Korean independence outbreak beginning March 1st 1919

([S.l. :  s.n.,  1920?])



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tjrought to pyeng Yang and Is now awaiting-txial._.--S«W«--fch«n-'th,a,^^h^ .

his not been able to worship on Sunday.                        „ >,„ w^q bPttsr and

^IdeT Cha who was shot in the arm, as soon as he was better ana

TarxiTiPSH -Doliceman when questioned about it by the ofiicers.
Japanese policeman wneq    ordered Christians and unbleivers to

?s SHf pXif^- - ?^:iL^rS\s?d?s°|e-of^^^r^^^^^^^^

^•arrLtfd a^d %%* J^-S nik^S^fstfa^r^JfdgeSnf ^L^^Lsed
^d^^^ ^Lfof?hesfaTerdg^ ^r^h^e ^^ther of one of the leaders
Sd his son,  was sentenced to ninety strokes,   thirty stroke^ to be given

°^ "^rSarcrflflas^^^'Kim 01 Choi of Tai-pyung village,  was attend¬
ing a\enpyfsseibg H.|is^                                                                -,^i% ^

tv'^flfthfSonstratAich followed      The ne^^

tflTe^Xlfr aril-'o'IiLriftreyfing^the police broke^          the

lil rsk^rwSlrrherhfsblnr^S?^4o^w^i^rihe^rlSifd:  "In%;eS°|ng" .
llll aSid herion where he went'to  school,   and when l^e.answered    "The
cSristfan schSofin the village",   they threateningly pointed a gun at

^'"'ormrch'!sf iLtof ?f Ilyo^I ZflL'Z^i-^.^te Church in this

prison awaiting trial .^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^imcmn CHURCHES

April  28,   1919
Uy    '^Jplbon nersonally visited the church at Pal Sanmak to aaoer-

^Schhlf come to home      Trtest out  thf truthfulness of the Koreans
S ^fef Ifr'a^rslr^lhnir^t^^^h^s^rt^^t^f t^^rrt;oSr^^?h%^t the^
sKS?est?rouSd being leflfor doubt.    Tho Koreans had not exagerated
?he-^SSge"do^ but hid given an accurate  statement of things^s they
actually were.    The  soldiers or gendarmes at Pai bauuiM had run th|ir
luns thiough the lattice  doors breaking and ruining them,    ihey had^
lone  in and smashed the pulpit,   the benches,   the ^fP ^f .f^f^^f^
?„_„      rpv,,  ovipet  iron stove had been overturned and beat  in so tnat
It wis r^S!    The mats In the flow had been ruined by the men tramping
*round with heavy hob-nailed boots.

^r    Welbon investigated the whole matter and then went to the
Chief of Pcl?ce and asked how such a thing oould have ^^^f'^t^Zy^Jl^^^,^
^ilf expressed surprise at  the report,   feigning ignorance of the affair,
S^thouffh his own me£ had committed the  deed.    He said that  "some had men
mist e^denllHavf done  it"  and that was all the  satisfaction that

°''"'Hav!n?seeSihat was  done at this Pla=e and also noting how

Reported wrecked but accepted the Koreans'   reports on the basis of this
Invostigation.  ., '
  Page D14