Korean independence outbreak beginning March 1st 1919

([S.l. :  s.n.,  1920?])



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____  DIO

■ t!mi,T£irjAaajflTT?raE*TEIMlEUlLEAI^ HAY. Apr.17,1919

On -the 15th inst. all houses were ordered cleaned up, this being
the official Spring clean-u.p. This was true only in specified dis¬
tricts of the city bf Pyeng YSm^, but in some of the adjacent country
thj.s day was also observed. The ptOioe-and gendarmes took special
pains to make this a burden to all the people. Hever before has there
been such exaction. But the burden was made specially'hea-vy for thex
Christians, The non-believers were hardly molested and often passed
over without a word. But Christians were beaten and abused in many ways.

In a certain village four Christians were beaten and the in¬
formant saw the whole affair. Three of these lived in the house near
him and one m a house across the street. Asked as to what the people
were beaten with, he said that three of them were beaten with a stick
which was found in the yard by the house and one man was beaten with
a laundry stick or paddle. Asked as to hard they were beaten, he said
that the women were struck once each and hard, but the man 10 or 12
times and very hard. So hard, in fact, that kk evening there were
large welts across the baok of his neck where he had been struck.

April 17,1919

Word has been received from a man living near Pyeng Yang that
the gendarmes are beginning to maSe exactions of the civilians as
tit>xg;aiar^!rxMaysriritx>iityh!nr,iTrgxto "Hush bribes" . The police came to his
house several days ago and said

that two Christians near there had been similarly visited and told
that the gendarmes were ag4in talking of arresting them. They had
been arrested once and beaten and they might be arrested and beaten
again but if some present were sent to the gendarmes, they would not
be molested. They were scared, he said, and sent rice and meat and other
things and tried in this way to forestall any action from the gendarmes.
He was told that he had been arrested once and set free without beating,
but that the gendanies were talking about him again.  It would, there¬
fore, be better if he sent some gifts. He said he would think it over
a little.

V&ether this practise is being followed in other places is not
known, but there is no question that here is the beginning of the
worst form of offical and petty squeezing of the old, corrupt Eorean
regime. In every place and in every way annoying and vexing exactions
are being madd of the people, and especially of Christians. i?here is
the policy of "frightfulness" going to lead the officials of thisiawi

April,21, 1919

„ -u   ^ ,   ,                                                                     Country                 city

Number of churches in territory                                           250                      7

"    " meeting irregularly                                                 13                     2

•  not   "   at all                                                            14                     q

No of churches circumstances unknown, but as far

as we know meeting once every Sabbath                 232                     5(known)

Bumber church buildings damaged, doors and windows

broken, furniture &  books destroyed                                    16                     0

No buildings were burned in this territory.

PASTORS.                                                                      ^

Total number in territory                                                 37                     g

Working as usual                                                                    10                     i

Arrested, now in jail                                                    -   7                     4

Unable co work, in hidings etc.                                     11                     o

Arrested, later released                                                     3                     o
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