Litchfield, Henrietta Emma Darwin, Emma Darwin (v. 2)

(New York :  D. Appleton and Co.,  1915.)



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  Page 281  

1888-1892]                                                                              28l



Mrs Josiah. Wedgwood of Leith Hill Place dies—^Frank Wedgwood's
death—The Parnell Commission—My mother's ill-health—Her
affection for Down^—Lord Grey and Princess Lieven—The death
of Hensleigh Wedgwood—^My illness at Durham—^Leonard
Darwin stands for Lichfield—The grandchildren at Down.

My father's only surviving sister, Caroline, the widow   of
Josiah Wedgwood, of Leith HiU Place, died on January 5,


Jan. Sth, 1888.

I feel that I have lost the only real hnk with old times.
I do not count my brothers, as I think most men, and they
especiaUy, do not like remembering. I keep almost
the last letter which speaks so warmly of caring for my
letters, and I am glad that I wrote more often than usual
lately. Hers was a very wonderful nature in the power of
her affections and interests conquering such discomfort as
she constantly had.

March llth, 1888.

I am driven by stress of bad novels to Carlyle again.
His intense integrity about money is admirable. He and
his wife were quite angelic about the burning of the ms.
A cup of cold water is never wasted on such a heart as
Richard's, a propos to my poor little notes.

The Grove, May 29, 1888.

I am quite longing to see the fun on the 9thi : George
said he could get me tickets and place me so near the door

^ The installation of the Duke of Devonshire as Chancellor.
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