Apte, Vaman Shivaram, The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary

(Poona :  Shiralkar,  1890.)



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world of dreams; and m is Prajna, the
spirit of sleeping and undreaming souls;
and the whole om is said to be un¬
knowable, unspeakable, into which the
whole world passes away, blessed above
duality; ( for further account see
GougVs Upanishads pp. 69-73 ). In later
times om came to be used as a mystic
name for the Hindu triad, representing
the union of the three gods a (Vish?iu),
u (iS'iva ), and m ( Brahma ). It is usual¬
ly called Prawava or Ekaksharam ].
-Comp. —^r^: 1. the sacred syl¬
lable s^Tf^. -2. the exclamation
sqtTT, or pronunciation of the same.
-3. {^g.) commencement; fiq-rTf^-
^nr^j Mv. 1; B. E. 3. 78.

^t^X Ved. 1 A protector.-2^ One
who is favourably disposed (towards
another). -3 Any one fit to be pro¬
tected or favoured.

^|Tr»|^w. 1 Protection. -2 Favour,
kindness. -3 A kind person.

affF^a. 1 Friendly. -2 Fa¬
vourable, kind. -3 Satiating,

g^prnrr Protection, kindness, as¬

sIfTT ^^d.   Favour, protection^

^t'CTJ* A hard scratch; Mai.   7.

^fT5J a. Wet, damp, —xixx An
esculent root (^"T ).

^Jt^^l  P.,   10  TJ,  (^r^^,
• #H^^, ^r«5|^ ) To cast or throw
upwards, throw up.

^iTT^ a. Wet, damp. —W* A
hostage ; ° STT^rRT: come or receiv¬
ed as a hostage; ( this word occurs
once or twice in Viddha^alabhan-
jika ).

^r^rt 1 Burning, combustion.
-2 Cooking, baking.

aq'rqrr: Pungency, sharp flavour.
—of)- A pot-herb.

^t^n5r*r% /. [ ^^' ^r ^^

3T^r^-Rr Tv.] 1 A herb, plant
(in general); ^X^qx ^M\^\^\'' Ms.

1.   46 ; cf. ^^r^^. -2 A medi¬
cinal plant or drug. -3 An annual
plant or herb which dies after be¬
coming ripe. -Oonlp. —t^^-'Pfi)
-qxq-. the moon (as presiding over
and feeding plants); cf. <j^iir*{
'^^nft: ^^x ^vAt ^1^ i5Hr<:*i«h: Bg.
15. 13;E. 2. 73; Ku.7. 1; 8. 4.

2.   —^ a. produced from plants.
( -^: ) fire. —WT:rTT%- 1. a dealer
in medicinal drugs. -2. a phy¬
sician, ~3. the moon; Si. 9. 36
(where it means * physician'also).
—STW: the capital of Himalaya;
fT^jpiT^W^'?^^* RTrl^ f|^^ Ku.
6. 33, 36.

^^ ind. Immediately^ quickly.
^^^fW^^ a. Burning.

^ U^. 2.   4 ]  A lip ( lower  or

iipper ) ; m^ 3r^^^: Ms. 8.
282; 3T^^ f%^°.-gt A creeper
.bearing a red fruit to which the
lip is commonly compared (f^«4«ht*).
( In comp. the 3^ or arr of words
before afe may be optionally
dropped, and the fem. may end in
3Tf or f ; as f^ (^) W^* [ cf. L.
ostium ]. -Comp. —3?>^-t the
upper and lower lip. — ^qHRfT^r
the creeper Bryonia Grandis
(whose fruit resembles a lip).
—cRK:-JRfnr: a disease of the
lips. —^ a. labial (produced by
the lips ). —5iTf the root of the
lip. —q"^: -q a sprout-like or
tender lip. —^ the cavity made by
opening the lips, —^sq-; -€q* the
tree cfy^. — ^: any disease of the

ifrs^ a. { At the end of comp. )
Taking care of the lips, —cR": A

^m*l ct. i^l^-qq] 1 Being at
the lips. -2 Belonging to the lips,
labial ( as the sounds).

sft^W a. A little warm, tepid

^t^; Ved. 1 Bringing, perform¬
ing. -2 Beaching. -3 Meditation.
-Comp. —^nsri,^. one who has sa¬
cred knowledge.

^t^^ n. Praise ; idea, true no¬
tion (1).


^ w. 1 A sound. -2 N. of Se-
sha or 'Ananta. —/. The earth.
—ind. An interjection of (1 )
calling (ho, hola ); ( 2 ) addressing
(oh!); (3) opposition. (4) as¬
severation or determination.

^T1%^^: [ ^?RT-^ ] A Br^h-
ma^a who knows or studies or re¬
cites the ukthas,

4n%^^ The text of the Ukthas.

afl^A peculiar mode of recitation.

^T^^5 4t^ A multitude of ox¬
en ; 81 5. 62.

^^q Cl* [^T3Frf q^ ^qq^ ] Boil¬
ed in a pot {^x^ ).


[g:^-cq^] Formidableness,
fierceness, dreadfulness, cruelty &c

srra: [3ft^.^^ 3T'^] Flood.

^%%rq'/^'rf^^T' [^.f^cT-^31 q^xA
'^\] 1 Aptness, fitness, propriety,
suitableness. -2 Congruity or fit¬
ness, as one of the several circum¬
stances which determine the exact
meaning of a word in a sentence
(such as ^#T, ^WX ^e>.) ; X^XH^-^X-
f^cft   ^^:   ^r^^%:^^U^^:S.D. 2;

in the example q\^ Ax ^qxW there
is ^r[%r(t or fitness in taking j^ to
mean ^x^q (meeting) instead of
^X^A' ^3 Habituation.

^T^^'S'^'H' ]^. of Indra's horse.

B?r5r^ Gold;

Bf^^%^ a. {^ /') [^nsf^r ^c!^

•^^ ] Energetic, vigorous,     acting,
with strength, —qi: A hero.

a||^^ a. Conducive to vigour
or energy, —x^ Strength, vigour of
life, energy.

^Tw'^S'^ [ ^^s^fS'-sq^ ] Bright¬
ness, brilliancy.

^T^ a. Wet, moist.

^^g'a. {^ f. ) [^f-Bior]
Belonging to stars ; K. 178. —q*
A kind of Rd^a ( in Mnsic ),
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