Hertslet, Edward, The map of Europe by treaty

(London :  Butterworths [etc.],  1875-91.)



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No. 456]         AUSTEIA, aEEMANY, AND EUSSIA.    [30 Dec, 1875.

[Andrassy Note.    Reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina.]

by the Powers, and that the Porte would have pledged itself to
Europe to carry them into execution.

Such is the firm conviction resulting from a preliminary
exchange of ideas between the Cabinets of Austria-Hungary,
Russia, and Germany.

Your Excellency is directed to bring this view of the case to
the knowledge of the Court of St. James, and to obtain its con¬
currence in the work of peace, the success of which our efforts
tend to assure.

If, as I hope, the views of the English Government accord
with our own, we should propose, out of consideration for the
dignity and independence of the Porte, not to address our advice
to the latter in the form of a collective note, but to confine our¬
selves to inviting our Representatives at Constantinople to act
conjointly and in an identic manner towards the Sultan's
Government in the sense of what we have set forth.

You will be so good, M. le Comte, as to read the present de¬
spatch to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, and to leave him a
copy of it, and I should be glad to know as soon as possible the
impression it has made on his Excellency.

Receive, &c.


[A copy of this Note was communicated by the Austro-
Hungarian Ambassador at Constantinople to the Porte on the
31st January, 1876.]

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