The Black book or book of misdemeanors in King's College New-York 1771-1775. ()

(New-York: :  Printed for Columbiana at the the University Press,  1931.)



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  Page 12  

12                     The Black Book of King's College

of either Order, that he be recommended to y* next Board of
Governors for Expulsion, and that he also make a public Ac¬
knowledgement, in the Hall, for his offence.

Agreed, That y^ Committee of Visitation will present every
Student to y^ Board for Degradation, who shall hereafter be in¬
debted two Exercises at once;

and Ordered, That all those who are indebted at present, shall be
confined within the College Walls, from Morning till evening
Prayers, each Day, till their respective Tasks are properly com¬

< Davan, to be represented to y^ Board, but first to y^ Com¬
mittee of Visitation, for breaking thro' his Confinement the very
next Morning, immediately after Prayers.>

Made Satisfaction.

[p. 24J

At a quarterly Visitation,
Dec"" 23*^ 1774.
<Willet, for not performing his Exercise the last Vacation, as
ordered at y^ preceding Visitation, to  finish thaty and also to
translate Half of the S*** Aeneid of Virgil into English, by y"
first Day of next Term.>

< McQueen^    \    for breaking thro'  their Confinement,  to
MoncrIeffe> /    make   public   Acknowledgements,   In   the

Chapel, and to translate N°^ 255. 256. of the Spectator into
Latin, against the first Day of next Term; on pain of being pre¬
sented to the next Board of Governors for Dismission or Degra¬

Moncrieffe's given In doubled, y^ 24''' April,  1775.

<Amory)      for  not   getting   their  Visitation   Lessons,   to
Davan /      Translate N° 45 of the Guardian into English,
against the first Day of next Term.>



Defaulters in all Exercises to perform them before they leave y^ Col¬
lege, in Greek; and to translate, during the Vacation, No 264 of y*
Spectator, into Latin.

^ John McQueen, entered 1773.
  Page 12