Malaviya, Madan Mohan, A criticism of Montagu-Chelmsford proposals of Indian constitutional reform

(Allahabad :  Printed by C.Y. Chintamani,  [1918])



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to meet the requirements of the country. The effect
of the proposals is summarised by their authors in para.
353 of their report in the following words :—

" We begin with a great extension of local self-
governnient so as to train the electorates in the matters
which they will best understand. Simultaneously we
provide a substantial measure of self-government in
the Provinces and for better representation and more
criticism in the Government of India and for fuller
knowledge in Parliament. And we suggest machinery
by means of which at regular stages the element of
responsibility can be continuously enlarged and that
of official control continuously diminished, in a way
that will guarantee ordered progress and afford an
answer to immediate representations and agitation."
This certainly means progress, but it means unduly
slow progress; whereas if India is to be equipped,
industrially and politically, to discharge her obliga¬
tions to her own children and to the Empire in the
immediate future that confronts her, it is impera¬
tively necessary that an adequately rapid rate of prog-
gress should be ensured by the introduction of a larger
measure of self-government in the Provinces and a
substantial measure of it in the Government of India

The Congress-League Scheme-
3. The Congress-League scheme was framed to
secure what, in the present circumstances of India, the
united wisdom of educated India believes to be the right
y measure of power to the people, acting through their
representatives in the Councils, both in the Provincial
and the Imperial administrations. It reserved absolute
power to the Central Executive Government in all
matters relating to the defence of the country, war and
peace, and foreign and political relation.s. It also reserv¬
ed sufficient  power  to every f:xecutive Goyernnient to

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