Wheatley, John, An essay on the theory of money and principles of commerce

(London :  Printed for T. Cadell and W. Davies, by W. Bulmer and Co.,  1807-1822.)



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Table of Contents

  Page xi  

CONTENTS.                                       xi


The familiar Habit of adverting more to Money than Moneys Worth   3 c
No Capital retained in a Mass of Money             f-               -                33

All the Specie existing in a Country appropriated to the Purposes of

Circulation               -               -                   -                   "34

ad. Principle,    An Increase of Currency not an Increase of Wealth    35
All Persons retain the same relative Position in Society under what¬
ever Increase               -                 -                 -                •                3^
A Nation just as rich with a Currency of Five Millions, as with a

Currency of Fifty            -               -                -               .                37

An Increase of Money has no other Eflfcct than to cause its own

Depression               -                 -                   -                  -                ib.

This Result sensibly experienced in the Reign of Elizabeth         -        38

Money the Efl^ect, not the Cause of Wealth             -               -            39

The Increase of Money no Stimulus to Industry                 -                4^

3d. Principle,    No one Nation can possess a greater relative Cur¬
rency than another              -               -               -                -             42
The same Exertions among Nations as among Individuals to main¬
tain the Uniformity of the Measure of Value            -            -           ib.
No particular Town or District can possess a greater relative Cur¬
rency than others                 -                 .                 _                 _              43
Exception from the Difficulty of Conveyance             -              -            44
The same Reason which prevents any particular Town or District
from possessing a greater relative Currency than another prevents
any one Nation from possessing a greater relative Currency thaa
another                -                _                .                .                «            ^^
Two Causes that operate to prevent a complete Equalization of
Prices,  the  Difficulty of  Intercourse, and Commercial  Prohi¬
bitions            -                 -                -                -                -                46
Spain decisive Evidence of the Impracticability of obstructing the

uniform Gravitation of Money to its Level            -              -            47

Average Pricejs pf Europe, by Mr. Arthur Young               -                 48

General Correspondence               -                   -                   -               49

Mr. Young's Testimony the more conclusive from his Disacquaint¬
ance with the Principles pf Circulation               -               -            50
High Prices no Criterion of Prosperity           .           *           -            51
The Testimony of Mr. Le M^itre, Mr, Kotzjebu^, and Mr. Weld,
confirms the Fact of a general Correspondence of Prices     -     5^j 53
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