Palmes, William, Life of Mrs. Dorothy Lawson of St. Anthony's near Newcastle-upon-Tyne in Northumberland

(Newcastle-upon-Tyne :  Imprinted by George Bouchier Richardson, at the sign of the River-god Tyne, Clayton-treet-west; printer to the Society of antiquaries, and to the Typographical society, both of Newcastle-upon-Tyne,  1851.)



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30                                ST. Antony's.

since this little sanctuary which shee built for a temple of
God, ^nd support or staff of her drooping age, is become
the rendezvous of war and miserys.

But the charity of her understanding admitted no such
vapours, nor was the seraphycall fire of her will consistent
with resolutions so dull and tepid ; and her faithful mem¬
ory represented species more noble and generous of God's
infallible promise: for the Father chastises the child most
he loves best, and happy are they that suffer persecution
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. They are her senti¬
ments, not my conception, and I deliver them in the very
words that fell from hef mouth.

These three crosses, one in the neck of another, resem¬
ble the messingers hastening to Job with semblable ty-
dings, and her patience his, who, what shee felt inwardly
is best known to herself, this I doe boldly afl&rm that
outwardly shee did no more than he, offend with her lips.
And whoever knew as I doe the sharpness of these thorny
aggrievances, and the infinite respects, equally mingl'd
with love and reverence wherewith shee regarded her
spirituall guide, might not amiss compair her sense in the
inferiour part, to a considerable martyrdom, and without
exageration pronounce her conformity to the superiour to
meritt a weighty poyze of eternall glory.


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