Barbour, George M. Florida for tourists invalids and settlers

(New York :  D. Appleton and Co.,  1882.)



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Table of Contents

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Florida ! What kind of a place is it ? How does it
look? What does it produce? What are the conditions
of success there? How do the people live ? How do they
like it ? These are a few of the multitude of questions
that are eagerly showered upon a resident of this sunny,
genial clime, when visiting the less favored regions of our

Those who ask them commonly suppose that they can
be answered as compendiously and precisely as the some¬
what similar questions in a geographical text-book ; but,
unfortunately, this is not possible, and the numerous pages
comprising the present volume are none too many to an¬
swer them in full. In fact, it is for the sole purpose of
answering these and similar inquiries that I have written
the following book; and I trust that, when he has finished
it, the reader wiH acquit me of having made any larger
demands upon his attention than was necessary to the
accomplishment of this object. I might say, indeed, in
response to the first question, that it is a delightful place ;
to the second, that it looks like a region perpetually
breathed upon by airs from Araby the blest; and to the
other, that it produces nearly everything, with less expen-
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