Alldridge, T. J. The Sherbro and its hinterland

(London : New York :  Macmillan and Co., Ltd. ; Macmillan Co.,  1901.)



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Agriculture, 92-99, 251, 298, 300
"Alecto," H.M.S., 319, 321
Alikadi Kwaia Bubu, Chief, 301
Alimami Bassi, Chief, 298
Alimami Bolimodu, Chief, 296
Alldridge, T. J.   (See under Govern¬
Anglo-French Boundary  Commission,

Animals, wild and game, 285

Bafeh river, 276-278

Bafin river, 286

Bafodia, Town, 291

Bagru river, 23

Bagweh river, 286

Bahol, Town, 314, 325

Baiema, Town, 236

Bai-wara, Town, 215

Bakka Vassa, Mountain, 203, 221

Bamba, Town, 325

Bambaia, Town, destruction of, 328

Bambara country, 184

Bamboo, 70-72

Bananas, 87

Bandajuma, Town, hut tax in, 306 ;
Mendi rising, 318, 326; punitive
expedition, 330; court held at, 331

Bandasuma, Town, 166, 258, 259

Bande country, 218

Bande-Wuru, Town, 75, 208, 257

Bandi country, 228

Bangeh river, 271

Baningoreh fakai, 288

Banyan tree, 225

Barri country, 252

Basia, Town, 300

Bato, Chief, 207

Batte Kakka, Chief, 244, 256, 258

Befuin, Town, 243

Beh Sherbro, Chief, 310, 312, 313

Beli tribe, 238

Bendu,   Town,   during   Mendi risingy

3io» 3J9, 322, 325, 326
Benna hills, 300
*'Blonde," H.M.S., 317, 324
Bogo, Town, 308 ; destruction of, 329
Bompe country, 306
Bonner, Deputy Judge, 331
Bonthe,  Town,   3,   9;  trade  of,  41 ;

Mendi rising, 307-331
Borbabu, Town, 248
Bramaia, Town, 300
Bridges, 37, 286, 300
Bulung, Town, 300
Bulwa, Town, 175
Bull frogs, 117

Bum Kittam river, 21, 319, 321
Bum river, 23, 308
Bumban hills, 291
Bundu Society, 136-143
Butterflies, 79

Camwood, 75, 209

Canoes, 77

Cannibalism, 238

Cardew, Sir F. (See under Govern¬

Cassada, 95

Cattle, 117

Chiefs.    (See under Natives)

Christian missions, 50-52, 339

Clams, 248

Climate, 25-34, 220, 221, 273 ; torna¬
does, 283, 323 ; winds, 32

Cobbler, village, 199

Cocoa nuts, 89

Coffee, 341

Cotton, 96-99; cotton cloth, 99;
cotton seed, 95

Cotton trees, 19, 82

Cricket, 44

Crickets, 116

Crocodiles, 24
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