table of contents.
452. .
. .* 29tliAug.
453. .
454. .
455. .
... 7tliSept.
... 2nd Oct.
... 12t]iDec.
456. .
... 30th Dec.
457. .
,.. 25tliJan.
458. .
... 13th Eeb.
459. .,
... — March
460. ..
,.. — April
461. ..
,.. 13th May
Speech o£ Prince of Servia on Opening National Assembly.
Events in Bosnia and Herzegovina................. 2401
Address of National Assembly of Servia in Answer to above 2404
Turkish Irade promidgating Reforms .. ..,........... 2407
Turkish Eirman granting Immunities and Favours to
Ottoman Subjects. Reforms...................... 2409
Despatch from Count Andrassy to Count Beust. Proposed
Reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Andrassy Note).. 2418
British Reply to the Andrassy Note. Proposed Reforms
in Bosnia and Herzegovina ....................... 2430
Turkish Reply to the Andrassy Note. Proposed Re¬
forms in Bosnia and Herzegovina................... 2441
Turkish Instructions respecting Administration of the
Vilayets........................................ 2444
Roumanian Circular announcing the Neutrality of Eou¬
mania in the Crisis in the East.................... 2456
Memorandum of the Yievrs of Austria-Hungary, G-er-
many, and Russia on the Affairs of Turkey. Proposed
Basis for the Pacification of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
(Berlin Memorandum.).......................... 2459
462. . • .. 19th May British Eeply to Berlin Memorandum. Proposed Basis
for Pacification of Bosnia and Herzegovina.......... 2464
463, •... 30th June Proclamation of Prince of Servia. War against Turkey. 2471
464..... 2nd July Declaration of War by Montenegro against Turkey .... 2475
465..... 10th Sept. Turkish Imperial Hatt. Eormation of a Gl-eneral Council.
Eeforms in Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Servia ........ 2478
466. • • • • 14th Sept. Turkish Memorandum on Attitude of Servia and Monte¬
negro. Proposed Mediation of Guaranteeing Powers.
Conditions of Peace................".............. 2482
467..... 30th Oct. Eesume of Efforts made by the British Government to
preserve Peace. Proposed Conference.............. 2488
12th Oct, Circular Note from Sublime Porte. Do...........Note < i