Apte, Vaman Shivaram, The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary

(Poona :  Shiralkar,  1890.)



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( some read for the second line ^^^r^
^rr^* ^ Htffr frXq^ ^ijrTf-.ll making the
total number seven); M. 5. 20 ; Mv.
7. 42; mm^FT^rPT: E. 1. 63. -2
An infectious disease. -3 Travel¬
ling ( in a foreign country ), so¬
journing    {qq{q).    -4  An   affray.

ts^-^T (t. {^X'€xf')y also tf5][
Such, of this kind, of this aspect,
endowed with such qualities. —^ n.
Such a condition; such occasion.

ff tTTF Quality (  opp.   ^qrX\ ) ; f^-

qrxqx qx E. 13. 5; JTmtfTff^ ^T^lt

knows me to be so.

fci; 1 P. To bind; cf. ^q.

t^^r [ ^f5i'%=^r BTF^-H^T^-ST ] 1
Desire to obtain. -2 A wish, desire'

ff^XXq et.   Desired,   wished for,

dear to; 3TqiT%rf ^^^m^TPTF E
14. 4; S. 3. 14. -q Delire, wish.

fc^ a. Striving to obtain^ wish¬
ing or desiring to get (with ace.
or inf.,   but usually   in   comp.   );

^fc^^Hic^n:^ % 35!5r*?r^r?i'!T E. 5.69;

cKT»T°,^'T° &c.-(;oilip. —^i3':aparti-
cular Soma sacrifice.

^IJ ind. [f-^;OJ.^l Yed. 1 A
particle of affirmation or restric¬
tion ; nsually after short words at
the beginning of a sentence, after
zf(T, relative pronouns, prepositions
and particles like ^rf, ^T^ &c. -2
IsTow, -3 This, here (tr^ ).

i^ [ t-^«^ ,^^^ ] Pervading;
'^^^^F^ of pervading sight.

f^2A.(f^, frR%,^fe, mt

fat); also 1 P. {p p, iftq) 1 To go,
move, shake (trans, also).-2 To
rise, arise or spring from. -3 To go
away, retire. -4To agitate, elevate;
raise one's voice. —10 U. or Gaus,
( f r^lt, fitrT) ITo agitate, throw,
cast; Si. 8. 39; discharge, dart,
hurl; "^fl:?:ir ?Tfr|4- Bk. 15. 52;
E. 15. 20.-2 To excite, prompt,
urge; Bk. 12. 6. -3 To cause to
rise, produce. -4 To utter, pro¬
nounce, proclaim, say, repeat;
Mai. 1. 25; f^K^JRfr^ rT^r R<I%
I^. 14. 21;  SI 9.69;  Ki. 1.26;

E. 9.8; fq^x^ %*Tr fnwKrrf ^^rr

Sdv. 5. 23. -5 To cause to go, set
in motion, move, shake; ^^fCrf?-
8r^?II^R: 8. 1 ; BTqRTTr^^^"^:
Ki. 2. 50 ; 81 8. 20. -6 To . draw
towards,   attract ; Bi.  10. 32, -7


To employ, use. -8 To bring to
life, revive. -9 To elevate. -10 To
raise oneself (A.).

t^^ a. [ f^-^Z ] Agitating, driv¬
ing. —oy. The wind. —cfj- 1 Agitat¬
ing, moving, driving. -2 Going.
-3 =^(Tx q. V.

^XXX P' P' 1 Sent, despatched. -2
Said, utteted &c.; '^STf^ declared
purpose or intention.

ixxq^a. [ tr-f%f?r ] 1 Moving, agi¬
tating. -2 Going.

f^ a. To be excited. —^ Wan¬
dering about as a religious mendi¬
cant. -Coilip. —qqx 1. the observ¬
ances of a religious mendicant to
obtain knowledge. -2. the four po¬
sitions of the body, i. e. going,
standing upright, sitting, and lying

fftw fl. [fr'f?r5T] Desert, bar¬
ren. —Of A desert, barren soil;^^-
fqq iA*J(X^^^xixXV^m^ Eam.""

f ^q; See f ^*.

^ ^' [tX:^^] 1 Agitated. -2
Going constantly or instigating
everything (Say.) —ind. Here, in
or to this place. — ^: The arm*; the
fore-quarter of an animal. — ^ A
wound, sore ( m. also).

ffffcT a. Yed. Eull-haunched, or

t^T^: m.f, A cucumber.
fqx = Mf q. V.

t^^,t^^i P- (H[t,K[^r-

r, fl'^, ti^qq) To envy, be jealous
of, be impatient of the success of
(with dat. of person); f^% fs^frf
Sk.; Si. 8.36.

fs4, fs^, f^qx a. Envious, jeal¬

fs^lr-q^r [|st-3itr ] Envy, jeal¬
ousy, envy of another's success,
spite, malice.

I's^?(^f)^, 'H(i) «• En¬
vious, impatient,

%\^X {^ f.) 1 A weapon, a
cudgel or a short sword. -2 A
stick shaped like a sword ( qxx^X"

fcTcJ^a. 1 Going.-2 So large, so
stately or magnificent.                 ,

1^2 A. ( fI, f^f'^^, %tlF, t(%-
Wr, fl%g", fr%fr ) 1 To rule, be mas¬
ter of,   governs  command   (with


gen.);qx^ iH^TFTPflg" K.312v.l.;BT^f-

qrRrm% ^q qqqfA =^RKi4)A*<t 'tr^-

ifBh, 3. 30 ; sometimes with ace. ;
fffrtRTf^ntTrf f^nftpT: SYei. Up.
(also used in the Yeda with gen.
of an infinitive or loc. of an ab¬
stract noun ). -2 To be able, have
power; expressed by * can '; qx^-
Hli- ^R'TR^^'ff E. 18. 13, 14. 38 ;

^nm^ xrn^A q ?prr: Ki. 6. 24;

U. 7. 4 J Si. 1.38. Mkl. 10. 13.
~3 To act like a master, allow.
-4 To own, possess. -5 To belong to.
f^ m. A master, lord, the Su¬
preme spirit.

fiO" a. [ i^qx ] 1 Owning, pos¬
sessing, sharing, master or lord of;
see below. -2 One who is com¬
pletely master of anything. -3 Ca¬
pable of ( with gen. ). -4 Power¬
ful, supreme, —^x 1 A lord,
master ; with gen. or in comp. ;
^^f^fr^r »R^f^?; Ku. 3. 34
with great difficulty controlled
( were masters of ) their minds ; so
qfl^^, 1^^ &c. -2 A husband. -3
A Eudra. ~4' The. number 11
( derived from the eleven Eudras).
-5 N. of 5iva (as regent of the
north-east quarter). —^r 1 Su¬
premacy, power, dominion, great¬
ness.-2 i?. of Durga. -3 A woman
having supremacy^ a rich lady.
-Comp. —^«T: the north-east
quarter. —^Cfj -^Tll' ^. of Benares.
—^ the missile qfjrqTf. — ^ET^: an
epithet of Kubera,

i^A [ t^-?3^ ] Commanding,
reigning &c.

imq et. [ t^ qx^^l^ W^f^ ] 1
Owning, possessing, master or lord.
-2 Eeigning, ruling. -3 Wealthy,
rich. — rf: 1 A ruler, master, lord.
-2 N. of 6'iva; f^R^f^JR^Tf'J^rRr
Ku. 7. 56 ; K. 10. J^3 The ATdieL
Nakshtra. -4 One of the Eudras.
-5 The number *eleven'.~6 The sun
as a form of jSiva. -7 A S&dhya.
-8 K of Yishnu.-?ft N. of
Durga. —Tfr, -qi The silk-cotton
tree (^[fl^iitfr).—rf Light, splendour.
-€omp. -sifrflq'^551^: /. one of the
five forms of iSiva. — ^g[^ a. 1,
making one a master or able. -2.
acting like a competent person.

tr%f Cl. [t^-H'q;^] An owner, a
master,    proprietor.    —tw.     The
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