Apte, Vaman Shivaram, The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary

(Poona :  Shiralkar,  1890.)



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tfi^a. Eubbing. —zxx A poli¬

spfof a. Eubbing, grinding. —Z
1 Eubbing, friction. -2 Grinding,
pounding, —off Turmeric.

Zf^Z a. Eubbed, pounded, brush¬

^ a, I qxq[^-Zi ] Eubbed, &c.

ffe: [ ^'cfft-f^?] A hog. -/. 1
Grinding, pounding, rubbing. -2
Emulation, rivalry, competition.

Zj^: A hog.

^i^X Intermediate space.

^ZX ,-^rT^: A horse -Comp.
—BTit: a buffalo.

ZtHy -^Fi^iK'r A mare, horse in
general; B^ff,gF^4ir ^FFf'^^Hfrq^it-
^ ^X^iq F^rftF3^ Atfvad. 5.

^ft^ ( rf ) ^; A sort of rep¬

^<^ 1 The nose ; ql-oTr^FrFJ^
Mk 9. 16. -2 The nose of a horse,
snout ( of a hog ); 3§?:F^»FF'n^-
Z'.ZZ K. 78.

Zlx^q m. A hog.

"^XZX The jujube tree.-2 Tjhe
betel-nut tree.   -3 A timber tree.

^tr a. L^-BTf U^. 5. 64 ] 1
Terrific, frightful, horrible, awful ;
Rf^F^IT^^F «T^Fjf^ l^fT^flF qx E.

12. 39; or rFF% ZX^ ^x\ 'FF f^F^-
^F% ^^F^ Mb. ; ^RC ^XZi U<\XXH^^i
V.7.6; Ms. 1. 50; 12. 54. -2 Vio-
lent, vehement. -3 Yed. Venera¬
ble, awful, sublime, —x: N, of
iSiva. —^f "Night. —t 1 Horror,
awfulness, -2 Poison. -3 Venera¬
bleuess. -4 Magic formuTse and
charms. -5 Saffron. -Comp. —VXX-
ItRf, -f^lT a. frightful in appear¬
ance, terrific, hideous. {-Z'* ) an owl.
—^JK^belbmetal.—q'f^rF^zASiva. —^^
brass. -XTZ^x ,-?1F%5T,-^^qp:,-^f^q;
m. ajackah —^rq": ^dl epithet of

^^♦5 —^ Butter-milk having
no water in it; ( rFl ^F^^f^Sfr^- q\%
rf ^wg'sqFF Su^r. ).

ST a. {X'qxf'){ Used only at
the end of comp.) Killing, destroy¬
ing, removing, curing; ^Fr^TT^^F:,
5TFr5^:, ^r?F^:» f^Tfs^f:; depriving
one of, taking away ; qr^^fgrf, zA^

SRTJ   Ved. A day.

m 1 p. ( f3fCff, Zky 3T5(T5-3T?!T-
tfrg[, ^\ZWZ ) 1 To smell, smell at,
perceive by smell; ^J^^nq- qixx f F%
MW^rq-^pmJT: H. 3. 14; Bv.l. 99.
-2 To \.i^B. — qaus.{zxqq\q) To cause

to smell; Bk. 15. 109. (Prepositions
like STj^, 3TF, zq. ^M &c. are added
'to this root without any material
change of meaning; ifv^FSFF^ ^^^i^;
Me. 21; 3TF*F'F^3Tr'S5Fcl^E. 1. 43; see
Bk. 2.10; 14."l2; E. 3. 3; 13. 70;
Ms. 4. 209 also).    .

5FrT p. p. [ ^r ^nfi%-TFr ] Smelt.

-Z-y -of 1 Smell. -2 Smelling. -3
The nose (also n,). —z 1 The act of
smelling; ZXZZ g^F^F ZXXX Ms. 3.
241.-2 Odour, scent.-3 Thenosc:^-

^T^2Fn% =^^;^F^5n'T?:^F5n^^F^^F-

r% San. K. 26;-Ku.3.47,Es.6.27; Ms.
5. 135. -Comp. —fl^^F the organ or
sense ^of smell; sffi^flT^F^ 5n«T T. S.
—'^^ a. ' having nose for the
eyes', blind ( who smells out his
way). — ?F^^ a. grateful or pleasant
to the nose, fragrant, odorous,
( "Z ) fragrance, odour. —"rFSFF*
a disease of the nose.

STfrF   P*  P'   Smelled smelled at.
ZXZ'Z a. To be smelled at.   —o^f

5FFF^: /. 1 The act of smelling;
5Fn?Fi^»?^T^FJ Ms. 11. 68. -2 Smell.
-3 The nose.

ZZ a. To be smelled at. —2f
Smell,   odour.


(ISTo word in general use begins I     5?: 1 An object of sense. -2 De-
with this letter).                               I sire, wish.   -3 An epithet of iSiva,

^ 1 A. ( T^^ )  To sound-


^ a. 1 Seedless. -2 Bad, vile.
—^x An epithet of ^Siva. -2 Chew¬
ing, eating. -3 The moon. -4 A
tortoise. -5 A thief, —ind. A parti¬
cle expressing 1 Copulation (and,
also as well as, moreover ) nsed to
join words or assertions together ;
( in this sense it isTised with each

of the words or assertions which
it joins together; or it is nsed
after the last of the words or as*
sertions so joined, but it never
stands first in a sentence ); zzx xH-

57^^ mxn "z rzm^xf^sj^ ^ Mdl.

1, 31; ?f^ 4l<>^^Hc?ft ^ ZXXZX ZIXR'
Zq^^i  E.   1.57; Ms. 1. 64;  3. 5j

^iFip^l't-: E. 6. 79; Ms. 1. 105; 3.
116.-2 Disjunction (but, still, yet);
^ififH4*il'iPFT^ ^5^%*^^: 8. 1.
16. -3 Certainty, determination,
( indeed, certainly, exactly, quite,
having the force of t^ ); ^i^xZx <f-
m^ Xi^ ^ *FF?'Tr WF^'TO^:  G, M.;
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