Art.l. The Koxean Pinanc-ial Department to engags.,a Japanese as
■-superlnteitaant of Korean financee in order to carry out fiscal r'sflirms.
Art.3. So%uad currency system to be estaiiishod by abolishing the pre--- .
sent mint and withdrawing copper coins no in circulation.
Art ,4. Currency union to bos established betv/een Japan and Korea
and Japanese money to accepted as legal-tender by Koreans.
Art.10. ashe Korean army at present 20,000 to be reduced to 1,000
and all the garrisons in the provinces to be disbanded, one at Seoul
alone being kept.
Art.11. Military arms to be made common betv/een Japan and,Korea,
wi-th the object of adjusting the existing military system in the latter
Two years later on the 24th July 1907, we have another Japan-
Korean Treaty, which abaolutoly deprives Korea of any voice in its
■own admini3trati9n. The important articles in -this covenant v/ith refer¬
ence to Korean authority over Korean matters are as follows:
Art.l. The govex-nemtnt of Korea shall follow the guidance of the
(Japanese) Resident General in effecting administrative reforma.
Art.2. All the lawa to be enacted aid all the important adminiatration
measures to be unaertaken by the Korean Government ahall previoualy
receive the consent and approval of the Hesident General.
Art.4. The appointment and dismissal of high officials of Korea,
shall be at the pleasure of the Hesident General.
Art.5. The Government of Korea shall appoint to the Gavemment
offices of Korea any Japanese the Hesident General may recommend.
I It la obvious that this practically means the extinction of any
Kptean authority in Korea.
, We noT/ turn to the steps by which Japan obliterated all links
be-tv/eon Korea and other Pov/ers. Y/e begin with the Japan-Korean Pro¬
tocol of the 22nd August 1904, which provided:-
SHi Art.8,Korea to recall her ministers stationed 'abroad when she
decides to place her foreign affairs and the protection of her sub¬
jects staying abroad in charge of Japan.
Art.9.The Foreign Ministers to liorea to be v/ithdrawn from Seoul,
and the Foreign Consuls alsne to remain on duty with the withdrawal
of Korean Ministers and Consuls from Foreign countriea.
The full development of this removal of the Korean Foreign Office
to Tokyo is seen in the Japan-Korean Treaty of 17th November 1905,
which stipulates:-
Art.l. The Japanese Government through the Foreign Office in Tokyo,
will henceforth take control and direct the foreign relations and
affairs of Koroa, and Japanese diplomatic representatives and consuls va.
will protect the subjects and interests of Korea abroad.
Art.2.The Japanese Government will take upon itself the duty of car¬
rying out exiating treatiea between Korea and foreign countries, and
the Korean Government binds itself not to negotiate any treaty or
agreement of a diplomatic nature without the intermediary of the
Japanese Govarnment.
Thus we see the tv/o main lines along which the Japanese Government
moved for the suppression of Korean nationality. Incidentally we
may note that every step seemed to be carefully prepared. Thus the fo¬
llowing passages indicate that for quite a long time before the annexa¬
tion the Japanese Government had been preparing the dispose of the Imperial
A distinot line of demarcation to be di-awn between the Court and the %s.