Casola, Pietro, Canon Pietro Casola's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the year 1494

(Manchester :  At the University Press,  1907.)



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Table of Contents

  Page 221  



The Galley Anchored near Jaffa.—Sermon by Fra.
F. Trivulzio.—Letters Received from Jerusalem.—
Death of a Young- Pilgrim.—Another Sermon from
Fra. Francesco.—Amusements Provided by the
Captain for the Pilgrims.—Some Moors Visit
the Galley.—Guinella.—Pilgrims Discontented.—
Arrival of the Prior of Mount Sion.—Conference
with the Deputy-Governor of Jerusalem. — The
Moors again Visit the Galley.—Irritating Delays
in Landing.—Some Pilgrims go Ashore followed
at Intervals by the Rest.—3rd Sermon by Fra.
Francesco.—The Governor of Nabule Extorts
100 ducats from the Captain.—Arrival of the
Governor of Gaza.—The Pilgrims Ransom Ten
Slaves.— Death of a French Pilgrim. — Casola
Lands.—His Description of Jaffa.

On Thursday, the 17th of July, the anchors were cast,
and the galley anchored near to Jaffa, because there is no
port there. While we were waiting for the Scribe or for
the permission to land, the Venerable Fra Francesco
Trivulzio, in order that every man—the galeotti as well
as the pilgrims—should carry some good spiritual provision
to the Holy Land, gathered all the company (both pilgrims
and galeotti) together before dinner, by means of the
comito of the galley, with his whistle, in his usual place,
that is, the poop of the galley. And when there was
silence he preached a beau^tiful sermon exhorting the
company to prepare their consciences well, if they wished
to gain the indulgences and the merit of that pilgrimage.
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