Hertslet, Edward, The map of Europe by treaty

(London :  Butterworths [etc.],  1875-91.)



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13 July, 1878.]     GREAT BRITAIN, AUSTRIA, &c.
[Treaty of Berlin.]

[No. 530


Ottoman Troops..........     15, 16

Public Works...............    51

See also Railways.

Railways (Bulgaria)..........     10

(Eastern Roumelia)..     21

(Rustchuck-Varna) ..     10

(Servia)............     38

Ratifications................     64

Real Property—

(Bulgaria)..............     12

(Montenegro)...........     30

(Servia)................     39

Reforms in Asia.............     61

Religious Endowments (Servia)    39

Religious Liberty—

(Bulgaria)..............       5

(Eastern Roumelia)......     20

(Montenegro)...........    27

(Servia)................     35

(Roumania).............     44

(Ottoman Empire).......    62


Roumania............   43—51, 53

Roumelia (Easbern)......     13—22

Russia, cessions to, in Asia ....     58
Rustchuck and Varna Railway .     10

Sakhar   ....................     36

Serpent Island............   46, 56

Servia...................   34-42

Silistria....................       2

Spezzia.,...................     29

Straits.....................     63

Toultcha.    Sandjak..........     46

Transit Dues (Bulgaria)......       8

(Roumania)   ....     48

(Servia)........     37

Treaties confirmed___8, 20, 37, 49,

53, 63
See also Railways.

Tribute (Bulgaria)   ..........       9

Turco-Persian Boundary......     60

Turkey in Asia..........     58—61

Vakoufs.................     12, 39


Aet.                                               Table.

Preamble. Reference to Treaty of Paris, of 30th March, 1856
(No. 264), and to Preliminary Treaty of San Stefano of 3rd
March, 1878 (No. 518).................................

1.  Bulgaria.   An Autonomous and Tributary Principality under Suze¬

rainty of the Sultan.    Christian Government.    National Militia

2.   Bulgaria.     Boundaries and Delimitation by European Commis¬

sion:—Between Bulgaria, Boumania, Turhey {Macedonia), and
Servia. Silistria and Mangalia. Balhan Frontiers of Fastern
Boumelia.    Non-erection of Fortifications   .................

3.  Bidgaria.   Election of Prince.   Exclusion of members of Reigning

Dynasties of Great Furopean Powers.    Election of Prince in

case of a Vacancy.......................................

Bulgaria. Assembly of Notables to draw up Organic Law at
Tirnovo. Rights and Interests of different Populations to be

5.  Bulgaria.    Basis   of  Public  Law.    Civil  and  Political  Rights.

Exercise of Professions and Industries by all, irrespective of
Religious Creeds.    Freedom of Religious Worship..........

6.  Bulgaria.    Provisional Administration by a Bussian Commissary,

assisted by a Turhish Commissary and by Consuls delegated by
the Powers, until completion of Organic Law   ..............

7.  Bulgaria.   Provisional Begime not to extend beyond Nine Months.

Prince to be elected as soon as Organic Law is completed ....

8.  Bulgaria.    Commercial Treaties, &c., between Foreign Powers and

the Porte to remain in force.    No Transit Duties to be levied.

Equality of treatment for the Subjects, Citizens, and Commerce







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