Apte, Vaman Shivaram, The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary

(Poona :  Shiralkar,  1890.)



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11. —;^ Day-break, morning,
BTT^i^ a. Sacred to Ushas or the


^InsTRT^, 3=l7r*^^ a;    ( ^ /. )  1

Walking   out  at     day-break.    -2

Early born or produced at dawn.
S?t^ a.   ( ^ /.)  [^^-3T^] 1

Eelating to,   or produced from, a


camel. -2 Abounding in camels.
—5^1 The milk of a camel. -2

afr^^ a. (cjft/. ) [^^-53T^J Ee¬
lating to a camel, —qx A multitude
of camels ♦ 81 5. 65.

3^W «. ( ^ /. ) Belong¬
ing to  a carriage drawn by camels.

^^tS"*^ et. [^-^ctl  Eelating to
the lip, labial.    -Comp.   —w4:   a

labial letter; i. e. Z, ^, q, i^, ^, q,

q^, and j.   — ^frf a.  pronounced

with the lips. —iE^: a labial vowel.

^^ [^^OTT-Bfcj ] Heat,  warmth.

^^OTisf, Bf\"si^ yz^ -z^ -^"^

HeatjE. 17. 33.


% The first consonant of the al¬
phabet, and first letter of the gut¬
tural class.

^: 1 Brahman, -2 Yishi^u. -3
Kdmadeva.-4 Pire. -5 Wind or air.
-6 Yama. -7 The sun. -8 The soul.
-9 A king or prince. -10 Knot
or joint.-ll A peacock.-12 The king
of birds. -13 A bird. -14 The mind.
-15 Body. -16 Time. -17 A cloud.
-18 A word, sound. -19 Hair. -20
Light,splendour.-21 Wealth, proper¬
ty, —qx 1 Happiness, joy, pleasure
( as in ^\qx which is explained thus-
q ix5^=J:^ ] ^ 3T^ q^). -2 Water;

^r^ ^nf^rw xq q^x^^^i^ qx

Y. 2. 108,. ^^q qfqq f^r qTWqx ^.
fq^XTx Subhash. (where a pun is in¬
tended on ^^y the apparent mean¬
ing being Kesava ).-3 The head; as
in qx^XX ( =*" Rltt ^TTPTcft^ ). -Comp.
—^ a. watery, aquatic. —^; a cloud
(giving water.)

^ A Taddhita afiix added to
nouns and adjectives, mostly to the
former, in the sense of diminution,
deterioration, similarity, endear¬
ment, or sometimes to express the
original meaning of the word it¬
self ; e. gi f^fSR": a small tree,- ^M^:
a chap; 3^: dear boy;^^!^: a
bad horse, or like a horse, or a horse
itself (^ q{qj.

^*<4 a. Sappy, prosperotis.
m:^ N. of the eightliYoga.
q^2 A. {^^) 1 To go. -2 To
command. -3 To destroy; see q:q.

^^♦—^ 1 A drinking vessel,
cup, can, goblet. -2 Bell-metal,
white copper. -3A   particular mea*

sure knotvn as arrs^, q. v.—g*:
N, of a king ^of Mathurd, son of
XJgrasena and enemy of Krishna.
[He is identified with the Asura Kala-
^emi, and acted inimically towards
Krishwa and became his implacable foe.
The circumstance which made him so
was the following. While, after the mar¬
riage of Devak* with Vasudeva, he was
driving the happy pair home, a heavenly
voice warned Kamsa that the eighth
child of Devaki would kill him. Thereup¬
on he threw both of them into prison,
loaded them with strong fetters, and
kept the strictest watch over them.
He took from Devaki every child as
soon as it was born and slew it, and in
this way he disposed of her first six child¬
ren. But the 7th and 8th, Balarama
and Krishna, were safely conveyed to
Nanda's house in spite of his vigilance,
and Krishwa grew up to be his slayer
according to the prophecy. When Kamsa
heard this,he was very much enraged and
sent several demons to kill Krish^ja,
but he killed them all with ease. At last
he sent Akrt^ra to bring the boys to
Mathura. A severe duel was fought
between Kamsa and Knshwa, in which
the former was slain by the latter].
—gr ^- of a daughter of XJgrasena
and sister of Kamsa.-Comp.—^ft:,
^nf^:, f^TH, ^5, ^5[, f5 m. 'slayer
of   Kamsayi.e. Kyish^a; ^^ xifqqxx

ftFXT^ixxpxr^q Ye. i; Pr^f|?rr^

qx^^x ^xAeX 81 1. 16. -3T^5qr
n. bell-metal. —^^ a fragrant
earth. -cirn:: (^/.) 1. a mixed
tribe • ^^f^^f^r^ m^mr^^pjqg-j
;Sabdak. -2. a tvorker in pewter or
white-brass, a bell*.founder.—jriMSff
a metallic substance in large grains,
a sort of pyrites. —^fbf^ m.. a
brazier or seller of brass vessels.
—t>5r:~?'r?f the  slaying of Kamsa.

qX^X^fX Bell-metal.

^T^nr^ N. of a  daughter of  zq--


A^qx a. {q^ /.) Made of bell-
metal &c.

ch#^ a. Eit for, or relating to, a
cup. —^Bell-metal.

^frCTR Yed.l Abone.-2Eice,the
grain of which becomes hard in
the middle.

^^1 A. (^r^, q^f^) 1 To
wish. -2 To be proud. -3 To be!
unsteady; see ^^.

^*yi*d a. Yed. Mutilated.

^^X Gold.
-   ^^T: a kind of bitd (Yed.).

^^5* Destruction of happi¬
ness or of enemies; Ev» 10. 102. 6.

'^^TfCT^r A part of the back of
the head {q\t\).

%^'^X The Chdtaka bird.

W^^%f' 1 A summit, peak. -2
Chief, headj see ^rf^ below. -3 The
hump on the^ shoulders of the Indian
bull. -4 A horn. -5 An ensign or
symbol of royalty (as the ^^, q\qx
&c.). -6 Any projecting corner. -7
liT. of a daughter of Daksha and
wife of Dharma. (According to
Pacini Y. 4. 146-147 ^yg is the
form to be substituted for\^ in
adj. or Bah. comps.; e. g, p)4^^<).
-Comp.-W: [ qx^!^ (A^iA ]"an
epithet of Puratjaya, son of /Sasdda^
a king of the solar race, and a de¬
scendant of Ikshvaku;f^^|-^p^a^: q(^
If 5|TPTf ^qx^X^JX f^^Wrr^^

B. 6. 71. [Mythology relates that, wheil
in their war with the demons, the gods
were often worsted,they, headed by Indra,
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