Hertslet, Edward, The map of Europe by treaty

(London :  Butterworths [etc.],  1875-91.)



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No. 610]               BULGAEIA AND SEEYIA.          [3 March, 1836,


No. 610.~TREAT¥ OF PEACH between Bulgaria and^
Servia,    Signed at Bucharest, ?>rd March, 1886.

In the name of God Almighty.

His Imperial Majesty the Sultan, Emperor of the Ottomans,
in his capacity as Suzerain of the Principality of Bulgaria, His
Majesty the King of Servia, and His Highness the Prince of
Bulgaria, being equally animated with the desire of re-esta¬
blishing peace between the Kingdom of Servia and the Princi¬
pality of Bulgaria, have, for this purpose, provided with their
full powers :—On the one part:

His Imperial Majesty the Sultan, Abdullah Madjid Pasha,
of Boumelia, Beyler Bey, Director of the Press, in the Inaperial
Foreign Office, decorated with the Order of the Osmanieh of
the 3rd Class, and with the Order of the Medjidieh of the
4th Class, &c., as 1st Delegate ;

His Highness the Prince of Bulgaria, M. Ivan Bvstatieff
Guechoff, Governor of the National Bulgarian Bank, &c., as
2nd Delegate, the selection of which has been approved by His
Imperial Majesty the Sultan :—And on the other part:

His Majesty the King of Servia, M. Chedomille Mijatovich,.
His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoteniiary in
London, Commander of the Royal Order of the White Eagle,
Grand Officer of the Royal Order of Takovo, &c.

Who, having communicated to each other their Full Powers
and found them in good and due form, have agreed upon the
following :—Only article :

Peace is re-established between the Kingdom of Servia and
the Principality of Bulgaria, dating from the date of the signa¬
ture of the present Treaty.

The present Act shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be
exchanged at Bucharest within a fortnight or sooner if possible.

In faith of which the respective Delegates have signed the
present Treaty, and have affixed to it their seals.

Done at Buchaiest the -37dTia7cE^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ 1886.
[Htre follow the Signatures.]

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