Cook, James, A voyage to the Pacific Ocean (v. 4)

(London :  Printed for Champante and Whitrow ... and M. Watson ...,  1793.)



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Table of Contents

  Page 253  

^^CIFIC  OCEAN.                        553

CHAP.    X.

The fliips'rendered 7nore defenfible—Orders of ihe
French Court relative to Captain Cook—Quit the
Typa—Strike Soundings on the Macclesfi.eld Ban'k
— Pulo Sapata defcribed—Steer for Pido Condore.
—Caft Anchor in a Harbour of that Ifland—Tht
Captains Gore and King land there—Captain
King's Journey to the principal Town—Defer ip--
tion of th Town—Of the Habitation of the Chief
—IneffeBual fearch for the Remains of an Eng^
lifi Fort—Copy of a French Certificate—A Manr-
~ dariuy named LucOy vifits the fliips—Irtformati"
on received from him—The Launches difpatchei
to bring away fome Bufaloes—Singular Gentle^
nefs of thefe Animals lovjards children—Supplies
of Wood and Water—Pulo Condore defcribed—
Account of the Harbour—Animal and Vegetable
Produce of the If and—Perfons and Difpofition
cf the inhahitants—Prefents to the Mandarin
and the Bifliop of Adran—Afironomical and
Nautical Obfervations^

WE unmoored on the 12th of January, at
twelve o'clock, and fcaled the guns,
which, on board the Difcovery, amounted at this
time to ten ; fothat her people, by means of four
additional ports, could fight feven on a fide. In
the Refolution likewife, the number of guns had

  Page 253