Cook, James, A voyage to the Pacific Ocean (v. 4)

(London :  Printed for Champante and Whitrow ... and M. Watson ...,  1793.)



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^C CO t/iV"!r of the Ulicteans, vol. ii. page 69*
Acootarij Ifland of, defcribed, hi. 2.

jidiftmure Bay^ anchor in, i. 49. Account of the in¬
habitants there, 1. 50. Go entirely naked, ib. Their
features and teeth good, ib. Their faces painted
with red ointment, ib. Their hair black and wooliy>
ib. Are much alarmed at Omai's firing a muflcet, i. 51 *

Agriculture the natives of Atooi expert in, ii. 184. Me¬
thod of, in the Sandwich Iflands, iii. 316.

Alarniy imaginary one, at King George's Sound, ii. 2I5«

Americans^ M\{\tt(S. by, ii. 288. Their heads ftrewed with
feathers, ib. Were afraid to go on board, ib. Their
canoes conftruded like thofe of the Efquimaux, ii.
290. At length venture to come on board the Refo¬
lution, ii. 291. Exchange fea otter flvins for beads,
of which they are extravantly fond, ii. 291. Their
fpears pointed with iron and copper, ib. Their daring
attempts on board the Difcovery, ii. 293. Their ha¬
bituations defcribed, iii. 75.

Anderfon^ Mr. Surgeon of the Refolution, a great
proficient in natural Hiftory, i, 4, His defcrip-
Vol. IV. No. 24.               Y                            tion
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