Real estate record and builders' guide (v.86no.2206(July 2 1910)-no.2233(Dec. 31 1910))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  v. 86, no. 2226: Page 818  


Mortgages       RECORD  AND   GUIDE      J^^"^

November 12, 1910.


PHDNE. GRflMERCT IDflO                Delivered at job any point In Manhattan or Bronx, by our prompt and reliable trucking serviee.

"The Brand with a Reputatioii."   VULCANITE PORTLAND CEMENT CO., Fifth Ave.Building,N.Y.

"Page, Ravmond to Chas B Devermau, 2049 Chatterton av 7th st,
n s, 330 w Olmstead av (Av D), 2.5x108. P. M. Nov 1, 3 yrs.
G7q     Nov 4   1910                                                                                  "^^^

Pistone, Fredk to Antonio Spinelli. 205th st late Ernescliffe
pl s s 292.2 w Lisbon pl, 25xl36x2oxl3o.o. May 11, 1 yr, 6%
Nov 5, 1910.    12:3311.                                                                     2,601

Plymton Const Co, 1350 Plympton av, to Excelsior Morigagc Co,
507 East Tremont av. Sedgwick av, -w s, 386.4 s liith st,
75x82.4x75x82.4.     Bldg   loan.     Oct   31,   demand,   6%.     Nov    /

1910.      11:2882.                                                                      ^       20,090
Same   to   same.     Same   property.      Certiflcate   as   to   ahove   mt.

Oct 31.    Nov 7. 1910.     11:2882.                                                      ------

Same to Geo E Buckbee, 1941 Grand Boulevard £ Concourse,
same propertv. P M. Prior mt $20,000. Oct 31, due, fic, as per
bond.    NOV 7,  1910.    11:2882.                                                      3,o00

Pelham & Hoffman Realty Co to Austin B Pletcher, IE OOth st
as trustee. Pelham av, s w cor Hoffman st, 100.8x201.1x100.8
x'2014,   except  part   for   st.     Bldg   loan.     Nov  3,   due   June   1,

1911,  6%.    Nov 7, 1910.    11:3067.                                              12,000
Same to same.    Same property.    Certificate as to above mt.    Nov

3.     Nov 7, 1910.    11:3067.                                                               —-
'Palazzolo   Vincenzo, 243i^ E S7th st, to Monatiquot Real Estate

Co of n'5"   T->4 Nassau st.    23lst st, n s, 95 e Paulding av, 2ox
114 9   Wakefi'eld.     P  M.     Oct  27,   due  Sept  1,   3913,   5%.    Nov

4,  1910.                                                                                                  .^^^
Pasetti   Prank," 1282 Webster av. to Hunts Point Estates, a £orpn,

165 Bwav     Bryant av, w s,   175 n Eastern  Boulevard, 2oxl60.
P M.    Nov 1, dfe Nov 11, 1913, 5%.    Nov 9, 1910.    10:2769.    700

Ross, Alexander, 326 E 239th st, to Louis Eickwort, 29 Pletcher
av, Mt Vernon. N Y. 239th st, No 320,_s s, 2(0 e Katonah av,
"^5x100 P M. Prior mt $3,609. Nov o, due May ;>, 1922, 6%.
NOV  7.  1910.    12:3387.                                                                  2,309

Rubano, Maria to Henry Elias Brewing Co, 403 E 54th st. Je¬
rome av, n e eor 201th st, —x—. Saloon lease. Nov 4, demand
67c.    Nov 7, 1919.    12:3322.                                                           1.000

Renz Adolf, 103 Main st, Somerville, N J, to Hunts Point Es¬
tates a eorpn 165 Bwav. Coster st, w s. 2o0 s Spofford av, 2ox
6-^ lx-'5 6x67.2. P M. Nov 1, due Nov 1, 1911, 0%, Nov 9.
1910.    10:2764.                                                                                    ^^^0

Same to same. Faile st, xs- s, 225 s Sporfordav. 50x100. 2PM
mts each $1,100. Nov 1, due Nov 13, 1932, -0%. Nov 9, 1910-
10:2764.                                                                                               ^--^"^

Ryder, Geo, of Tompkins Cove, N Y, lo Julia Kramer^ 864 B
165th st 165th st No S62, s s, 37 w Stebbins av, IS.'oxOl. P
M     Prior mt$—.    Nov 7, installs, 6%.    Nov 9, 1910.    10:2690.


'Roonev. Wm A. 741 Jennings st,- to Monatiquot Real Estate Co,
lijj; Isjassau

1 st   2;:51st st, n s, 170 e Paulding av. oOxlll.O, Wake-
field.    Oct 27, due Oct 1, 1913, 5%.    Nov 7, 1910.                      600

Rice, Luella M to Patrick Fitzgerald, 314 E 137th st Ryer av,
w s — s 182d st, also 114,8 s from n s lot 19i, 50.3xl2a.oxo(hi
130'4, being part lot 197 map Prospect HIU Estate. N'ov 7
due Jau 1, 1912, 4%.    Nov 9, 1910.    11:3157.                            5,009

Rabadan. Chas W, 157 E 20yih st, to HARLEM SAVINGS BANK,
194 E r'5th St. Grand Boulevard £ Concourse, s e ccr 296th st,
runs s 97 X e 4.S X s 97.5 to n s 20oth st, x e 50.5 x_n 92.3 xe
25 X n 93.6 to 206th st x w 62 to beg. Oct 28, o yrs, 5%.
NOV 0, 1910.    12:3312.                                                                    9,000

Ryan. Eliz, 203 E G2d st, to Hunts Point Estates, a_ corpn IGo
Bwav. Coster st, w s, 125 n Spofford av, 25x87.4.x2o-3x83.1. P
M.    Nov 1, due Nov 11, 1912, 57c.    Nov 10, 1910.    10:2764.   800

Rosen, Leo, 594 Prospect av, & Saml H Russin, 327 W 27th st, to
Hunts Point Estates, a corpn, 165 Bway. Longfellow av -sv s.
300 s Randall av, 2oxlOO. P M. Nov 1, due Nov 11, 1913, 'oyc-^
Nov 10.  1910.    10:2769.                                                                     ^0

Ruppert, Emma to John C Heintz, 1925 7th av. Inwood av, e s,
404.1 n Clarke pl, late Gerard av, 25x98. Prior mt $:j,600.
Nov 10, 1910, 1 yr, 57c.    11:2856.                                               2,o00

Rector fic, St Edmund's Church to Matilda W Ziegler of Sea
Cliff L I Morris av, n w cor 17(th st, 109x100, except part
for sts- Prior mt $10,600. Nov 9, due, fic, as per bond. Nov
10, 1910-    11:2828,                                                                           ^^OOO

Reynolds, Edw J to Belle B Bonfils of Kansas City Missouri. Web¬
ster av. No 1506, n e cor 173st st. No 401, 22.1x96.6 to w s Mill
Brook X 27.9x95.    P. M.    Nov 4. 3 yrs, 5%.    Nov 5, 1910.    11:-



Strauss Helen. 396 E 170th st, to Hunts Poiut Estates, a corpn,
163 Bway. Spofford av, n s, 2o w Coster st, 25x100. P M.
Nov 1   due Nov 11. 1913, 5%.    Nov 10.  1910.    10:2(64.       I,2o0

.^...    .V......  -                                                                              3,500

Same to same. Randall av, s s, oO e Faile st, 25x100. P. M. Nov
1. due Nov 11, 1913. 5%.    Nov 10. 1910.    10:2760.                l.OoO

Same to same. Spofford av, n s, 75 w Faile st, 25x100. P M.
Nov 1, due Nov 11, 1913, 5%.    Nov  10,  1910.     10:2761.      1.6U0

•Strong Chas R with .Antonie Kratz. Garfield st. w s, 2-55 n Col
ay —X—. Extension of $3,600 mt until Dec 10, 1914, at 5vo.
Nov 9.    Nov 10, 1910.                                                                        nom

"Silvestri, Federico. 3601 Albany road, to Savoy Impt Co, 200
Bway. 217th st, n s, SO e Paulding av, 20x95. Nov 2, installs,
5V-7c.    Nov 10, 1910.                                                                       1.900

♦Satriale, Luigi to Valenty Wegielski, 921 E 218th st. 21Sth st,
late 4th av. n s, 280 e Sth av. 23x114, W^akefleld. P M. Nov 9,
due, fie, as per bond.    Nov 10, 3910.                                              303

Schwab, Caroline W with James Higgins, Annadale, S I. Depot pl,
B s abt l2;i w Sedgwick av, 50x100x50x98.6. Extension of .$4,-
000 mt until Nov 10, 1913. at 57c-    Nov 19. 1910.    9:2540.     nom

♦Steiner, Josephine £ Rose Heifer to Freda Brownshield. 1841
Holland av. Plot begins 340 e White Plains road at_point 42o
n along same from Morris Park av, runs e 109 x n 2o x w 109
X s 2-3 td beginning, with right of way over strip to Morris
Park av. P M. Prior mt $3,500. Nov 3, installs, G5^. Nov
7, 1910.                                                                                                  437

Seiffert, Chas to DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, 2808 3d av. Mel¬
rose av, s w cor 1.58th st, 26x74; Melrose av, w s, 43.2 s loSth
st, 30x74. Nov 3. 3 yrs, 57c- Nov 7, 1930. 9:2404. 21,000
Solomon, Rosio to Mary Salvatore, 103 W 127th st. lOSth st.
No 636. s s, 166.5 e Franklin av, 2ox264.8, except part for st,
P M. Prior mt $3,.500. Nov 3. 1910, 6 yrs, 59c. 10:2014. Cor¬
rects error in last issue, when distance e of Franklin av was
191.5.                                                                                                   3,575

Security Holding Co. 15 W 119th st to NORTH AMERICAN MORT
CO, 100 Broadway. Crotona Parkway, e s, at n e s 17Sth st,
runs s e 143.4 xne 3G.4 xnw 145.2 to Mohegan av x s w 31.2
to Parkway x s 4.6 to beg. Nov 3, 3 yr, 69!;. Nov 5, 1910. 11:-
3323.                                                                                                  33,000

Same   to   same.     Same   property.     Certiflcate   as   to   above   mort.

Nov 1.    Nov 5, r.llO.    11:3123.                                                        ------

Same £ Isaac Haft,  86 W  319tb st with same.     Same  property.

Subordination agt.    Nov 1.    Nov 5, 3930.    13:3r23.                  nom

Saint Francis Really Co to Theo Wentz, Nelson av, e s 69.9 s 169th
st, 75.2x107.    Certiflcate as to mt for $10,(XX).    Nov 2.    Nov 4,    -

1930.    0:2537.                                                                                      ------

Simpson   Construction   Co   fo   Greenwood   Cemetery,   170   Bway.

Simpson st, e s, 281.10 n Westchester av. Two lots, each 40x100.

Two mts, each $33,500.    Nov 3, 5 yrs, 5%.    Nov 4. 1910.    30:-

2727.                                                                                                  67,000

Same to same.    Same property.    Two consents as to above morts.

Nov 3.    Nov 4, 1910.    10:2727.                                                          —

Same to same.    Same property.    Two certificates as to ahove morts.

Nov 3-    Nov 4. 1910,    10:2727.                                                        ------

Same to Chas Riley, 112 W 323st st. Sarae property. Two morts,
each $3,750. Two prior mts, each $33,509. Nov 3, 1 yr, 6%.
Nov 4, 1910.    10:2727.                                                                     7,500

Same to same.    Same property.    Two consents as to above morts.

Nov 3.    Nov 4. 1930.    10:2727.                                                         ------

Same   to   same.     Same   property.     Two   certificates   as   to   above

mts.    Nov 3.    Nov 4, 1910-    10:2727.                    "                        ------

Saint Francis Really Co to Theo Wentz, 328 W 77th _st. Nelson
av, e s, 69.9 s 3G9th st, runs e 107 x s 79.4 x w 37.0 x w 70 to
av X n 75.2 to beg. Building loan. Nov 2, demand 69c. Nov 4,
1910.    9:2517,                                                                                  10,000

Simpson (Wm) Construction Co to City Mort Co, 15 Wail st. Teller
av, n w cor 163d st, SoxlOO. Building loan. Nov 3, demand,
6%.    Nov 4, 1030.    9:2423.                                                              5,000

Same   to   same.     Same   property.     Certificate   as   to   above   mort.

Nov 3.    Nov 4. 3910.    9:2423.                                                          ------

Sullivan, James with Helen F Casey, 32 North st. North st. No
32 Extension of -'76,500 rat until Oct 11, 1913, at 5'a7o. Nov
9, 1910.    11:3197.                                                                               nom

Speed, John, 1820 Barnes av. Van Nest, to Hunts Point Estates,
1G5 Bwav. Faile st, e s, 300 n Randall av, 25x100, P.M. Nov
1, due Nov 11, 1913, 5%.    Nov 9, 1910.    10:2769.                   1,000

Stark, Sophia with Barbara Brantigam £ ano. 1.33d st, s s, 312.4
w Willow av, 36.8x100. Extension of $4,000 mt until Nov 1,
1915, at 57c.    Nov 5.    Nov 7, 1910.    10:2561.                            nom

Sutherland, James, 322 W 53d st, to Hunts Poiut Estates, a corpn,
165 Bwav. Bryant av. e s, 100 n Randall av, 25xo0x28x62.7. P
M.    Nov'l, due Nov 11, 1913, 3%.    Nov 9, 1910.    10:2769.         600

St Rita's Roman Catholic Church, a corpn, to Edw L E Phipps,
102 So Oth av, Mt_ Vernon. College av, late pl, Ncs 452 to 438,
s e cor 146th st, 7o front & rear xlOO deep, except cor lots is only
65 ft in length to point where said lot fronts on av; College av,
late pl, Nos 446 to 450, s e s, 75 n e 145th st, late Villa pl, 5<)
xlOO. P M. Prior mt $18,000. Nov 7, due, fie, as per bond.
Nov 9, 1910.  9:2326.                                                                      11,090

Simpson, Constance P wife cf £ Geo N Simpson to Edith R Lewis,
215 W 101st St. Courtlandt av, s w cor IGlst st, 13.6x113.9x15,3
X106.7.    Nov 9, 1919, 3 yrs, 5%.    9:2419.                     gold, 14,000

Thomsen, Bertha E with Arthur 0 Ernst._ 281 Edgecombe av.
North st, No 32, s s, 100 e Grand av, 2oxl00. Subordination
agreement.    Nov 2.    Nov 9, 1910.    11:3197.                                 nom

Tully (Jno J) Co to Robt H Oakley, 255 W lOSth st, trustee
Thos F Cock. Intervale av. Nbs 906 £ 908. nes. Sl.lO n w
Beck st, 50x100-    Nov 7, 1910. 5 yrs, 57c.    10:2711.            43,500

Same to same.    Same property.    Certificate as to above mt.    Nov

7,   1910.                                                                                                 ------

Same & Henry Morgenthau Co with same.    Same property.    Sub¬
ordination   agreement.     Nov 7,   1910.     10:2711.                          nom
Thurin, Per, 1570 Balbgate av, to Hunts Point Estates, a corpn,
IGo Bway.    Randall av, s s, 7o e Paile st, 25x100.    P M.    Nov
1, due Nov 11, 1913, 57c.    Nov 10, 1910.    10:2769.                     3,050
=Turnbull, Robt J exr Robt J Turnbull, dec'd,  with Bruce-Brown
Land Co,  lOo oth av.     Subordination of mt to  easement  as to
use of Et for light and air, being all that strip SO ft wide, the
n line of which begins at  point the  co-ordinates  of which are
n  18,575.5 £ w  19,793.4,   runs s  w  to  e- s Fort Schuyler road,
the e boundary of strip is a line drawn through said point of be¬
ginning, £ at right angles lo n s of strip Se the w- line of strip is
the e    sof said road.    Nov 7.    Nov 10, 1910.                            nom
Thomsen, Bertha E with Wm F £ Helen F Casey, 32 North st,
Bronx.    North st. No 32.    Extension of mt for $2,0(X) to Oct 15,
1912, 67c.    Nov 2.    Nov 10, 1910.    11:319(.                                  nom
Weitz, Frank, 203 W 112th st, to Hunts Point Estates, a corpn,
165 Bway.    Longfellow av,  w s. 260 n Eastern Boulevard,  Wx
109.    P M.    Nov 1, due Nov 11, 1913, 5%. Nov 10, 1910. 19:2769.


W-innie Realty & Const Co to American Real Estate Co, 527 5th
av. Kelly st, e s, 229.10 s W^estehester av, 4 lots, each 38x160.
4 mts. each $3,500; 4 prior mts, each $22,500. Nov 3,0, 1919,
3 yrs, 67c.   19:2713.                                                     ,                 y.OOO

Same to same. Same property. Certiflcate as to 4 mts for $3,-
500 each.    Nov 10, 1910.    10:2713.                                                ------

Weiss Esther to Anita L Lang, 1696 Topping av. Grant av, e s,
32 s 166th st, 25x100.8x23x100.6. Prior mt $7,500. Nov 7.
due, fic, as per bond.    Nov 9, 3910.    9:2448.                            1,700

Wehmann, Hermann A to Herman Goetz, 492 2d av. Faile st, e s,
140 s Spofford av, 30x79.7x33.6x64.5. P -M. Nov 7, due Jan 1,
1913, 57c.    Nov 9, 1910.    10:2764.                                                  750

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