Hertslet, Edward, The map of Europe by treaty

(London :  Butterworths [etc.],  1875-91.)



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28 K'iIIl]        Gll^^AT BRITAIN, &c., AND TURKEY.     [No. 580

[Turco-Monteneg'rin Boundary; Dulcigno, &c.]


impossible in Albania between the Lake and the Sea. Italian
Commiv^sioner thinks tbe question of principle is opposed to this
partial delimitation, it being evident that Montenegro could not
accept as definitive the tracings fixed between the Sea and the Lake
without first being assured that it will receive the compensation
bet\\een the Lake and tlie Zem stipulated by the Memorandum of
12tb April (No. 563). French and Russian Commissioners share
this opinion, especially as the absence of one of the interested
parties would not permit the delimitation being proceeded with,
and refer to the line of conduct adopted in a similar case in the
previous year, wjien the Turkish Commissioners withdrew (see
Protocol No. 5) (No. 552)- Italian Commissioner considers it
desirable to delimitate the frontier on the Herzegovinian side, if
Montenegro be represented in the Commission, Commissioners
adjourn on the understanding that tbe renewal of their labours
shall be subject to the instructions that they may receive from
their Governments.                                 Ragusa, lOth May, 1880.

No. 28. The French Commissioner, Count Colonna Ceccaldi, recalled; M.
de St. Quintin appointed his successor. Major Boselli appointed
Italian Commissioner in the ]3lace of Lieutenant-Colonel Otto¬
lenghi. Commission declared to be constituted for 1881. Thanks
expressed to Governor-aeneral Osman Pasha, for assistance
rendered by him. Austro-Hungarian Commissioner suggests
that explanatory Memorandum respecting the New Frontier, as
indicated in the Identic Note of 2t)th June, 1880,* should serve
as the basis for the labours of the Commission between the Lake
and the Sea. The Montenegrin Commissioner proj)oses the
adoption of the aranville Projectf as the basis, inasmuch as it
had been accepted by all the Cabinets as well as by Turkey. The
acceptance of this line by the Sublime Porte is the consequence
of its acceptance of the "Dulcigno Arrangement" (No. 579).
The Russian Commissioner considers that the hne of the
" Dulcigno Arrangement" forms the basis upon which the Com¬
mission has been convened; but that the object of its labours at
the present meeting, has only for its basis the existing under¬
standing (entente) between Turkey and Montenegro. The
Turkish Commissioner, Bedri Bey, declares that he has no know¬
ledge of the explanatory Memorandum, and that the " Dulcigno
Arrangement" has not been accepted by the Sublime Porte, and
he then proceeds to read the instructions which he has received
relative to the delimitation of the Territory between Lake Scutari
and the Sea. The Montenegrin Commissioner, out of deference
to the areat Powers, accepts in principle the line between Lake

* See " State Papers," Vol. 71, page 1234.
t See " State Papers," Yol. 11, page 1223.
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