Apte, Vaman Shivaram, The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary

(Poona :  Shiralkar,  1890.)



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-5  A   division of   a work ( such
as that of the   Mahabhashya ).

BTTST^:  Delight,   joy;  ^f^f^

^^ Pt. 4;  ^J^ «.  conferring  de¬

BTr|ff»T a. Giving delight. —A
Gladdening, delighting.

BTrirff^a. 1 Delighted, glad. -2
Giving delight, gladdening.

^g 1 P. Ved. To make crooked,

BTTi:^ a. 1 To be invoked. -2
To be bent down or brought near.
-3 To be made favourable.

^rfrf P' p. Injured; ""^q^ a,
curing what is injilred or bent.
I ^fft^i A low or expelled man
(who, after having offered a sacrifice
to the manes, takes the sacrificial
food for himself ); Bf^ffcff^ff ^ri"-
r^r H^ ^r% r§r% P.III.2. 135 Com.

^riTC^: A recension of the black
Yaj ur-veda.

3?f^^  a. Making  crooked,

irrl 1 p. 1 To call, summon.
-2 To invite, invoke ( in a liturgi¬
cal sense). -3 (A.)To provoke, chal¬
lenge; fr^^fg;<Hlg^^ Sk.; BTTS^

^^foj^ 'S'i. 20. 1; Bk. 6. 25, 8.
18, 15! 28, i2, 89. "-Gaus. I To
send for,  call;   ^fH'frr^rif^Rf^ q-

^grnrf^TTf^E. 15.75;Bk. 6..121.

-2 To cause to invite  or   summon.

BTff^: [3fr|^%^r^6^, sfr-f-BfT ]1

Battle, war, fight; i^vpTff^^tift^qf
E. 7. 67; ^qx xq-mq^X^^ Eg. 1. 31.
-2 Challenge, provoking, calling;
^cfff^ desire of fighting.

BTffff: 1 A trough near a well
for watering cattle. -2 War, battle.
-3 Invoking, calling.

BTf|l%: /. Calling, invoking, chal¬

^fl: Yed. Calling, invoking.

^rirf p. P' 1 Called, invoked, in¬
vited ;f€f^^JTf^?fff^: qx^qxq XW^^'
q^ 81 2. 1.-2 Named, called. —cf
Calling. -Comp. —iTTt^f^^ m. a
defendant or witness not appearing
when summoned- —xx^x the time
of universal destruction.

STTfrn":/. [^r-t-pR"5T] Calling,

BTfi" a. [ 3fr-|--^ ] 1 Who or
what calls, a crier. -2 Named, call¬
ed, -ir [ ^-f-^f ] 1 Calling,
calling out.-2 A name, appellation,

oft. at the  end of cotap.; QfUff:,

^f^rf r &c.

BTffTBT: 1 A name, appellation (as
last member of comp. ); ^f^ ;cr-
qx^'nXW^ Earn.; 'pff^f^, ^qx^X^'
^x; f%c?ffg^ ^ Ak. -2 A law¬
suit arising ' from a dispute about
games with animals, as cock-fight¬
ing &c. ; ( one of the 18 titles of
law ); q^q^^qf^sfff^f^^ ^-^q:
Eaghavananda on Ms. 8. 7.
. BTfl^f^ a. Taking one's name.
—A Name, appellation.

BTTIpf 1 Calling, inviting. -2 A
call, invitation, summons ( in gen¬
eral); ^ffffPt sr^ffrf Pt. 3.
47. -3 A legal summons ( from
court or govt, to* appear before a
tribunal); Mk. 9. -4 Invocation
of a deity ; Ms. 9. 126. -5 A chal¬
lenge. -6 A name, appellation. -7
N. of a liturgical formula. -Comp,
—fi^^t day of trial.

BTff f;T^f(% Den. P. ( In law ) To

BfTfr^; 1. A summons. -2 A

^rWHTcfi* ct. Calling, inviting.
—^x A messenger,   courier; BTflTT-

^n^..^ft^?^tr^^ Bk. 2. 43.


^ The third letter of the Devana-
gari alphabet.

1[t[3f-f 3f] N. of Eamadeva.—iw(i.
An interjection of (1) anger ; (2)
calling; (3) compassion ; (4) re¬
proach ; (5) wonder ; (6) sorrow;
■ (7) distress.

f I. 2 P. ( In Dhatup. written as

^^)   {my ^wxy ^xqxq,qA,^) 1

To go, go to or towards, come to
or near ; ^Rf?r ^TCf^ ^f E. 8.
^^ ; ti^T^rW5#fflvrf Bk. 3. 40.
-2 To arrive at, reach, obtain, at¬
tain to, go to or be reduced to a
particular state, fall into; fqi-
T^x^XqAfA Mk. 1. 14 goes to (ruin,
is ruined; so ^, ^xq, ^qf &c.
~S To return. -4 To go away, retire;


elapse, pass. -5 To spring from,
come or arise from. -6 To undertake
anything (with ace); ^^Hf^i^Yaj.
-7 To ask, beg. -8 To be; to appear.
-9 To be employed in, go on with,
be in a particular condition or re¬
lation, with a part, or instr. ; ^qqf
^Xq kqqqi q{A 8at.BT.; qqxqq^-^x
Eaty. -10 To thrive, prosper. -II.
1 U. =3f?3rq. V.-III.4 A. 1 To come,
appear. -2 To run, wander. -3 To go
quickly or repeatedly. -4 To ask,
request. — Gaus. To cause to go or
come.[cf. L. eo; Gr. eimi with x^fq],

fft a.[ f-firg ] Going (at the end
of a few comp.; as ^q ).

fqp. p. [f-^ ] 1 Gone to; ^f^.
^fpft^rf ?T^f%fr ^i. 6. 71.-2Eeturn-
ed. -3   Obtained. -4c Eemembered.

-5 Attended by; ^ ;^f^^: mxf^-
ft^x E. P. 10.—?f 1 Course, mode
of going.  ^2 A way.-3 Knowledge.

^fxXx f. Going, moving.

^q a. To be gone towards or ap¬
proached; f^qx f^^qq j^qq. --xqx
1 Going; way.-2 A litter; palanquin.

^qqa. [f-wrf^;^;^] Going.

^^X a.{xxf ) I f-wnrq;] 1 Going,
travelling, a traveller. -2 Cruel,
harsh. ~3 Low, vile. -4,Despised,
contemned.-5 Poor. —Xi A eunuch.
—^f 1 A disloyal or unchaste wom¬
an. -2  An abhisarika q.   v.

q^q^ a. Future, to come;Ki. 1.
23; Si. 1. 26.

%^fXrSX A sprout qr stem of a
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