Alldridge, T. J. The Sherbro and its hinterland

(London : New York :  Macmillan and Co., Ltd. ; Macmillan Co.,  1901.)



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SECRET SOClETlE^~{continuec^


Before the native rising in 1898, when an abortive
attempt was made to put an end to British and all other
civilising influences, a part of the Sherbro known as the
Imperri country had long been notorious for possessing a
medicine peculiar to the place, called Borfimor (a con¬
traction of Boreh fima, medicine bag). This Borfimor
was a solid preparation, apparently harmless in itself until
anointed with human fat, when it became an all-powerful
fetish. Of course to obtain human fat people must be
killed, and to procure victims the notorious Human
Leopard Society was formed. The Imperri was the great
centre of this institution. It does not appear to have been
of any very great age, possibly not more than forty years,
or so old. I remember to have been told, some twenty
years ago, that it was then merely a family arrangement,
the members working only among their own relatives ; and
that at the committee meetings of the society a relative of
some member was selected, told off to be the next victim,,
and subsequently waylaid  and  killed by a  man  in   the
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