Korean independence outbreak beginning March 1st 1919

([S.l. :  s.n.,  1920?])



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6. Dnder pressure from Japan the insane Emperor ef Korea gave up the
soveMiaiity of the country.                                       >.>,.,, -i,„„+ thtH art

7, only onTman, the traitor Li Wanj^g, knew anythias about this act.
HOW can one man privately give away a nation to aa?*^®^^"^^^;''^,^. ^| .
it a thing to be pawned? This is not the action cf a nation but of a

6. Japan'threw around the Korean ©nperor's palace the troopa of her

modle a^ay and humberless spies were placed every where to terrorize tot;
?he Koreans.  If a Korean said that he did not approve of the annexa¬
tion he was beaten and cursed by the eolSiers. Some I"^* *° ^^f ^^^.^ -
because they dared to speak their indignatioa and Japan defamed their
memory by saying they had been executed as robbers. xThat a traggdyl

9 PayiS well for^them! Ja^-an bought the traitors of Korea but many
refusfd to accept th4 filthy money and those who could not be bought

ware imprisoned.                                                            „„ ........


i, Korean Christians have been singled out for Persecution

They have been appressed, falsely accused and put to death while the.
Christian rol-giofi has been attacked. Men of great learning Have
been amon^ ihe Christians thus persecuted. Every kind of punishment
has been used to force Koreans to abandon their religion,  onri^^-
ians have been compelled to registoi themselves as such and secure
special certificates permitting them to practice their religion.
Permiasion had to be secured to open Christian chapels and in count¬
less other ways have the followers of Christianity been oppressed.

2  The lands belonging to the Imperial estates of Korea ?7ere worked
by the small farmers. But after annexation the^e lands were taken
over by a Japanese Colonization Society, the Korean farmers were
dispossessed and Japanese settled in T-heir places. Their means

of livelihood gone tha Korean farmers were compelled to emigrate
from their old homes to lianchuria, a land of heavy snows and bitter
frosts, where hundre-'.s died from starvation and cold. This, the
punishment of slaves, may be our due but we cry out to Heaven against
the bitterness of our distress.

3  The Jap6inese have enceuraged Korean sons to dissipate family
fortunes, have instigated litigation botween fathers and sons so
that family fortunes Ba.y be wiped out and all Koreans reduced to


4. The Japanese have encouraged immorality by removing the Korean
marriage restrictions and allowing marriages without formality
and without regard for age. There have been marriages at as

early an age as twelve. Since the annexation there have been 80,000
divorce cases in Korea, The Japanese encourage, as a source of reve¬
nue, the sale of Korean prostitutes in Chinese cities, l.ost oi these
prostitutes are only fourteen or fifteen years of age.  It is a part
of the Japanese policy of race extermination by which they hope to
destroy all Koreans, liay God regard thsi,e facts!

5. The Japanese Government has established a bureau foir the      ^

' scale of opia^ and under the pretext that opium v/as to be used ior
medicinal purposes has caused Koreaut and I'ormo&ans to engage m
poppy cultivation. Ihe opium is secretly shipped into China. Be-

-  Sause of the Japanese encouragement of this traffic many Koreans
become users of the frug.

6. The Japanoss forbid emy siEhool courses for Koreans higher

than the Middle school end the higlior schools established by miss¬
ionary orgainzations are severely i-e.gulated. The civilization of
the Fa-^ East originated in China and vjas brought first to Korea and
thence to Japan. The ancient books were more numerous in Korea than
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