Hertslet, Edward, The map of Europe by treaty

(London :  Butterworths [etc.],  1875-91.)



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No. 457]            aEEAT BRITAIN, AUSTRIA, &o.      [25 Jai]., 1876.

[Reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina.]

The institution of a Special Commission, composed of an
equal number of Mussulmans and Christians, to control the
execution of the reforms proposed by the Powers, as well as
those proclaimed in the Irade of the 2nd of October and Firman
of the 12th of December ; and, finally, the improvement of the
position of the Rural Population.

Of these points the first four could and should. Count
Andrassy states, be brought into immediate execution by the
Porte; the fifth gradually as soon as is practicable.

The Austro-Hungarian Government consider that if Bosnia
and Herzegovina obtain these concessions and other reforms indi¬
cated in the recent Firman, but which, from the text of the
Firman, would appear not to be intended to be at present applied
in the insurgent districts, hopes may be entertained of the resto¬
ration of peace.

Count Andrassy adds that there is a general conviction
among the Christians that in the spring the insurrection will
spread to Bulgaria, Crete, &c., and that at all events it is to be
foreseen that the Governments of Servia and Montenegro may
be unable to resist the force of public opinion in their countries
and be led into joining the movement as soon as the winter
breaks up.

The three Cabinets accordingly consider that the only chance
of avoiding new complications is to be found " dans une mani¬
festation emanant des Puissances et constatant leur ferme resolu¬
tion d'arreter le mouvement qui menace d'entrainer rOrient."*

" Or, ce but," Count Andrassy continues, '' ne saurait etre
atteint par le seul moyen d'une injonction a I'adresse des
Gouvernements Princiers et des populations Chretiennes sujettes
du Sultan. . . . Aussi les Cabinets croient-ils absolument
necessaire d'obtenir que le Gouvernement du Sultan confirme,
au moyen d'une Commission officielle, ses intentions consignees
par rapport a I'enserable de I'Empire dans Tirade du 2 Octobre
et dans le Firman du 12 Decembre, et qu'il notifie en meme
temps aux Puissances son acceptation des points ci-dessus men-
tionnes, qui ont pour objet special la pacification des provinces

* " In a manifestation eraanatiug from the Powers, and making clear their
firm resolution to arrest the movement which menaces to involve the East."

+ " Now this end cannot be attained by the simple method of an injunc¬
tion a'ldressed to the Grovernments of the Principalities and to the Christian

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