No. 597] TURKEY AND MONTENEaRO. [10 Jan., 1883'.
[Iffonteneg-iin Boundaiy—Lake Scutari to Gradistf •]
No. 591.—PROTOCOL between the Turkish and Monte¬
negrin Boundary Commissioners, for the Demarcation of the
Frontier from Lake Scutari to Gradiste, near Podgoritza,'^"
Cettinge, 10th January, 1883.
At the opening of the sitting, the IVEontenegrin Delegates
announce that, by order of His Highness the Prince, the
Government of the Principality agree to the demarcation, for
fche present, of the frontier from Lake Scutari to Gradiste, under
the following conditions : —
1. The frontier will start, on the north-east of Lake Scutari,
from point XIX on the British Commissioner's map, and will
follow the line agreed upon by the European Commission as
far as 2 kilometres to the sonth of point XX of the same map ;
thence the frontier will run towards a point situated at an
equal distance from the villages of Goshik and jMatagoush,
leaving the latter to Turkey. Then, winding round the
villages of IVEatagoush and Yladnja, it will rejoin the line of the
European Commission, 4 kilometres beyond point XXIII of the
English map.
Thence it will run in a straight line towards the River Zem,
which it will reach at 100 metres to the west of the bridge,
sub No. XXIY, which will remain to Turkey. It will then
continue towards a point situated at 100 metres to the south o£
the ruins of the houses of Omer Bo jo, which it will leave to
Montenegro, and will start from thence to the point of Gradiste
on the above mentioned map.
2. This line is accepted by Montenegro on condition that
the work of placing landmarks be commenced forthwith (in a
fortnight at the latest), firstly, from point XIX of the English
map, as far as Gradiste; and secondly, on the line situated
between the lake and the sea. The Commissioners of the two
States may nevertheless come to an understanding for the
simultaneous placing of the boundary-marks over the two lines
* See Maj), facing page 3140.