Korean independence outbreak beginning March 1st 1919

([S.l. :  s.n.,  1920?])



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S16                                                                                         '

demoaatrationa of ..^rj^spy-Jtiad. I looked and hoped for some esqpxosaioji
of iiuUgnwtio5rf«wn the Japanese-pao^le orgiwrting th^re, tnrt nothing    ''
}iBsv«xiBQ.;  no indignation meeting, ao miming protest^s in "the press, no   j
denunciation by any political party, no evidence of any kind of concern  i
for the welfare of the Koreans, for the maintenance of righteousness, or -■
for the honor of the Empire. I am reminded forcibly of what a friend
said to me at the time of the "Conspiracy Case": "The trouble with the   j
Japanese is that they lack the capacity for moral indignation at wrongs
done to others," It really seems so. The "capacity for BKjral indig-
nation'* is lacking, and hence it is a matter of no concern to the Japan*
ese, apparently, that unarmed Koreans are shot, bayonted, and burned by
men in the uniform of the Empire,

Do not the Japanese people see that such things inevitably affect
the world's judgment of them? An outrage by Japanese troops, if an is-
aiated case, promptly disowned and properly punished, would be readily
forgiven; but not -this apathy that gives itself no trouble to protest.
That becomes a measure of the national character, an index of the fitness
of the raoe to associate on equal terms with civilized mankind and to be
entanisted with the destiny of undeveloped peoples. It has been said that
in tho long run QVQxy people has the govdmment it deserves to have. It
may equally be said that in the long run every people has the kind of a
army it deserves to have. Those of us who loved and honored the Germany
of history strove for a long time to make a distinction between -th© Ger-
manjt people and the German military machine, but the attempt broke down
in the face of cimralative evidence that the nation approved the doings
of the army. The German army was what it was and did what it did because
the German people are what they are and love to have it sol Not in one
generation or in two will the world be able to look upon the German peo¬
ple with the old respect. The same road is open to the Japanese and
there is but too much reason to fear they are v/alking in it.

fhe same apathy was observed in connection with the Korean Conspiracy
Case, seven years ago. The facts were given to the public at the time
by The Japan Chronicle and The Japan Advertiser, euad it was ahofm that
that there was no foundation whatever for the charges that there had been
a conspiracy to assassinate the Governor-General. It was not, indeed,
a deliberate invention of the Japanese polioe, but was the product of
their incompetence on the one heuad and of ■their criminal disregard of the
rights of the accused on the other. One hundred and fifty men were arre¬
sted, 123 put on trial, and finally six men were convicted of a crime that
never took place except in the imagination of the police and law officers.
Nevertheless, in the course of the investigation, most of the prisoners
were tortured with fiendish cruelty, and were forced to confess to false¬
hoods. One or two men were done to death in prison, one or two more were
driven insane by their sufferings, and others were sent away with scarred
and broken bodies to their homes. The 'case excited lively interest all
over the world— except in Japan. Whoever were concerned over the fate
of the unhappy men thus unjustly treated, ■the Japanese were not. The
deliberate violation of law, the flaunting disregard of elementary justice,
and the callous contempt for the rights of humanity displayed by the auth¬
orities in Koroa in that memorable case excited in England and America,
but in Japan there waa no voice, nor any that regarded. General Terauohi,
upon whom rested the ultimate official responsibility, as it rests now
upon General Hasegawa, was made Prime Minister of Japan, and General
Akashi, who was directly responsible, as head of the gendarmerie, is now •
Governor-General of Formosa,

Here lies the serious moral failure of the Japanese people. Crimes
against humanity have been committed by the military of all ccuntries.
They atain the record of England and America as well as the records of
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