Korean independence outbreak beginning March 1st 1919

([S.l. :  s.n.,  1920?])



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The G<>^'^-nment through responcible oificials have officially ex-
oMi-ci't^ the missionaries of complicity in the present-uprisin^. But
iZ  native press, a part of wh:.ch ..c-„^ ii a aomi-ofiicial o^P^cit^, con¬
tinues even after this official p.in-.o-ai-.oon.nt io print the most soan-
dulous and libellous .^ilatemen-cs ?:ev.i:C01i^6  th. loreisa misuioxiaries.
If sach statevuents were to t.ppra/- lu .. o^^i^-S one, oi tne loreign
countries fron which these vlf^ui cruris.:,  com-., J:-io papers and editors
would be held .responsible to the,v.-:ry .1 imit of 'iiie law, and the conse-
ou.incas would be most serious,.  Tl.c lifi 1gu3 ty attending foreigners'
se'-'-.a-inp- ju-stice against such : i?r,e,.lov.3  statements m this country, how-
eve:-, nas .-3ct any one from attempting to secure redress.  And the
fact f'-ax,  tno missionaries never resort to the law to correct suoh
an r-T-i:^ ^ay account for the erfrene boldness of some of the papers,
which lcab-,.l«3s have come to look unon the missionaries witn soom,
feoj.iii- cnct whatever may be said against them, no action 01 law Bill
be "ialien regarding it.

The following are a few of the many articles whioh have appeared
in the native press.

Prom Osaka Ashi for March 17th.


Outside the T/est Gate in Pyeng Yang there are some brick houses
and some built after the Korean stylo, sona hi,.:h and some low.  These are
ths homes of the foreicners. There are about 100 01 thea m all, ana^
they are Christian missionaries.  In the balmy apring, strains of music
can b- heard comin- from there- Outwardly tney aanifest love and mercy,
bu- if their minds are fully investigated, they are founa to_be filled
with iut--'-..''-ae and ert-^d. They pretend to be here for preaonmg, but they
are &^ore--;iY stirring -.-p political ditturbonoes, and foolishly keep
pas3:.ns on the vain talk o-f the Koreans, and thereby help to foster t^rou-
ble . T-Ciese are really the homes of devils.

?h.<5 head of the crowd is-----.  The Christiana of the place obey

h-'-i as they would Jesus himself,  din the 2'Jth year ot ^iy\^^  Cm (MeiOi;
fi-,-j,-5ri-.n was i'iven anyone to believe in any religion he -wished and at

■;.na; ti-3 ----- came to teach the Christian religion. He has been in

Py,. ■..■ ■^^:'^.,  -r-or Eore than 30 years and has boajht v:q  a great deal ot
l,-.-i:" ■i^'.Ls -c^&lly  the founder of the forsign oo^iinunity.  In this com-
p-r,i r' >--:<va.-,e cf hii effort there havo been est-iblished schools from
.^•;, ^--r.-.i-.. .-.-L-ar'-^."'. to the CoTle,-e and a hospital. Vihile they ere educa-
■L^i<r'tni^  ro-ean cbildren and healing their disoasr-s on the one hand,
ojj '^:ie c-ohe-' haiid there i.': concealed a clever shaaow, and even the Koreans
tvi--;il-v'e'- tali: of this. This is tho center of the present uprising.
T-; is not in Seoul, but in P^eng Yang,  It ie impossible to know if
tais statement ie ti-ae or false, but we feel certain that it is in Pyeng
Ya--g in the Church schools, - a certain Colle^iO and a certain ;;iris>
school,- in tho compound of these foreigners. Really this foreign
coiamunity is very vile."

Prom the Chosen Shimbun, March ISth.

"The disturbances at Joshin were instigated by a British mission¬
ary (name printed in full). The people are so incenseed against him
for stirring up this trouble that they aro bent upon killing him.

On llaroh 12th the same paper printed:

"The stirring up of the minds of the Koreans is the work of the
American missionaries. This uprising is their work.  In investigating
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