Korean independence outbreak beginning March 1st 1919

([S.l. :  s.n.,  1920?])



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March 6,1919                                 ^  „*^s

(From Mal II Sinpo March Sth and Tok^o Nipo March 7th}


The decision of ©ablic Procurator--------,after ei^amination

all will be sent to prison.

In thlntJJV; over what punishment should be metad out to the
people wSrtrSiis ti«e have stirred up the «if ^ °^^«i%|f°P^^,f 3^^^^
upriaing, the procurator of this region (Seoul) has *»/aid that such
a^ affair as this uprisinr; is not the eatoe as conmon offences and that
^i^ severf puiishSent will be meted out and that in the trial ^° lenien¬
cy will be ^own but it is decided to give severe 5-?^^^^^*:. > f^tt*
Bffitny have already been seized but orders are given out to coJ^tinue the
Sure of msurreotioniats aa there is plenty of room planned for them.


(Copied from a China Paper of about March 26th.)

The Censor at Tiork.

The following'letter from Korea dated March 22nd haa been received:-
The C«nsox is at work in Chosen and Japan. The truth regarding fthe
situation here cannot be published. "Official report" and interviews
appear from time to time in the English papers printed m t^f^f^P^^f . „^^
but as yet a truthful account has not appeared. Facts are always distort,
ed to fit into the idea which certain ones wish to prove, and hence
the real situation u cannot be punliahed. One English daily announced
several days ago that it had teen prohibited from printing a certain
document 3hioh it wished to print. The vernacular papers, too, are wide
of the truth in their reports. Either they do not ^°!'. *^.^f^*^' °f_-j,_
will not hear it, T/hatever be the cause, they are deliberately be^rch-
ing the characters of the missionaries aad are taring thereby to lower
thim ia th© estimation of the people among whom they are working. As
facts which are considered undeciirable for the people to know are
prohibited >y the Censors, so articles which actuail/ appear are with
their consent. Hence the libels which these vernacular papersj^rint are
not without the permission of the Sx  officials. If the Plai\t?^*^^^
were proclaimed by these papers with the samo vehemence and boldness
that they heieled these libels, not an issue would pass the Censor, and
the papers would doubtless be confiscated.


In order to pla£e before the world, therefore, the actual state of
affairs, it has been necessaiy to call upon reverters from China and oto er
foreign countries to aereonally visit Chosen and to see thin^js for
themselves. The world outside Japan is bein;- taado acquainted with the
conditions which prevail in Chosen before the people in Japan are per¬
mitted to know them themselves. Even the Japanese residents of Chosen
are kept in ignorance of the real facts by the garbled reports which the
native paper? are compelled to print. It is a pity and a shame that the
Rood name of Japan should be so lowered by such methods of censorship
and libel. The truth regarding the situation in Chosen must become
known to the world sooner or later just as the famous "conspiracy case"
finally became known. The impression which that case produced upon
the world was tremendous and all to the discredit of Japan. The im-
j.»^«T%ta. pression which the present situation will maBe must prove even
more ismresslTs. But the prohibition of the free reporting of these faotq
will eventually prove the have caused Japan greater damage than the aethoi^e
of dealing with the situation.
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