Real estate record and builders' guide (v.93no.2390(Jan. 3 1914)-no.2415(June 27 1914))

(New York,  F. W. Dodge Corp.  )



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  [v. 93, no. 2391: Articles]: Page 95  

January 10, 1914



New York av for Mrs. Catherine McAllister,
care of architect, owner. Bids will be called
about January 15.

BOERUM PL.—Lorenz F. J. Weiher, 271 West
125th st, N. Y. C, is preparing plans for a 4-
sty tenement, with stores, 25x60 ft., to be erected
at the northwest corner of Boerum pl and Ber¬
gen st for James O'Connor. 127 Baldwin pl,
owner and builder.    Cost about $20,000.

2D ST.—Samuel Sass, 32 Union sq, N. Y. C.
has nearly completed plans for a O-sty tene¬
ment, 57x82 ft., to be erected at 359-363 South
2d st, for the South Sth Construction Co.. Osr,
Willoughby av, owner and builder. Cost about

SUTTER AV.—Max Hirsch, 391 Fulton st,
Brooklyn, is preparing plans for two 4-sty
brick tenement houses, 50x83 ft., to be erected
at the corner of Sutter av and Amboy st for
Louis Jaffe, 1922 Prospect pl, owner and builder.
Cost about $60,000.

22D AV.—Thomas Bennett, 52d st and 3d av,
has completed plans for a 4-sty brick tene¬
ment. 43x76 ft., to be erected on the east side
of 22d av, 00 ft. north of Cropsey av, for Mary
S. Waldron, 720 Riverside drive, N. Y. C, owner.
Cost about $23,000.

62D ST.—Thomas Bennett. 52d st and 3d av,
Brooklyn, is preparing plans for two 3-sty
brick tenements, 20x65 ft., to be erected in 62d
St. between 2d and 3d avs, for the Boyd Realty
Co., 44 Court st, Brooklyn, owner. Cost, $16,-

SCHERMERHORN ST.—Robert T. Lyons, 500
Sth av, N. Y. C, is preparing plans for two 6-
sty apartment houses to be erected in the north
side of Schermerhorn st, near Clinton st,
through to Livingston st, for Bing & Bing, 500
Sth av, N. Y. C, owners and builders. Cost
about $200,000.

GTIEENE AV.—C. Infanger, 2634 Atlantic av.
is preparing plans for two 4-sty brick flats, SOx
90 ft., to be erected on the south side of Greene
av, 100 ft. west of Patchen av, for Henry Meyer.
Schenck and Arlington avs, owner and builder.
Cost about $60,000.

PITKIN AV.—C. Infanger. 2634 Atlantic av.
is preparing plans for a 4-sty brick tenement,
50x90 ft., to be erected at the southeast corner
of Pitkin and Howard avs for Israel Halperin.
1414 Lincoln pi, owner and builder. Cost about

CATON AV.—C. Infanger, 26.34 Atlantic av. 1^
preparing plans for a 4-sty brick apartment
house, 50x84 ft., to be erected at the southeast
corner of Caton av '<Qd Bast 21st st for the
Gingsburg Moss Realty Co., 117 Pennsylvania
av, owner and builder.    Cost about $3O,0ilO.

SUTTER AV.—M'ax Kirsch, 391 Fulton st, is
preparing plans for two 4-sty brick tenement
houses, 50x83 ft. to be erected at the corner o'
Sutter av and Amboy st for Louis Jaffe, 1922
Prospect pl, owner and builder. Cost about

KOSCIUSKO ST.—Shampan & Shampan, 772
Bradway, Brooklyn, have completed plans for
two 4-sty  flats,  40x89  ft., to be  erected  in  the

south side of Kosciusko st, 150 ft. east of
Throop av, to cost $65,000. The Durland Co..
A. N. Bernstein, 748 Flushing av. Brooklyn,
president,  is the owner.


APOLLO ST.—P. Tillion & Son, 389 Fulton st,
have completed plans for four 2-sty brick resi¬
dences, 19x50 ft., to be erected in the west side
of Apollo st, 340 ft. north of Meeker av, for
David E. Morris, Inc., 16 Bedford av, owner
and  builder.    Cost about $18,000.

LAVONIA AV,—C. Infanger, 2634 Atlantic av,
is preparing plans for seven 2-sty brick resi¬
dences, 20x52 ft., to be erected at the north¬
east corner of Lavonia av and Warwick st for
the Ashwick Building Corp., Herman Luwish,
president, 493 Ashford st, owner and builder.
Cost about $28,000.

SOTH ST.—S. Millman & Son, 1780 Pitkin av,
have completed plans for nine 2-sty brick resi¬
dences, 17x40 ft,, to be erected In the north side
of 80th St. 100 ft. west of 13th av, for Wm.
Shapiro, 302 Glenwood av, owner and builder.
Cost about $31,500.

NOSTRAND AV.—E. H. Janes, 124 West 45th
st, N. Y. C, has completed plans for alterations
to the brick storage building on the west side
of Nostrand av, 132 ft. south of Flushing av.
for the Arabol Manufacturing Co., 44 Nostrand
av, owner, Bdward Weingartner, president. Cost
about $30,000.

RICHARDSON ST.—C. P. Cannella, 60 Graham
av, is preparing sketches for a 5-sty brick fac¬
tory, 60x80 ft., to be erected at 102-104-106
Richardson st for the estate of S. Weinstein, 100
Richardson st,  owner.    Cost about $18,000.

WAVERLY AV.—The Reid Ice Cream Co., 524
Waverly av, Walter Comfort, president, con¬
template the erection of a 4-sty reinforced con¬
crete ice cream manufacturing plant and garage,
75x100 ft., at 529-533 Waverly av, from plans by
Voss Sc Laurltzen. 65 DeKalb av, architects. W.
J. Weller, 524 Waverly av, is in charge for


GATES AV.—W. B. Wills, 1181 Myrtle av. Is
preparing plans for alterations and extensions
to the 1-sty brick moving picture theatre. SOx
127 ft., on the south side of Gates av, 70 ft.
east of Reid av, for the Campbell Amusement
Co.. care ot architect, owner. Cost about $12,-


Manhattan Court. College Point, L, I., has nearly
completed plans for a 5-sty brick and concrete
factory, 52x75 ft., to be erected at the southeast
corner of Webster and 6th avs for George W.
Braunsdorf, 232 East 4th St. N. Y. C, owner.
Bids on general contract will be received about
Jan.  15.    Cost  about $25,000.

LONG ISLAND CITY.—.lohn Graham, .".O.'.o
Woodward av. Highland Park, Mich,, is prepar¬
ing plans for an 8-sty addition to the brick
warehouse and assembly plant here for the Ford
Motor Co., Henry Ford, president, Detroit, Mich,
and 1,2.: Broadway, N. Y. C. Gaston Plaintiff.
N. 'i. manager. T. L. Condron Co., S3 West
Jackson Boulevard, Chicago. 111., is structural
engineer Cost about .$200,000. Bids will not
be called tor until next spring.

■TA.MAICA. L. I.—'William E. Austin, 46 West
-Ith st, .x, Y. C, has completed plans and will
soon take bids for the hospital pavilion to be
erected by the city on the east side of FlushlnK
av^ 40O ft. north of Lott lane, at a cost of $120 -


NEW BRIGHTON, S. I.—James Whltford S
Richmond terrace, St. George, has completed
plans for a 4-sty brick office building, 31x80 ft
lor James C. Crabtree, 2!i York terrace. New
Brighton, to be erected in the west side of Jay
st,   1,0  ft.   north of  DeKalb st,  to cost $20,000


SYOSSET, L. 1.—Richardson, Barott & Rich¬
ardson, 31 State st, Boston. Mass., are prepar¬
ing plans and will call for bids about Jan 15 for
alterations and additions to the residence to be
erected here for Miss M. L. Whitney, this place



MOUNT VER.NON, N. Y.—H. S. Rapelye, 10:1
South Oth av, Mt. Vernon, is preparing plans
for a 2-sty brick store and flat, 25xGO ft. to
be erected on the east side of 3d av, south of' 1st
st, for William Brown, South 4th av owner
Cost about .$0,000.


SCARSDALE, N. Y.—Harrie T. Lindeberg, 2
West 4,th st, .\, Y. C, is preparing sketches
for a residence to be erected here tor Thomas
E. Wing, 14 Wall st, N. Y. C, owner.

KATONAH. N. Y.—Harrie T. Lindeberg "
West 47th st, N. Y. C, is preparing sketches'for
a residence to be erected here for Miss Frances
S.  Mead.  Lake Waccabuc,  N.  Y., owner,

KATOXAH, N, Y.—Harrie T. Lindeberg, 2
West 4ith st, N. Y. C, is preparing sketches
tor a residence to be erected here for Mrs
Horace Brightman,  Lake  Waccabuc, N.  Y.

YONKERS, N. Y.—Joseph W. Armstrong. G4
Colgate av, has had plans prepared for two 2%-
sty frame residences. 20x:;() ft., to be erected at
78 Colgate av.   Cost about $3,500.

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  [v. 93, no. 2391: Articles]: Page 95