Malaviya, Madan Mohan, A criticism of Montagu-Chelmsford proposals of Indian constitutional reform

(Allahabad :  Printed by C.Y. Chintamani,  [1918])



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  Page 62  

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votes will be concerned. For, with the Viceroy, the
European members will still form the majority. But it
will provide for a much more satisfactory representation
of Indian public opinion to the Executive Council. It
will be perhaps the most effective step towards training
Indians for full responsible government. In my opinion
nothing will create a greater feeling of assurance about
the intentions of Government regarding the establish¬
ment of responsible government in this country than
the step which I recommend. It will create widespread

45. To sum up. The proposals should be expanded
and modified as follows :—

(1;    A definite assurance should be given that it is
intended  that   full   responsible   government   shall   bei
established   in   India   within   a  period   not  exceeding
twenty years.

(2)     It should be laid down that Indians shall be
trained for and admitted, if they pass the prescribed
tests, to the extent of at least a half of the appoint¬
ments in every branch of the public service, civil and

(3)     It should be provided that half the number of
members of the Executive Council of the Govern¬
ment of India shall be Indians.

(4)     If the proposed Council of State is created, it
should be provided that half of its members shall be
those elected by electorates in which Indians predo¬
minate.                                            •

(5)     It should be clearly laid down that existing
expenditure on certain .services, in particular military
charges for the defence of the country, shall not be
reduced without the consent of the Governor-General in
Council; but that subject to this provision, the budget
shall be voted by the Legislative Assembly.'
  Page 62