Apte, Vaman Shivaram, The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary

(Poona :  Shiralkar,  1890.)



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to cause to move. -2 To let fly,
cast, throw. -3 To raise ( as one's
voice). -4 To sprinkle. -III. 9 P.
( f^^UxA ) 1 To cause to move quick¬
ly, let fly,cast. -2 To fly off, escape.
-3 To s^trike, smite. -4 To impel,
urge, incite, animate, promote. -lY.
1 XJ. (^^-^, M.ifl-%1^5" ) To go,

f^qx Cl' Wishing, desiring &c.
—q^: 1 (In Arith.) The sum sought.
-2 N. of a tree.

f-r^^ri pres. p. Wishing, desirous,
willing; ^TR^ST^rR' XXXq against his

J^X [ f ?. ^% ^ ] 1 Wish, desire,
inclination of mind, will ; fe^T^r
according to one's desire, at will.-2
Willingness. -3 (In Math. ) A
question or problem. -4 (In gram.)
The form of the Desiderative.
-Conip. '^qxA fulfilment of a wish.
—prffrT:/. suppression of desire,
indifference to worldly desires.
—qx^ the solution of a question or
problem. — ^ desired sports, fa¬
vourite pastimes ; Me, 89. —f g a.
^possessing wealth according to
wish', epithet of Kubera. —^g-^.
fulfilment of one's wishes.

f^ a. Wishing, desirous ; usual¬
ly in comp.

f^^Tcfi a.    Wishing &c.

f^a. 1 Speedy, going quickly.
-2 Wishing, desirous. —/. Yed.l A
draught, refreshment, food. -2
Libation. -3 Strength, power, sap,
freshness. -4 Comfort; increase. -5
Affluence. -6 Eefreshing waters of
the  sky. -7 Wish.

fqf: 1 One possessed of sap or
strength. -2 The monthBirW; ^fM"-
m^ptf^WTrmcT: 81 6, 49.

fqopjj^ Den. A. To move, ex¬

fqT%: /. 1 Sending, despatching.
-2 Wish, desire, impulse.

fqcr^rr^ T^en, P. To excite, drive^
nrge on.

fq^^T Impulse, desire.

fq;^r%T)en. P. 1 To be juicy.
-2 To swell, increase. -3 To be
fresh or active. -A To animate,

. fq^ a. 1 (The object) of aim. -2
Skilled in archery.

#r Cl. [^\'XAx] Wishing, desiring.

ffirar P' p.    ( fr.  fq- 4 cl. ).   1


Moved, driven, sent, despatched.
-2 Excited, animated. -3 Quick,

^fqr a. Yed. [ fqr-nff-^^'q: ] 1
Juicy, succulent, refreshing, fresh.
-2 Powerful, strong, quick, active.
-3 Moving. —Xx Fire, —t ind.

fS- P' P' lf% v^wx'x ^Pr =^] 1
Wished, desired, longed for,
wished for; ^q^T^ iT%T^:nNala.l. 1.
-2 Beloved, agreeable, liked, favour¬
ite, dear ; °3TFJf^: Mu.2. 8 fond of
sons.-3 Worshipped, reverenced, -4
Eespected. -5 Approved, regarded
as good. -6 Desirable ; see fST?,^.
-6 Yalid. -7 Sacrificed, worship¬
ped with sacrifices. -8 Supposed
(^r^Trf) ; oft. used in Liiavati.
—H": 1 A lover, husband, beloved
person; fglRm^Hcrrf^ 8. 4. 2.
-2 A friend; Pt. 1. 57 ; 2. 167. -3
N. of a tree (iTf^)--^ ^- of Yishnu.
-5 A sacrifice. —ST ^-of a tree {^A\)'
—t 1 Wish, desire.. -2 A holy cere¬
mony or #^^nT. -3 A sacrifice ; see
^^iqA'—ind. Yoluntarily. -Coilip.
—^^'. desired object. ^^^tR" a.
zealously engaged in gaining one's
desiied object.—BTrTr%:/. occurrence
of what is desired; a statement by
a debater which is favourable to his
opponent also ; ^^q^*! ^^rf?:'?!?
Jag. — ^^rj;^ n.{ In arith. ) rule of
supposition, operation with an as¬
sumed number. —gRTXf^; the root
of a fragrant grass (^<q^^A ). — ^F-
qq^ a. granting the desired ob¬
jects, an epithet of the cow of plen¬
ty. —^W a. fragrant. ( -v^f: ) any
fragrant substance, {-q) sand. — WT:
a beloved person ( whether man
or woman ); U. 3. —qqx, -qqqx a
favourite g^d, one's tutelary deity.
—^R'JtC^^- going according to one's
desire. —^XXX ct. 1. performing de¬
sired vows. -2. obeying one's
wish. -3. ( food &c.) for the fulfil¬
ment of a vow. -4. that by which
good works succeed.

^ f^nr^ [ fg- =^ q;S '^ qAX'- xxqmx:

q^^^A^A ] Performance of pious
or charitable deeds; performing
sacrifices, and digging wells and
doing other acts , of charity ;
f^njrfft^:    ^TT^^PTfTT^  Mv.    8.1;

ffe: /. [ f5:-f^^. ] 1 "Wish,
request, desire. -^2 Seeking, striv¬
ing to get. -3 Any desired object.
-4 A desired rule or desideratum;
( a term used with reference to
Patanjali's additions to Katyayana's
Yartikas; f^^f qx^^^fXqXX^xqy fr% qX-
^qqXXX^X &c., cf. ^q?f^5?TPT). -5 Im¬
pulse, hurry. -6 Invitation ,order,
-7 (qrsf-frFR; ) A sacrifice. -8 An
oblation consisting of butter, food
&c, -Comp. —3?^^ a sacrifice last¬
ing for a long time. —1=^; 1. a
miser. -2. a demon ; an Asura •
so °g^. — ^5 an animal to be
killed at a sacrifice.

fS": /. A wish, desire.

fSr a. [ fq:-f^Rf ^^1^ Tf^]
Wishing. —sqf: 1 Cupid, god of
love. -2 The spring. ~3 Course,

ff^^ra. Speedy, impetuous, an
epithet of the winds.

fs^:,r-siT  [fsr-^qg] The  spring.

^ (^f ) ^T IW ^^f^ y?T. ^xq
f rsr ] 1 Keed, rush, stalk of grass;
gr^RTRmlf^Rrr: Eam.; °BTW E.
1l2. 23. -2 An arrow. -3 A sort of
sugar-cane; Saccharum Spontaneum.
-4 A small stick of w6od or iron
used to see whether gold in a
crucible is melted or not. -5 A
brush. -6 The eye-ball of an ele¬
phant. -Comp. —^ the point or
upper part of a reed.

^: [f^-^; cf. also Un. 1. 13] 1
An arrow. -2 The number five.
-3 (In Math.) A versed sine.~4 N".
of a Soma ceremony. -Comp. -^wq,
-3T?r?cff the point of an arrow. —.37-

?=r?f,-3T# the bow; frmr^psTO^^Ipfr'

OT* E. 11. 37; -^^rj^T- qx^x Dk.
9^ — 3^r^ a. thro wing arrows.. (-^: )
1. a bow. -2, an' archer, a warrior ;
Bg. 1. 4, 17. —^rn::,-fr?T m. an
arrow-maker. — ^:,~^ m. an
archer. —q^To-ft^T: an arrow-shot,
the range of an arrow, — jf^ffiT;
discharging an arrow ; E. 2. 42.
—qxq a. having the length of an
arrow ( about 5 short spans or
three feet. ). {-q ) 1. the length of
an arrow. -2. an altar ( Jtt). — ?^
a. carrying arrows in the hand,
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