Korean independence outbreak beginning March 1st 1919

([S.l. :  s.n.,  1920?])



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April 4,1915

This afternoon, about 40 police and gendarmes cama to our compound
to make a search. Their chief objectives were the homes of Dr. J.offett
and Mr Kowry. But after these houseo were searched, they also searohed
the homes of Mr. Glllis, Mr. McMurtrie, Mr. Reiner, Dr. ^^aird, the Pore
ei<m School Dormitory and Miss Enookls residence. They came with the
double nurpose of finding boys who were hiding hero and for securing
and incriminating evidence there was. At Mr. Howry's houce they caught
three boys while one or two who had been near there ran away and tried
to escape.  Some of them did escape but Elm Taisul did not and was cap¬
tured directly in front of Mr. Reiner's house. Eailmg to capture all
the boys whom they were looking for at Mr. kowry's house the police
then went to the other houtes as mentioned above. At iir. glllis'
house they took three others, one of whom was working for him as
outside man. Another had oome that day to see him and happened to be
there at the time. At Dr. Baird's thoy took Pak iiyung Nong, a college
boy who had been acting as a seoertary for him. At Miss Snooks'
they took Elm Tai Hoon, Miss Salmon's secretary and also the matron of
the school. At Dr. Moffett's they captured Yi Kyum Ho and also found
several papers of one kind or another, as mentioned in Dr. Jioffett's
letter to the American Consul. The best account of this scene is
contained in Dr. Moffett's letter, which see.

In the evening Dr. Uoffett and Mr. Howry were called down to the
police station for examination. Dr. lioffett was released about midnight
but Mr. Uowry was held and sent over to the prison. Eor a full accovmt
of this see Dr. Moffett's and Mr. Bwrnheisol's letters.
Arrest of Kim Taisul.    April 4th, 1919, 5 P.M.

This afternoon about 40 police and gendarmes came to our compound
to search the homes of Dr. toffett and Mr. Mowry. At Hr. Howry's house
or near there, there were several boys and some of them ran trying to
escape, jtoong these was Kim Taisul, a Junior in the College. He ran
dotm across the gardens to the rear of Hiss Best's and Mr. Glllis' houses
and than turning in came towards our house running between the Foreign
School, Dormitory and Mr. Glllis' house. The police saw him running,
and came up to our house by the front path thereby heading him off. See¬
ing that he could not get away, he stopped s ort within twenty feet of
our front steps. One policeman caught him by the arm and then took firm
hold of his coat collar. His treatment of the boy was all right, but
several other police came running up the path and one of them rushed up
to him and utterting the sizzing sound for vAiich the Japanese are so
famous struck him severly three or four times on the head. He tried
to protect himself by stooping and putting up his hands. Then thoy
knocked him dovm on the ground and than kicked him in the hoad three or
four times until his face was bleeding.

Having'seen the police come to the compound, I vjent out on to
our front steps and sat there for a long time, and it waa while ait-
ting there, within twenty feet of the spot where this scene waa enacted
that the capture was effected. There was absolutely no call for such
brutality, iiim Taisul did not resist the police in the slightest after
stopping. He did no violence. He said nothing. But gave himself up
and acted perfectly circumspectly.

Pyeng Yang, Korea, April 7, 1919.
Honorable Leo Bergholz,
American Consul General,
Seoul, Eorea.

Dear Mr. Borgholz:-
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