Glaisher, James, Travels in the air

(London :  R. Bentley,  1871.)



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the great laboratory of changes which contain the germ of future
discoveries, to belong to the chemist, the meteorologist, and the
physicist, its relation to animal life at different heights, and the
form of death which at certain elevations waits to accomplish its
destruction; the effect of diminished pressure upon individuals
similarly placed; the comparison of experiences in mountain ascents
with the experiments in balloon ascents—are some of the questions
which suggest themselves, and indicate the direction of inquiries
which naturally ally themselves as objects of balloon investigations ;
sufficiently varied and important, they will be seen, to give the
Balloon a place as a valuable aid to the uses of philosophy.

I should wish, before closing my own portion of this work, to
express the gratification I feel that French gentlemen have united
with me in collecting the results of other labours in scientific
research, and I hope that my experiments may be of use in future
inquiries. I most willingly place my experiences at the service
of any aeronaut, and hope that the time is not distant when my
experiments will be surpassed by others more extensive, and that
the progress of aerial navigation may give a new scope to scientific
research in the Balloon.

The voyages of MM. Flammarion, De Fonvielle, and Tissandier,
which follow, have been translated from the French by T. L.
Phipson, LL.D., &c.

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