Hertslet, Edward, The map of Europe by treaty

(London :  Butterworths [etc.],  1875-91.)



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25 Nov. 1880.]     TURKEY AND MONTENEaRO.              [No. 579

[Cession of Dulcigno to Montenegro.]

only the inhabitants, or he will wait to take possession of
these two points till the daytime of the following day, when His
Excellency Dervish Pasha, on receiving a notice from the
Montenegrin Commander, which shall reach hira ou Friday
evening, will send a detachment of Ottoman troops to occupy
the two localities in question, and surrender then?, to the Mon¬
tenegrin troops.

Receipt for Surrender of Town and District to be given by
Monte7iegrin Commander.

The vegule^v giirrender of the town and district of Piulclgno
being accomplished, a receipt for the possession shall be
delivered to the Cornmander-in-Chief of the Scutari Division
by the Commander-in-Chief of the Montenegrin troops.

At the request of the Montenegrin Delegate, his Turkish
QpUeague will send to Kounia^ on Friday, at 10 o'clock in the
mprning, two Turkish officers, who will rernain with the Monte¬
negrin Delegate till the end of the surrender.

Done in duplicate at Kounia, Thursday (evening, 25th
November, 1880 (n.s.).

For the Comnaander-in-Chief of the Scutari-
Albania Division.

Lieutenant-Colonel Staff-Major.

For fihe  Compiander^in-Chief pf the Moji-
tenegrin troops.

Aide-de-Camp to His Highness the
Prince of Montenegro.

[On the 27th November the town of Dulcigno was peaceably
occupied by the Montenegrins, and the Dulcigno District
surrendered to them, and on the 5th December the combined
Fleets took their departure from Dulcigno.]

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