Cook, James, A voyage to the Pacific Ocean (v. 4)

(London :  Printed for Champante and Whitrow ... and M. Watson ...,  1793.)



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Table of Contents

  Page 68  

68                        A  VOYAGE   TO  THE

C H A P. V.

Return to St. Peter and St.  Paul—The  Serjeant^
brings a Prejenf oJ Berries on Board Jor Captain
Clerke—Several   Officers  promoted—Funeral   of
Captain Clerke^ and the Solemnities attending it
—Repaired the   Damages which :he  Dijcovery
fuftained by the Ice—Various Occupations oJ the
Ships Crews—Letter Jrem the Commander oJ BoU
eberetfk to Captain Gore—Supply of Flour^ Pitchy
Tar, &c* Jrom a Ruffian Galltot, zvhich brought
-a Reinforcement of Ruflian  Soldiers—Accmmt of
n very remarkable Exile—Bear-hunting and fifh-
iifg—f^i^e   Serjeant difgraced—The King^s Coro¬
nation Day celebrated—Vifited by the Commander
—The   Serjeanfs   Refloration—Promotion   of  a
Ruffian Soldier at our Requefl—Dicipline oJ the
RuffiUn Army—Church at Paratounca  defcribed
—Manner of Bear-hunting—Cwious Particulars
of   ihe   Bears   and   Kamtjchadales—Infcription
to Captain  Gierke^s Memory—Supply  oJ Cattle
received—Entertainments in Honour oJ the Em*-
prefs's Name-D^y— Prefentfrom the Commander
*-"A Marine attempts   to defert—Awatfka-Bay
nautically and geographically defcribed.

CAPTAIN King fent a meffenger to Captain
Gore, te acquaint him   with the death of
Captain Clerke, who brought a letter from Cap*

  Page 68