Cook, James, A voyage to the Pacific Ocean (v. 4)

(London :  Printed for Champante and Whitrow ... and M. Watson ...,  1793.)



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Table of Contents

  Page 143  

pacific ocean.                      143


Continuation oJ the general Account oJ Kamtjchatka
—Its Inhabitants conjjc oJ three Sorts—Con^
jeBures on their Origin and Defcent—Kamtfcha¬
dales difcovered by the Rjjjtans—Atlaffoff makes
the inhabitants tributary—He is dijgraced, and
ajterwards reJored—The Kamtfchadales revolt"^.
Great Havock made among them by the JmalUPoK
—Ihe Ruffian Government eflahlifhed in this
Country^ mild and equitable—No Offence punifhable
with death—The Rujfian Commerce in Kamtf¬
chatka—Habitations—Drefs —Account of the
Kurile IJands^ &c.

THE inhabitants of Kamtfchatka may be faid
to confift of three forts. The Kamtfcha¬
dales ; the Ruffians, and Cofi'acks; and a mix¬
ture produced by their intermarriages. We are
informed by Mr. Steller, who was long refident in
this country, and who was indefatigable in en¬
deavouring to acquire knowledge on this fubjed,
that the Kamtfchadales are people of remote an¬
tiquity, and have inhabited this peninfula for many
ages; and that they doubtlefs defcended fron\.
the Mungalians: though fome have imagined
they fprang from the Tongufian Tartars, and
others from the Japanefe.

He endeavours to fupport thefe opinions by the
following arguments: That they have no tradi¬
  Page 143