New York,  May 16,  1910-

Superintendent of Buildings.
Similar modifications have been granted in the following cases:
Application No.  552.  N.  B-  1809;   premises,  southeast corner
Broadway and 4th st.
Application No. 249. Alt., 1910; premises. No. 506 Fifth av.

Bulletin No. 35—1910.


In re Application No. 403 New Buildings, 1908; premises,
southeast corner 54lh  street and Ninth av:

In a three-story car barn, it is proposed to provide a single
trap on the waste pipe of each battery of three lavatories in
the wash rooms of the employes, instead of providing a separate
trap for each separate fixture.

A modificalion of Section 9S of the Plumbing Regulations
is requested and hereby granted, to approve the use of one trap
for the three lavatories, inasmuch as it is considered that a
water seal is better assured under this arrangement, and that
the conditions are similar practically to the arrangement per¬
mitted for wash trays in Plumbing Rule 99-

Dated New York, May 17, 1910.


Approved:                                      Superintendent of Buildings.


President of the Borough of Manhattan.
  v. 86, no. 2207: Page 9