Real estate record and builders' guide (v.86no.2206(July 2 1910)-no.2233(Dec. 31 1910))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 86, no. 2226: Page 816  


Mortgages        RECORD   AND   GUIDE


November 12, 191Q.

T rf^ U M    /^     f\ D D    /^ f\        In^>a, Java and Huron Sts., and East River
JV/rlil     V/«   V-?lvIV    ^W.,    City of New York, Borough of Brooklyn

11?S Ke ™m lumber of all kinds for builders

948 Greenpoint


Watjen Louis 62 E 78th st. to New York Protestant Episcopal
Public School. 63 wall st. 78th st No 62, s s, 133 w Park av,
17x102.2. Equal lien with mt for ,>20,O0O. Nov 9, 1910, 3 yrs
4W/c     '.5:1302.                                                                                    '-O'

Wilscn Kath 152 W .129th st, fi Adelaide Lyons, 132 W 129th st.
with 'juiius Realty Co, 200 Bway. Division st, Nos 82 to 8(), n
w cor Eldridge st. Agreement that award for laud taken for
Marginal st and Bridge purposes shall be applied to discharge
mts for $38,060 and $4,000. (Also to he recorded in deeds.) Oct
31.    Nov 9, 1910.    1:292.                                                                  no

Work   Henrietta or Henrietta L, Nathalie or Nathalie B. Marjorie
or Marjorie L   £ Lilla cr Lilla G & Helen or Helen S, by Mary
F R Work gdn to Jacob Manheimer, 2133 83d st. Bklyn. N Y.
Uth st   No 211, u s. 206 e 3d av, 29x103.3.    Nov 7, due, fic, as

per bond.    Nov 9,   1910.    3:896.


11     Nov 9,  1910.    6:1648-

Wacht Gustave lo Tillie Wacht. 130 W I22d st. 69th st. No 436, s
s 1,50 w Av 4. 41.8x100.5. Prior mt .$36,000. Nov 7. due Nov
1   1915, G7c.   'Nov 10, 1910.    5:1463-                                        5,250

Wacht. Gustave to Tillie Wacht, 130 W 122d st. 69th st. No 432,
s s 191 S w Av A, 41-8x100.5- P M, Prior mt $33,500. Nov 7,
due Nov 1    1915, 6'/,.    Nov 10, 1910.    5:1463.                           8,000

Williams Paul-P Blair S £ Linsly R with DRY DOCK SAVINGS
I\STn' 341 Bowery. S3d st, Nos 46 to 56, s s, 225 e Col av. IOO
xI02 2- S2d st, Nos .37 £ 39, n s, 291.8 e Col av, 33.4x102.2.
Extension of $95,000 mt until Oct 17, 1911, % as per bond. Oct
1.'    Nov 10, 1910.    4:1196.                                                O C £ 5,009


Under this head the * denotes that the property is located in the
new Annexed District   (Act of 1895).

Alliegro, Maria wife of & Mtchl Alliegro & Caritina wife of fi
Nicholas Spallone to Gaetano Colon, 1936 Lexington av. lo4th
st, n E, 300 -w Courtlandt av, 50x100. Prior mt $9,000. Oct
31, 1 yr, G7c.    Nov 4, 1910.    9:2414.                                            5.000

American Real Estate Co to TITLE GUARANTEE £ TRUST CO.
Southern 'Boulevard, w s, 743 s Westchester av ,runs w 128.11
X again w 281 x s 3.50 x w 107.6 to e s Simpson st, x s 100 to n
s lG3d st, X, e 196-S xne 130.5 x n along w s Southern Boule¬
vard, .364.4 to beg, 24 lots. Certificate as to mort for $109,000.
Nov 1.    Nov 4, 1910.    10:27-23 £ 2725.                                          ------

*Amoroso, Antonio fi Giuseppe Tolve to Max Cohen, llSo Fulton
av. Beech av, n s, 287 w Corsa av, 23x160, Laconia Park._ P
M.    Oct 1, due Nov 1, 1911, 6%.    Nov 7, 1910.                             250

^Arctander Wm L A, 994 Grant av, to Monatiquot Real Estate Co,
154 Nassau st. 231st st, n s. 220 e Paulding av. 50x114.9.
Wakefleid.    Oct 27. due Oct 1, 1913, 5%.    Nov 7, 1910.             {00

\uskulat Wm, 31 E 71st st, to Hunts Point Estates, a corpn, 165
Bway. Coster st, w s. 150 s Spofford av, 25x78.7x2o.3x82.5.
P M.    Nov 1,  due Nov 11, 1913, 5%.    Nov 10,  1910.    10:2764._

Beck, Wm, 979 3d av, to Hunts Point Estates, a eorpn, 165 Bway.

Faile st, e s, 170 s Spofford av, 30x94.8x33.7x79.6. P M.    Nov 1.

due  Nov 11,   1913,  57c-     Nov 10,  1910.     10:2764.                       900

'^Baxter, Ralph F, 620 E 163d st, to N Y fi Suburban Co-op Bldg

& Loan  Assoc. 147 E 125th st.    Theriot st. w s, 21,3 n Davis

st, 25x109.    Nov 10. 1910, installs, 67c-                                      2^W0

*Buckiey,   Eugene   to   Marv  Schaefer,  378  E   16lEt  st.     Lots    67

£ 68 map No 1064 of 107 lots Hudson Park.    Bldg loan.    Nov

9, due Jan 1, 1911, G7c.    Nov 10, 1910,                                        '.000

Bouton, Ida M to Mary A D Lange, 5 W 124th st.    Fordham rd, s

s,   130.2  e  Valentine   av,  40x98.6x40x96.3.     Nov  9,   3  yrs,   o%.

Nov  10,   1910.     11:3148.                                                                 6.0OO

Billings,  Mary R,  of Old Tappan,  N J,  to  Chas O Garvin,  23 W

9th St.    261st st   u s, 50 e Tyndall av, 50x114.8.    Nov 1, 1 yr,

6%.    Nov 7, 1910.    13:3423.                                                             oOO

Bolliger, Theresia, 1488 Ams av, to Hunls Point Estates, I60 Bway.

Faile st, w s, 250 n Randall av, oOxlOO,    P M.    Nov 1, due Nov

11, 1013, 57c.    Nov 9. 1910.    10:2769.                                         1.500

Boyland,  Prank  E,   123 E   28th  st,   to  Hunts  Point  Estates.   lO.o

Bway.    Randall av, s s. 75 e Bryant av; 50x100.    P M.    Nov 1,

due Nov 11, 1912. 5%.    Nov 9, 1910.    10:2769.                         1.400

Buchmeier, Isidor. .334 E 152d st, fo Hunts Point Estates, a corpn.

165 Bway.    Longfellow av, n w cor Randall  av, 25x99.4.     P M.

Nov 1,  due  Nov 11,  1913,  o'/r.    Nov 9.  1910.     10:2769.        2.900
Same to same.    Bryant av, e s, 100 n Eastern Boulevard, 75x109.

P M.    Nov 1. due Nov 11, 1913, 5%.    Nov 9, 1910.    10:2769.

Same to  same. Bryant av   e  s, 275 s Randall av, 50x100.     P M.

Nov 1, due Nov 11. 1913, 57c-    Nov 9, 1910.    10:2769.           1,209

Bernstein.   Bertha,   50'o  W   124th   st,   to   Hunts  Point   Estates,   a

corpn,  1G5   Bway.     Bryant av,  e  s    125  s  Randall   av,  30x100.

P M.     Nov 1, due Nov 11, 1913.  5%.     Nov 9,  1910-     10:2769.


Brown.   Chas   0   to   Herman  Schumacher   &   ano,  263  W  OSth  st.

College  av,  w   s.  107-1 n  lG9fh  st,   16.8x92-6.     Prior  mt $------

Nov 5, 3 yrs, 5'/r,    Nov 7, 1910.    11:2785.                                  3,500

*Breunieh, Frank to Henry Breunich, 2017 Grand Boulevard £
Concourse. 231st st, s s, 580 w White Plains road, 25x114. P
M.    Oct 22, 3 yrs, 5%.    Nov 5, 1910-                                           1,300

Barry Bros, a corpn, to TITLE GUARANTEE fi TRUST CO, 176
Bway. 179th st, n s, 83^2 e Daly av, 3 lots, each 37.2x97.2. 3
bldg loan mts. each $15.'.300. Nov 4, 5 vrs, G7c, until completion
of   bldg.   fi   5%   thereafter.     Nov   5,   11)10.     11:3127.            46.500

Same to same. _179th st, n s. 195.8 e Daiy av, 37.6x97.2. Bldg
loan. Nov 4, o yrs, 6% until completion of bldg & 5% there¬
after.    Nov 5,  1910.     11:3127.                                                    15.500

Bergen, Wm C to Jas M Anderson. 182 W 2d st, Mt Vernon, N Y.
trustee Jas W Anderson.    Decatur av, n e cor 198th st, 99.4x25.-3
x90.11x25.4.    Nov 4, 3 yrs. 57c.    Nov 5, 1919.    12:3270.         22,000

Brandt, Anna A A, 8S7 E 178th st. to Harriet S James, 1694 Bway.
Honeywell av, n w cor 17Sth st, 36.6x7Ox36.4x70; 17Sth st. n s,
70 w Honeywell av, 70.3x36,4x70.3x36.5. Prior mt $47,'50O.
Nov 1, 2 yrs, 5%.    Nov 4, 1910,    11.3123.                                   3.000

Buckbee, Chas, 2705 Kingsbridge terrace, to Geo W Newgass, 2'oOS
Bway. Mt Hope av, late Monroe av, n e cor 174th sf, 23x95'.
P.. M.    Nov 4, 1910, 3 yrs, 57c.    11:2798-                                    2,100

Benkiser Chas A with Anna Hormuth. Bryant av, e s, 250 s 173d
st 25x100. Extensiou of $2,500 mt until Nov 11, 1912, at
G7c.    Sept 23.    Nov 10. 1910.    11:3001.                                         pom

Cusick, Fredk S to GERMAN SAVINGS BANK, 100 E 14th st.
Bristow St. No 1376. e s, 65 n Jennings st, 20x100. Nov 7, due,
fic, as per bond-    Nov 9, 1910.    11:2964.                                    3,500

Casey, Helen F to Arthur O Ernst. 281 Edgecombe av. North sf.
No 32, s s, 160 e Grand av. 25x100. Prior mt $6,500. Nov 2,
1 yr,  67c.     Nov 9,   1910.     11:3197.                                                 500

Cavanagh, Thos F to Herman Schumacher, 263- W 68th st. Col¬
lege av w s, 90 n 169th st, 17.10-x92.6. Nov 5, 3 yrs, 5%. Nov
7,  1910.     11:2785.                                                                             3.560

Same £ Thornton Bros Co with same. Same propej-ty. Subordi¬
nation agreement.    Nov 5.     Nov 7, 1910.    11;27S.J.                   uom

Colwell, Mich! F to .Augusta E Reese, 186 Park av. Orange, N J.
Crotona av n w cor 179tb st. late Lebanon st, 2.^x100x23.1 Ix
100.    Nov 4, 1910. 3 yrs, 5%.    11:3080.                                    23.060

*Cook, John, 1210 Fori Schuyler road, to E Colgate Jones. 2010
Gleason av. Road leading from Westchester to Fort Schuyler,
nes, lots 62 & 63 map Schuylerville, 70x1.50x80.9x173. Nov
5. 2 yrs, 6%.     Nov 7,  1910.                                                           1,000

*City Equity Co to Annie H Chadwick, 626 Carlton av, Bklyn.
N Y 219th St. late ^th av, s s, 505 e 5th av, 100x114, Wake¬
fleid.    Nov 1, 3 yrs, G7c.    Nov 7, 1910.                                       2,500

*Same to same.- Same property. Certiflcate as to above mt.
Nov 1-    Nov 7, 1910.                                                                          ------

"■Clark, Addie B, 120 Riverside Drive with John G Muth. 41 St
Nicholas terrace. Matilda st, e s, 250 n Elizabeth st, '50x160.
Extension of 2,500 mort until Nov 1, 1913 at 0%. Nov 4, 1910.


Condell, Mark, 1.32 W 117th st, fi Jacob Furst, 1569 Lex av to
Hunts Point Estates, a corpn, 165 Bway. Randall av, s s, '50 w
Faile st 30.11x81.6x75.4, gore. P M. Nov 1, due Nov 11,
1913, 57c-    Nov 10. 1910-    10:2764.                                             2.030

Carpenter, Francis O to Carolyn B Wright, 142 Manhattan av.
Valentine av. w s, 81.6 s from s s lot 11 map P Valentine, runs
s 50 to pt 31.4 n ISlfh st, x w 185.7 to n s lS4th st. x n w 1.10
to e a Ryer av, x n 50 x e 187 to beg, being part lots 12 £ 13
on said map, except part for Valentine av. Nov 3, due, £c, as
per bond.    Nov 10. 1910.    11:3152.                                                 550

Devoe, Stephen J, 152 Clinton av, Laurel Hill, L I, to Hunts Point
Estates, a corpn, 165 Bway. Randall av, s s, 25 w Faile st,
25x75,4x irreg, xlOO. P M. Nov 1, due Nov 11, 1913, '5%.
Nov 10, 1910.    10:2769.                                                                  1,000

Same to same. 5Vhiltier sf, e s, 499.10 n Randall av, 24,6xl61.7x
1.50.10x100, P M. Nov 1, due Nov 11, 1913, '0%. Nov 10,
1910.    10:2765.                                                                                     400

Darby, Thomas fo TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO, 176 Bway.
Clay av, Nos 1732 £ 1734, n e cor 174th st, 575, 67,6x95x92x98.1.
P. M.    Nov 4, due fic as per boud.    Nov 5, 1910.    11:2891.     5,009

^"Del Sole, Giuseppe to Eliz Regan at Fort Schuyler, U S Army sta¬
tion. Beach av, w s, 50 s Mansion st, 2.5x— fi being lot 227 blk
P amended map No 514, Mapes Estate. P. M, Prior mt $3,200.
Nov 3, due fic as per bond.    Nov 4, 1910.                                    I'.SOO

Degenhardt, Cord D, 190O Mad av, fo Fredk W Storff, 927 Whit¬
lock av. Marmion av, n e cor Pairmount pl, 25x96.9. Nov 7.
1910, 5 yrs, 47c.    11:2960.                                                              5,000

^Donohue, Cath A to Mary A Davis, S36 Morris av, et al, exrs.
Marv A Kelly. Concord St. w s, lots 21 £ 22 map 93 lots in
South Mt Vernon of Oscar V Pitman, 31.9xl00x71x—. P M.
Prior mt ■$2,.5O0. Sept 7, 1 yr, 6%. Oct 31, 1910. Corrects
error  in  last  issue,  when   two  lines  were  omitted.                     700

Dowdall, Margt C S. of White Plains. N Y, Haverty, Mary A S &
Harriet I S McGarritv heirs Delia Smith to Ellen F Donlin, 22o
W 140th St. 1.54fh st. No 322, s s, 275 w Courtlandt av. 25
xlOO. Prior mt $10,000. Nov 7, 2 yrs, 6%. Nov 9, 1910.
9:2413.                                                                                                 2,500

*De Carlo. Vincenzo, of Springfield, Mass, to Hudson P Rose Co,
32 W 45th St. Romboult av, w s, 32.10 n Hollers av, 67.2x76-4
xlOl.O, £ being lot 7 map (No 1430) of Allen estate. P M.
Nov 7, 1910, 3 yrs, 31/^%.                                                                 330

*Diamond, Jos £ Natalie to Elise H Schenkberg, Hotel Manhat¬
tan, 42d st Sc Mad av. Bronx Park av, n e cor Walker av, £
being lots 124 fo r27 £ 226 2d map Neill estate, 141xl00x—x
107.     Prior mt $21,000.    N'ov 7, due  May 7,  1912, 514%.     Nov

9,  1910.                                                                                                9,000
^Diamond, Joseph with U S TITLE GUARANTEE £ INDEM¬
NITY CO, 20 Vesev st. Bronx Park av, n e eor West Farms
road, —X—, £ being lots 124 to r27 2d map (No 162) of Neill
estate, except part for West Farms road. Extension of .$21,000
mt until Nov 1, 1914, at % as per bond.    Nov 7.    Nov 10, 1910.


EAST RIVER S-AVINGS INSTN -with Peter Freess, 1148 Park av.
146th st, s E, 90 w Brook av, 25x99.11, Extension of $15,060 mt
until Nov 1. 1915 at 5%.    Oct 31. Nov 4, 1910.    9:2290.           nom

*Earley, Martin J to Friedrich K L Nieschlag. Minneford av. e s,
near Elizabeth st. City Island; Prospect av, — s adj land Thos
H Ferris, runs e 94.6 x s 100 x w 94.6 x n 100 to beg; also
strip 16.G wide x 94-6 long adj above on north to be used as
passageway; Scofield av, u s adj land Jacob Brady, runs e 93
xnH7xw95xs 117 to beg. City Island. Nov 1, due fic as per
bond.     Nov 4,   1910.                                                                         9.600

Edwards, Pred, 481 E 140th st, to Hunts Point Estates, a corpn,
165 Bway. Bryant av, w s, 300 s Randall av, 50x100. P M.
Nov 1. due Nov 11, 1913, 5%.    Nov 10. 1010.    10:2769.             1,400

Edmondson Constn Co to Paul J Baumgarten, 334 W SSth st. &
ano. exrs, fic. Clark M Baumgarten, .344 W SSth St. 175th st,
n s, 95 e 5Valton av, 17,1x100. Nov 9, 3 yrs, 5!i%. Nov 10.
1910.    11:2825 £ 282G.                                                                    4.000

Same to same. Same property. Certiflcate as to above mort.
Nov 9-    Nov 10, 1910.    11:2825 & 2826.                                       ------

Same & Geo E Buckbee, 1941 Grand Boulevard fi Concourse with
same.    Same property.    Subordination agreement.    Nov 9.    Nov

10,   1910.     11:2825 & 2826.                                                              nom
Friedman. Harry P,  174 Eldridge st, fi Herman  Wiener.  14  Ann

st, to Hunts Point Estates, a corpn, 165 Bway. Randall av,
n B, 25 e Brvant av, 25x100. P M. Nov 1, due Nov 11. 1913.
57c.     Nov   10,   1910.     10:2769.                                                     l.OOO

Furrer, Amelia, 129'2 Av W, Brooklyn. N Y, to Darius V Moses.
.342 W 71st St. Crotona av, e s. loO n 183d st, 50x100. Prior
mt $4,000.    Nov 9, due as per bond.    Nov 10,  1910.     11:3102.


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  v. 86, no. 2226: Page 816